The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 411: Hongmen Banquet

   "I understand that big brother, I will re-arrange the guard work of the kingdom with Bender, and any suspicious person, I will let him taste waterboarding."

  Blatt’s eyes were full of coldness. In the past three years, there were no one hundred or eighty suspects tortured to death by him.

Roentgen listened quietly without interjecting. After being away from the family for more than three years, he did not know much about the specific situation of the family. Although he knew that several new members had been added to the family, Reinhardt obviously did not He meant to introduce new members.

   Roentgen can understand Reinhardt's meaning, obviously he does not want more people to know his true identity, even the core members of the family are no exception.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   For Roentgen, this is not only a kind of protection, but also a kind of prevention.

It has been a while since Roentgen returned to the North Sea from the naval school, and he has fully understood the development of Katan Island. Seeing that the power of the family is expanding faster and faster, and the territory is getting bigger and bigger, he also has some concerns in his heart. In accordance with this situation, in accordance with Reinhardt's ambitions and future plans, sooner or later there will be conflicts with the navy.

   "Tell me about your three years in the Naval Academy." At this time, Reinhardt smiled slightly and asked Roentgen.

   Roentgen nodded, and then began to talk about a series of things that happened in the Naval Academy. From the beginning of entering the Naval Academy, the three years of experience have been explained in detail.

   The three of them were drinking and chatting. The office was filled with food and drinks. They seemed to have returned to the happy and unrestrained time that year.

   Late at night, Roentgen left the brewing factory quietly.

The next day, Reinhardt woke up with a drowsy mind. He made a brief inspection of the factory. The scale of the factory is now fully mature. All the white heroes in the world come from this factory, and go from the port every day. There are no fewer than hundreds of merchant ships entering and leaving.

After Murloc Tom joined, the sea train construction plan has officially started. For this reason, Blatter called all the construction workers, designers and talents in Katan Island to start the preparatory work to build the sea train. The first batch of funds invested has also been temporarily raised.

In order for Tom Murloc to be more involved in the state, Blatter temporarily let the owner of the workshop be dispatched by Tom Murloc. The members of the workshop are elites from all walks of life, and some of them are in the construction plan of the sea train Can be used.

Meester is temporarily arranged to exist as the bodyguard of Tom Murloc, especially in the construction of sea trains on the Great Sea Route, and will inevitably encounter many pirates. In order to prevent Tom Murloc from encountering any crisis, let Mei who was once a gold medal killer in the dark world It's obviously very appropriate for St to protect him.

As for Daphasis Long, he is not a member of the family for the time being, so he is temporarily allowed to move freely on Katan Island. As for Daphasis Long’s specific ideas, Reinhardt did not care too much. After finding Daphasis, Daphasis was silent for a long time after demonstrating the principle of steam specially for him.

   In the end, Daficius did not immediately agree to Reinhardt's invitation, but his attitude was much better. Reinhart was confident that Daficius would definitely accept his invitation in the near future.

   This scientist, Reinhardt is unlikely to let go.

After more than ten days of handling Reinhardt’s personal property, he returned to the King’s Hall. The undercurrents in the kingdom were mostly washed away in **** blood. But Reinhardt knew very well in his heart. So far, within the kingdom, there are still a group of nobles who are always ready to assassinate themselves.

   But he is not worried about this situation, because everything is under his control. The current top priority is to initiate further plans to rule the North Sea.

  The first step of the plan is to wipe out the Mafia organization that has become the only Mafia organization in Beihai. No, it should be called subversion.

   An island in the North Sea at this time.

   A huge sailing boat braved the wind and waves. After approaching the port, the people on the sailing boat boarded the island.

Starting from the port, there are a large number of Mafia members scattered on the island. They have weapons in their hands. After seeing the people on the sailing boats land on the island, they look a little strange, but they are more nervous, as if something big is about to happen. .

The Mafia members headed by    whispered a few words towards their companions, and then those Mafia members gripped their weapons tighter.

   The sailboat that entered the island was the soldiers led by Reinhardt. The secret whispers of the Mafia members naturally couldn't escape his powerful and domineering capture, so after a low laugh, he also had a plan in his heart.

   Reinhardt was followed by Anubi, a core member of the family, besides that, there were only more than twenty soldiers brought from Katan Island.

This island was the base of the former Mafia organization [Decibels]. Since the decibels were wiped out by Reinhardt and [Malin], it has become the base of Merlin. Reinhardt came to this island today. It was the invitation of the leader of Melin Elonkova. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   This time I came to the headquarters of Reinhardt only took Anubi, and the other family members could not get away for the time being.

It takes only ten minutes from the port to the headquarters building in Merlin. Under the guidance of the Mafia members, Reinhardt saw a building in front of him. After entering the building, Reinhardt looked around, the buildings were still distributed. A large number of Mafia guards, with guns in their hands, looked extremely nervous after seeing Reinhardt.

After arriving at the agreed place, Reinhardt and Anubi entered the room. The room was huge, with dozens of Mafia members standing. However, these Mafia members seemed to be quite different from those outside. .

   There is a hollow feeling in the eyes of these people, and no one has any emotions.

   "Welcome, my old friend Duke Reinhardt." Elonkova walked over with a few of his men, "It's been a long time since I saw you."

   Elon Kovaha laughed.

   "Congratulations. From today, you are the first person in the North Sea Mafia world." Reinhardt smiled. Today is the day to celebrate after Merlin seized and took over the decibels, the turf and business of the reef.

   "I should thank you, my friend." Elon Kova continued to laugh, and then led Reinhardt to the celebration table. "Without you, I don't think this would be done so easily."

In the process of Merlin's capture of the decibels and the reef, Elon Kowa felt so relaxed. Although the decibels resisted for a long time, the final outcome is still the decibel and the reef, the two mafia organizations that have existed for many years. Destroyed.


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