The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 405: Extraordinary Scientist/War Beast Nation Daphis

If you fall into the sea in that situation, will there be any rescue?

This is the true thought in Captain Bell's mind, so the height is directly on the surface of the sea, it is estimated that the body can't bear it at all...

So Captain Bell heard a roaring impact, and Long's huge body fell directly on the sea. The surrounding waves were undulating, and the water spray exploded from the sea. After the bang, Long's body had completely fallen into the sea.

Seeing this, Captain Bell immediately shouted at the pirate under his hand: "Go and save Mr. Long."

He is still conscientious, and Mr. Ferron has not been in vain. Although he has not known each other for a long time, he still has the "morality" of pirates.

But before the voice of Captain Bell fell, there was another rumbling on the sea surface, and then the sea surface began to vibrate regularly like undulating mountains. After that, the sea level rose and the waves rolled up, as if The tsunami is coming.

Just when everyone was extremely surprised, a giant golden shadow burst out of the waves, and the white electric current on his body was like a dancing white dragon, rushing towards the sky with crackling electric sparks.

Obviously, Long’s Thunderball thruster is equipped with a waterproof device, and it was taken up to the sky by the thruster. In addition to Long’s huge body, there is also a huge water stream, like a long dragon flowing out of water, moving towards Rheinhardt. Past.

Long obviously will not fail so easily. As a powerful war beast nation, he not only has the advantage of race, but also can use powerful technology to arm himself. Now his strength is the fighting talent of the fur race plus his own technology. consist of.

The moment the long stream of water rushed towards Reinhardt, Reinhardt rushed straight away on the moonwalk. Before approaching the current, he raised a knife, and the water dragon was split into two instantly, and the tsunami below was quenched in an instant. Come down.

Long was not surprised when he saw this scene. When Reinhardt showed it just now, Long knew that this kind of water couldn't hurt him at all. Only by relying on the stun gun and thunder pill in his hands could he defeat the opponent.

Long adjusted the stun gun in his hand again, and three sharp thorns suddenly popped out from the position where the gun barrel was interrupted. After the electric current flashed from the thorn thorn, it began to rotate around the gun barrel.

This is an external electric device that strengthens the power of the stun gun. With this device, his stun gun has strong power energy.

Reinhardt stepped on the moon step and jumped to Ryu's body, and then swung the knife. After a bang, the blade and the stun gun collided together, causing a huge spark, but Ryu was not completely affected by it. Rout, because the three spinners on the barrel of the gun brought him inexhaustible power.

Long adjusted his body in the air, and continued to rush towards Reinhardt with his gun. The two fought head-on in the sky, and there were constant banging metal crashing sounds.

Reinhardt paused in the sky after avoiding Long’s laser beams. He did not expect that this guy was much stronger than he thought. Among the family members, except for himself, it is estimated that only Brahman Especially, Meister can beat him.

The fur clan’s powerful combat talent, coupled with the ever-changing technological devices, and the racial characteristics of the fur clan’s ability to continuously produce electricity, have made him powerful.

He is a powerful combat member and a scientist. From any aspect, he is an urgently needed talent for the Reinhardt Working Society.

However, in the course of constant battles, Reinhardt had basically figured out Long's fighting methods and routines, and then it was time to tell the winner.

"I have to say, you are really much stronger than I thought, Daphis Long." Reinhardt said slowly. Now he can fully confirm that the monkey-like guy in front of him is himself. Scientists who have been searching for several years.

Long was very surprised. He didn't expect that he could call out his name directly. Although he was once a scientific assistant to Vinsmok Gage, the leader of the Germa 66 family, his reputation was not prominent, and not many people knew him. The existence of, but why the guy in front of him is so clear, it seems that he has known it a long time ago.

"You...know me?" Long frowned and said in a very puzzled manner. He didn't want to ask, but he couldn't help his curiosity. This was a stranger who could make Bell Pirates. Is the guy so scared of the captain really a big figure who has just emerged in Beihai?

"Of course I know." Reinhardt laughed: "I have been looking for you for a long time. I didn't expect to meet by chance. The world is really a coincidence."

It can be said that the flowers will not bloom deliberately, and the willow will be unintentionally planted.

"You're looking for me... what's the matter?" Long paused for a while after listening, before continuing to look at Reinhardt with a puzzled look. He didn't understand why this guy was looking for himself.

"Of course I invite you to join the Reinhardt Work Reinhardt directly stated his purpose.

Long was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect the young man in front of him to be so simple, but as Vinsmok Gage's assistant, how could he join other people's families casually? Besides, he left Vinsmok Gaj. Governance is to seek his own scientific research path, how could he be constrained by family forces again?

After thinking for a while, Long sneered again: "Young man, I don't want to join your job club."

At this time, Captain Bell, who was lying on the deck, was very surprised. He did not expect that the Black Duke Reinhardt would throw an olive branch to Mr. Long when he met. The status of a member of the Reinhardt Working Society is the existence that everyone in the North Sea yearns for. , But Mr. Long also directly refused.

"Don't be anxious to refuse." Reinhardt smiled indifferently: "As a scientist, and used to be Vinsmok Gage's scientific assistant, I believe that with me, there will be things that interest you more. "

"It turns out that you all know that I am Kage's assistant." Long replied after a moment of silence. He didn't know what the young man in front of him was planning, but he was able to check his true identity thoroughly. The name can make Captain Bell creep on the ground in fright. It seems that the forces in the North Sea are extraordinary.

However, he used to be Jiazhi's assistant, and he would not be surprised if he had never seen him in the world.

"I am sincerely inviting."

"But I don't want to." Rumbled, "Our battle is not over yet."

After speaking, Long's body rushed over again. The current on the stun gun seemed to be endless. The stun gun pierced directly and the current was extremely fierce, but when he rushed in front of Reinhardt, he suddenly found that the other person's figure was It disappeared without a trace again.


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