The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 408: New era

"I'll take a trip with you to see what's magical about the steam you mentioned." Daficius said slowly. He is no stranger to things like steam, which are very common in daily life. It has not discovered the potential for steam to be independently developed as a technology.

   But lightning is different. Like fire and light, lightning is a gift from nature and a powerful energy.

"Then these people please be merciful to your men. When I first returned to the North Sea, the sailboat was destroyed by the tsunami. They carried me for a long time. This morality still has to be repaid." After thinking about it, Da Fecis raised his fingers and said to a group of pirates on the nail plate.

   Speaking of it, the reason for fighting Reinhardt from the very beginning was to give the people of the Bell Pirates a head.

   Da Fesis has no prejudice against the pirates, because he knows that there are also moral knights among the pirates. It is Da Fesis's principle not to generalize.

   "When did I say that I would hurt them?" Reinhardt smiled and said, "Although I cooperated with the navy in the North Sea and wiped out many pirates, it doesn't mean that I will be wiped out when I see the pirates."

   Having said that, Reinhardt turned his head and looked at Captain Bell: "You are their head, right?"

   "I... I am the captain of the Bell Pirates, and I offended Lord Duke." Captain Bell said tremblingly.

"Take off the Pirate Flag, and change the course to the waters of Katan Island." Reinhardt said softly. After hearing this, Captain Bell nodded immediately, and then ordered to the crew around him. After a while, he looked like a black skeleton. The pirate flag was put away, and the course of the sailboat began to turn.

   "Don't be a pirate in the future. Be a transport merchant in the waters of Katan Island, otherwise I will meet you in the North Sea sooner or later."

"Yes, it's the Lord Duke." Captain Bell breathed slowly. It was not his intention to be a pirate. If he could survive at a certain point under the Reinhardt, it would be much safer than being a pirate. .

   Reinhardt suddenly lay down on the ground, his physical strength finally reached its limit.

   Daphis and Captain Bell were a little surprised, but after Weiss told them, they knew that there was nothing serious, but they would recover after a sleep.

   The sea is calm, seagulls fly by, and a golden sunset is printed on the sea level, and a sailing boat is moving slowly.

In the cabin, Reinhardt slowly opened his eyes. The light was a little dazzling, which made his spirit a little trance. However, after thinking for a while, he hung the two weapons on his left waist again and walked out of the cabin slowly. .

The air on the deck is very good, there is a clear and clear after the heavy rain, the pirates of the bell pirate ship are busy everywhere, Weiss is following Reinhardt, and Daphis Long is also standing on the deck. , Looking around.

  He slept for three days and three nights before waking up. However, due to a long time without eating, his physical strength has not been fully recovered, but the spirit seems much more energetic.

   "It turns out that Beihai is about to enter the era of Ru rule."

After Reinhardt walked over, Daficius turned his head and glanced at him, then said softly, his voice seemed to be a little bit of exclamation and surprise. In the past three days, Daficius had passed the Captain Bell’s mouth. Knowing what Reinhardt has done in the past few years, I didn't expect such a young man to have the power to rule the North Sea.

   This has to be surprising. To rule the North Sea is Kage’s greatest desire in life. If the young man in front of him completes it, won’t Kage go crazy? No, with Kage’s character, he will definitely come to crusade him.

   There is a good show in Beihai in the future.

   "You are wrong." Reinhardt smiled and shook his head, "I don't want to rule the North Sea, but let the North Sea enter a new era. It's not so much rule, but management."

This sentence made Daficius slightly stunned. The word [rule] has always been accompanied by oppression and exploitation. Without the oppression of powerful force, there would be no rule. Just as the Jerma 66 family used force to rule. For Beihai, it is for this reason that in the eyes of everyone in Beihai, the Jerma 66 family will become a taboo evil.

   But Reinhardt just said it was management, he didn't believe it.

   "A brand new era?" Daphis was taken aback and said.

"The nobles are aloof, the pirates wantonly plunder, the navy does nothing, there is also the collusion and extortion of the gangsters, the greed of the merchants, and the brutality of the world government. These are the status quo of the entire world. Bloody reality."

   Reinhardt did not answer him directly, but whispered the cruel side of the world.

   "This sea is too chaotic, and it is the tens of thousands of civilians who suffer in the end."

   "So you want to change all of this?" Daphis was shocked, but still couldn't believe it.

"Yes, I want to change all of this. I am from Beihai, and all these changes started in Beihai." Reinhardt said slowly, although it is still very far away from this goal, even if Beihai is completely included in the scope of his own management. Inside, wanting to change all of this is definitely not a matter of three or five years.

"I want to change this situation, so that the civilians will not be frightened day and night, or let them suffer the cruelty and oppression of the, nor will the pirates wantonly enter their homes and plunder, no Let the gangsters fight lawlessly, let alone those greedy businessmen who want to play with money and wealth at will."

   After Reinhardt finished speaking, Daficius was very shocked. This remark, this ambition, no one had ever said this before among the people he had met. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   What kind of temperament, what kind of mind, what kind of morality is this?

   "What did you say is true?" Daphis asked in surprise. Starting

   "I was doing it a long time ago." Seeing his incredulous gaze, Reinhardt continued to smile and said, "If you don't believe it, it will be clear if you live on my island for a while."

   That's true, no matter how much I said, it's better to experience it myself.

Daficius himself is a scientist with a chivalrous heart. The main reason for leaving Vinsmok Gaj is that he is extremely incompatible with Gaj’s ideas and behaviors. Everyone he recognizes must be chivalrous. People.

   The sailing boat continued to sail, and gradually approached the waters of Katan Island in a few days. The outline of the distant island gradually became clear. The golden brilliance sprinkled on the high-rise buildings of Clock Harbor, the transparent light flickered, and the clock tower in the distance became clear.

   After approaching the Port of Clock, Daphis was extremely surprised and sighed: "Is this the Katan Island you are talking about? It turned out to be

   Such a bustling city. "

   "He is the port of Clock, the facade of Katan Island." Reinhardt smiled slightly.


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