The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 400: Return to Beihai

After saying this, Mosel’s body immediately disappeared. It was the shave in the sixth form. Although it was not as good as Reinhardt, in the entire family, he was second only to Reinhardt in the skillful use of shave. Hart's people.

Moser majored in shaving and paper painting in the six styles. As a sniper, he did not put too much energy on the other four styles. Instead, he chose shaving and paper painting. Shaving is to strengthen the speed in the short and medium distances. , Paper painting is used to avoid attacks, very suitable for him.

Blatt majored in iron blocks and moon steps in the six forms. He is an ancient animal breeder with the ability of the fruit saber-toothed tiger. Due to the fruit ability, he did not put too much thought on shaving, but chose to strengthen his body. Strong iron blocks and moon steps that can run through the sky.

   Anubi majored in shaving and finger guns in the six styles. Anubi followed Reinhardt for a short time, and his physical skills were not as good as others. The main purpose of shaving and finger guns was to strengthen his attack power.

   So in the practice of shaving, in addition to Reinhardt, Mosel is the best.

   With Moselle's current strength, using the figure that disappeared instantly, even Ainilu, who was in the heart network ability, could not capture his movement trajectory.

In the next second, everyone suddenly felt a sharp aura pressing over, followed by three loud bangs, and the three companions of Ainilu seemed to be hit hard at the same time, and they could not hold back being hit. On the ground. Starting

Ainilu was very surprised. It turned out that Reinhardt’s words were not wrong. There are so many people in Qinghai who use the heart net. He can feel the power of Mosel, but what Mosel gave him is not [cannot] The feeling of victory is very different from the powerful feeling of [unresistible] that I felt from Reinhardt.

   So there is still the power to fight, but the gap between the two at this moment is so big that even the ability of the heart network can't be used.

   It seems that in the world of Qinghai outside, there are countless guys who have the ability to evade the heart net.

For the first time, Ainilu felt the size of the world and the vastness of the world. It turned out that the [infinite land] that I had been looking for was not in the distant sky, but underground, in the endless sea that Reinhardt said. The blue world formed by it.


At this time, Ainilu stunned subconsciously and felt a sonic boom blasting through the air. Before he could react, huge pain came from his face. At this moment, his eyes were almost bald. When he came out, the teeth in his mouth were instantly bounced, and then he vomited blood and flew out.

   Why didn't you avoid the punch just now?

   Ainilu lay on the ground and thought subconsciously, his own heart-net ability is obviously very proficient, even if Mosel also has the heart-net ability, why did he still hit him? Could this be the result of the overall strength gap...

"The strength is too weak, the speed is too slow, the combat experience is like a rookie, coupled with the arrogant character, and underestimate the enemy." Mosel walked to Ainilu and said coldly, "The distracted person in the battle , It is doomed to fail."

   Watching the scene where Anilu was lying on the ground and struggling to get up, Moselle continued: "Don't think that you have the ability of the heart network, and you will be able to avoid the enemy's attack."

   "You have a lot to learn."

Ainilu and his four companions fell silent upon hearing this. It is nothing to be able to beat Reinhardt, because Reinhardt gave them the feeling that they were invincible, but they did not expect to be so easily defeated by Reinhardt’s men. The crushed. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"do you understand?"

   Mosel yelled, and the five of them were shocked, and immediately replied: "Understood!"

"Starting from today, in addition to teaching you basic training every day, the five of you must set aside two hours a day to fight with me. Remember, I will not keep your hands because of your weakness. If one of you supports No, it will die in my hands."

   Mosel's tone was cold, and his eyes swept over the five people one by one, all of them were cold.

   What he said was exactly what Reinhardt confessed. He used all means to make Anilu's physical skills grow tremendously even if his life is in danger.

   Reinhardt explained everything for Mosel, and then talked to Ainilu alone for a long time before finally leaving the sky island.

   Mosel will stay on the sky island for at least a few years. Reinhardt also specifically confessed that he would go to Angel Island for a long time to check the situation, and asked him to be optimistic about the remains of the golden city of Sandora.

   Reinhardt returned from the sky island, and after a simple repair on Gaya Island, he returned to the North Sea.

   One day soon after, the North Sea, the day was like night, and the storm was howling.

   The sea is roaring, the waves are undulating, and the storm has covered the whole world. The black clouds in the sky are like they are about to press on the sea.

   A nearly ten-meter-long sailing ship broke through the sea and rushed directly into the distance. The white sails fluttered in the squally wind.

   At this time, with a bang, there was a huge shaking of the sailboat.

   "No good, it hit a reef, and the hull was flooded." The only crew member on the boat yelled in the storm. He dropped the rudder in his palm and hurriedly looked for repair tools to try to repair the water gap in the hull.

  At this time, there is a man standing on the He is looking around, and from time to time he draws his knife to resist the surging waves coming from all directions.

  The man standing on the deck is the Reinhardt returning from the Great Sea Route to the North Sea.

   After hearing the voice of the boatman, Reinhardt froze for a moment. He didn't expect such an accident to happen. At this time, he could clearly feel the continuous shaking of the ship, and it seemed that it might disintegrate in the next second.

   "Can it be repaired?" Reinhardt immediately turned around and walked towards the cabin, seeing that a large amount of seawater had poured into the cabin.

The only sailor on the ship was Navigator Weiss. He returned to the North Sea with Mestre and his party before, but under the order of Reinhardt, he led Mosel and others to Gaya Island. This time, he returned to the North Sea with Reinhardt. I didn't expect that shortly after returning to the North Sea, I encountered a super storm and ran into the reef.

"It can't be repaired, the water has overflowed the hull." Weiss said after seeing Reinhardt walk in. He dropped the repair tools in his hand and was about to run towards the cabin inside, but suddenly stopped again, regretting it. Yelled: "Oops, I didn't carry a spare ship."

   "It's dead this time, it's dead." Weiss began to exclaim.

   "Abandon the ship."

   Reinhardt watched the sea gradually overflowing and gave the order to abandon the ship.

   "There is no spare ship, we are going to be buried in the sea." Weiss shivered at this moment, facing the upcoming sinking, and said in horror: "I know that sailing in the sea every day, one day I will really be buried in the sea."


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