The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 468: 4 big beasts

On the other side, on the red-haired pirate ship, the crew of the red-haired pirate group naturally found the ghost cow pirate group on the opposite side for the first time. Under the numerous artillery salvos, the red-haired pirate ship speeded up its voyage. Speed, but in the intensive artillery fire, the Reid Firth was still embarrassed. Although the Reid Firth used artillery to counterattack at the first time, it was compared with the large number of guns installed on the other five pirate ships. , Obviously their firepower here is far inferior, but because the members of the Red-haired Pirate Group are very powerful, it is impossible for the artillery to harm them, but the speed of the sailing boat has slowed down.

"Pay attention to the help of the Evil Spirit Pirate Group and the Blood Diamond Pirate Group."

Ben Beckman said after standing on the deck and watching for a moment.

"Head, do you want to fight with them here?" Laki Lu, who was still gnawing at the meat stick, said with a smile. He grabbed a flying artillery and threw it towards the opposing pirate group.

"No, go to the seas we are familiar with first." Hong-haired Shanks smiled and shook his head. He never did, watching the flying cannonballs flying past him.

"We have carefully prepared a big gift for those three guys." Beckman said calmly, "After this war, the structure of the new world will be rewritten."

Looking at the sea with constant artillery in the distance, the Guiniu Pirates Group was always unwilling to press all of them to fight it head-on. Beckman sneered in his heart. It seems that even the alliance of the Three Big Pirates cannot be iron. A piece of the barrel, and now that the ghost cow is doing this, it is obviously also against evil spirits and the blood diamond pirate group.

However, with a temperamental character like Gui Niu, he could really resist the desire to do it.

As a result, the two parties stood in a stalemate in such a fierce "battle". Under Beckman's suggestion, they slowed down the speed in order to attract the ghost cow pirate group to pursue it.

A few days later, the two parties have completely entered the sea area of ​​the new world Aureibal Star Islands.

The red-haired pirate ship was docked at one of the island ports. The surroundings were calm and there were no people. After half a day, the five black giant ships were slowly pressing on the territory.

For the red-haired pirate group, which basically does not rely on fruit ability to fight, although naval warfare has huge advantages, it also has great disadvantages, because most members do not have the ability of air combat, and it is difficult to make a strong His strength was fully utilized, so he finally stopped on this island.

The most important point is that the red-haired pirates no longer choose to avoid, but to have a final battle with the three large pirates on this island. If the ghost cow pirates can withstand their irritable temperament, they will never If you are willing to be close to the port and wait for the other two large pirate groups to rush to help, then the three large pirate groups will press together. For the red-haired pirate group, there may be really a lot of pressure.

However, this kind of pressure is nothing at all for the red hair who has followed Roger to Lovedrew a long time ago. Every member of the group is confident that they can defeat the joint force of the Three Great Pirates head-on.

So whether it’s the redhead or Ben Beckman, or Laki Lu, **** Bu, and other people, they don’t care whether the opponent is single-handed or attacking in groups. No matter how many people come, the Red-Haired Pirates will all. Engage in battle.

The war is about to start.

At this time, on the black main ship of the Guiniu Pirate Group.

"Captain Thaddeus, don't move forward. Just wait here for the Evil Spirit Pirates and the Blood Diamond Pirates. They will be here soon." The navigator beside Thaddeus said.

Thaddeus snorted, and a burst of red flame spurted out of his nose.

"I have been teased by the red-haired **** for seven or eight days, and this time I must go to the island personally to defeat him." Thaddeus obviously didn't care. His angry mood had affected his basic judgment. This is him. A major defect of the Devil Fruits eaten is also an advantage. The more anger from the bottom of the heart, the strength will increase crazily, but the same will also affect thinking and wisdom.

Thaddeus ignited an angry flame all over his body, and a layer of red gas was wrapped around the flame, mixed together, covering Thaddeus' huge body.

"Go all the way, land on the island and fight!"

Gui Niu let out a huge roar, and then all the pirates began to cheer excitedly.

"Follow me to defeat the Redhead Pirates."

The roar continued, and the five huge black ships finally approached the island one by one, and the turbulent group of pirates charged up.

"The war...began!"

After this louder roar, the four captains of the Guiniu Pirate Group also transformed into different types of beasts and rushed to the island with all their strength.

After seeing this scene, the navigator on the black main ship knew that he could no longer stop it, so he reluctantly shook his head and sat on the deck quietly observing all this.

He knows that today’s first war with the Red-haired Pirates will have a huge impact on the future of the new world, and the impetuous Thaddeus boss may not be the final one. Winner.

Although Thaddeus's personal strength is very strong, he did not have a calm mind. Although he has been valued by Thaddeus in the past ten years, he has no strong strength as a foundation after all. The right to speak at critical moments is not not tall.

Although the number of Guiniu Pirates is much larger than that of the Red-haired Pirates, it is not the weak pirates that determine the outcome of the battle.

The four captains of the Guiniu Pirate Group ate all animal devil fruits. The first time they landed on the island, they turned into four huge beasts and ran wildly. The one running at the front was a huge tiger, covered in yellow. The hair appeared very vigorous, and the tiger's mouth issued a fierce roar. The limbs were strong and strong, and the speed was very fast.

He is the captain of the first fleet of the Guiniu Pirate Group. He is a powerful pirate with the title of Tiger. He has a bounty of 480 million Baileys. What he eats is the devil fruit in the form of animal cats and cats. It is also two-color. Domineering user, the strength of the Guiniu Pirate Group is second only to [Ghost] Thaddeus.

Immediately behind the tiger was a huge lion nearly three meters high. The lion’s hair shone with brown luster. He was the captain of the second fleet of the Ghost Cow Pirates and had the title of mad lion. He ate animal cats. Cat fruit, mad lion form, devil fruit, is also a two-color domineering user, and the fighting strength of the ghost cow pirate group is close to that of the tiger.

Bang, bang, bang... the earth rumbling as a horseshoe-like vibrating sound, in addition to a tiger and a lion, there are two beasts, one black and one hundred beasts, one is a white cheetah with numerous patterns and spots on the body, and the other is just For black bears with pure black hair, cheetahs are much faster than black bears.

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