Reinhardt was about to talk, but the phone worm next to him rang. Reinhardt connected to the phone worm and listened to the family members in the phone worm reporting the situation. After a while, he was thoughtful. Nodded, and then hung up the phone worm.

"What is your purpose?" Reinhardt stayed silent after hanging up the phone bug. Fiona was a little confused. She put down the Shijingbao and then asked.

She didn't understand why Reinhardt was so interested in the war in the distant new world. Not only did she pay attention to it all the time, but she also tried every means to migrate her business to the new world.

After hearing her question, Reinhardt paused for a while, then smiled and said, "Are you asking about the current goal or the ultimate goal?"

"Is there a difference?" Fiona was also stunned, not understanding the meaning of his words.

"Of course there is." Reinhardt said softly, "If we talk about the purpose at this stage, then it is to get the last invitation from the world government's Qiwuhai as soon as possible and enter the new world."

"New world..." Fiona was taken aback before Reinhardt continued. She was obviously a little surprised, "Are you going to give up Polkaria?"

She didn't believe that the new kingdom that Reinhardt spent so much energy and time building would be so easily abandoned, especially since Polkalia is currently a member of the world government and has a pivotal position in the North Sea.

Reinhardt looked at her with a smile: "You shouldn't be happy when I give up Polkalia?"

"Of course I am happy," Fiona said softly, but she fell silent suddenly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Seeing Fiona’s continued silence, Reinhardt slowly spoke again: “In fact, Polkalia belongs to your country. I just use it as a foundation to develop my own power. When my power is truly formed, It will give up part of Polkaria's control, and then the country will return to its original owner."

On the one hand, he didn't want to be bound by a world government in the North Sea to join the kingdom. On the other hand, he didn't want to one day, because of Reinhardt's reasons, Polkalia would be ordered by the Navy headquarters to kill the magic.

Although he said so, he would not completely give up control of Beihai and even Polkalia. After all, this is his future logistics base, and his business is here.

So he will leave a few family members to help him continue to manage the situation in the North Sea, but most of his energy is drawn away from the North Sea, and his focus is shifted to the new world, preparing for future hegemony plans.

The most important point is to let the world government know that he is no longer a member of Polkalia. Even if he makes a big disturbance in the future, the world government will not find a reason to launch a killing order against Polkalia.

After hearing this, Fiona nodded lightly and looked at Reinhardt's gaze. She had no other thoughts. The man in front of him has always done everything without leaking. I believe he must have a good reason for doing this. But I don't know why, there is always a faint feeling of reluctance in her heart.

Fiona sighed slightly: "That's it... But once you leave, even more changes will happen to the entire Polkalia."

"Even now, in Polkalia, or even the entire North Sea, I don't know how many undercurrents are still surging."

Fiona is not Fiona. She has a clearer view of all the undercurrents. Since Reinhardt stayed in Polkalia, the nobles have never given up on assassinating Reinhardt and tried to bring Polkari back to life. Ya's authority was snatched back.

It’s just that, because of Reinhardt’s **** and cruel suppression methods, after a large number of undercurrents were killed, they all hid in the dark. If he leaves, those guys will definitely come out again, and they may be united. Other nobles in the North Sea who were suppressed by Reinhardt using the same method.

These are her biggest worries.

"I know." Hearing this, Reinhardt nodded calmly, but stared at Fiona for a while, then said in an extremely plain tone: "Who is making suggestions for this group of people? I know who is strengthening the confidence for this group of people and who is the leader of this group of people."

"...Then why you haven't done it, it's not like your style." Fiona was puzzled again. With her knowledge of Reinhardt, after knowing the details of these people, there is no reason to let it go. Regardless, Reinhardt would never stop unless it was the **** tactics of Thunder.

Reinhardt was inexplicably silent for a long time, and finally looked at her and said, "What if there is someone you care more about among these people?"

Fiona was taken aback for a moment, and then she rolled her eyes like a jewel-like crystal, and she had an answer in her heart. She is a smart and her mind is clear and her IQ is not low. After Hart reminded him a little bit, he immediately understood.

Was his reminder an unintentional act, or did he give himself a choice?

She didn't think it was the former. In Reinhardt's style, if she didn't want to reveal the slightest information, it was absolutely impossible to say this to herself.

Suddenly, there was a chill in Fiona's heart. Although what he said just now was in the calmest tone, there was a warning in it, and there was also a hint of cold killing intent.

Obviously, he has lost his last patience with the group of nobles who have been upset again.

"I understand, I know how to deal with it." Fiona nodded solemnly, an unprecedented anger emerged in her heart, an indisputable feeling.

"Hehe... If you really can't handle it, it doesn't matter, I will help you clean up all these undercurrents before leaving Beihai."

Reinhardt continued to laugh, "I always like to clean up the trash."

Fiona nodded blankly. After a while, she said again: "Going to the new world should be your plan long, long ago."

She has seen all the changes in Polkalia in the past six years. Although it is said that the king of Polkalia is her, she is very clear in her heart that if there is no Reinhardt, Polkalia cannot develop so much. The scale of, let alone occupy such a strong position in the North Sea waters.

No one can compare his influence on Polkalia. Even the King of Mainz who established Polkalia more than sixty years ago cannot be compared with it.

Although he is not the king of Polkaria, he is the only king in the hearts of the people of the Kingdom of Polkaria!

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