The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 476: The war heats up

After Shanks saw this scene in the sky, his expression became tense. He had fought with evil spirits many times, and he knew in his heart how powerful this guy's fruit ability was. It takes a lot to defeat the evil spirits even if it is one-on-one. For a long time, let alone now there is a [Blood Diamond] Diamond Lance who may not be weaker than him.

Thinking of this, a majestic force emerged from the right hand of the red hair, shaking back the evil spirits and blood diamonds. At the same time as the shaking back, his thin body immediately retreated, and then the Western sword in his hand was raised high, ready to meet this. The huge skull.

His Western sword seemed to burst out with a burst of bright light, the light blinked like an illusion, but at this moment, the two seemed to hear a cry that penetrated into the soul at the same time, like the chirping of some kind of bird. It was also like the roar of some wild beast on the grassland.

In an instant, the white airflow, centered on the red hair, spread in all directions.

round! ! !

After the silence, it shook soaring to the sky, black clouds rolled like tides, and the sound of neighing like a slanting moon straight into the night, with a stunning white light, ran over the huge skull in the sky.

The skull composed of white air currents began to sway, and it didn't last long in front of this majestic wave of air, before it began to rout and disappear.

However, the [Yuan] who danced out of the red play did not stop there, but with the aura of crushing everything, it continued to sway the bodies of [Evil Spirit] and [Blood Diamond], as well as most of the men behind them.

This was a blow to stop the waves, the sword's tip whirled, and the white gas dazzled, directly shocking the entire star island, and suddenly the rocks on the ground were shattered, and a large number of pirates died.

Two puffs.

After [Evil Spirit] and [Blood Diamond] received this blow, their bodies suddenly surged with blood, and their chests were as if they were hit hard by a sledge hammer. They couldn't stand it anymore, and each spit out a mouthful of blood.

After this, the screams rang out continuously.

The dim sky lost its original darkness, and after the black clouds dissipated, sunlight was projected from the distant universe, shining on the western sword in the red-haired hand with a gleaming golden color.

At this time, the light on the blade is no longer an illusion, but a true reflection of sunlight.

His western sword, ranked among the top twelve sharp knives, finally showed its fangs.

"I won't kill you, not because I can't kill you." The red-haired Shanks pulled the western sword in his hand, and then looked at the [evil spirit] in the distance, his whole body exuding an extremely domineering aura, his eyes With a fierce killing intent, "I don't kill you because I don't want [Griffin] to easily get the blood of a dirty guy like you."

"Bastard **** bastard!" Hearing this, [Evil Spirit] immediately fell into extreme anger. He was never afraid of failure or death in his life, but he could not accept the merciless contempt of others.

"You look down on me, I will make you pay today!"

He said sullenly, after falling into anger, he seemed to lose his mind and was about to rush up with the sword, but he was reminded by the [Blood Diamond] beside him.

"[Evil spirit], don't be irritated by this guy." The huge body of the blood diamond stood beside the evil spirit, and bowed his head towards him. The two knives in his hands leaned against each other, suddenly making a huge metal crash. Then he scanned the red hair with cruel eyes, and then said: "That guy is going to irritate you and make you lose your mind, so that he can have a chance."

Although he is huge, he also has an extraordinary IQ.

After the blood diamond's reminder, the evil spirit finally calmed down, but as he said, the purpose of the red hair was to completely lose his composure, so that he could have a chance in this battle.

"With the combined strength of the two of us, the redheads have no chance to win this fight."

The blood diamond continued: "So, keep your usual calm, as long as we don't make low-level mistakes, there is no reason why this war will be lost."

Although they have been fighting with the Red-haired Pirates for several days, so far, the Red-haired Pirates can still resist tenaciously, but even so, but from the scene, the resistance of the Red-haired Pirates has gradually been gradually Weak down.

So far, Thaddeus, the ghost cow, is still fighting with Ben Beckman, and there is no sign of stopping. Both sides are not disturbed by the past, and don't know if they believe him or if they have other ideas.

"I understand!" The evil spirit took a deep breath, then nodded gently.

"Now that you understand, don't give this guy a chance to breathe. Beat the redhead as soon as possible so that we can free up our hands to help Thaddeus defeat Ben Beckman."

"As long as the Redhead and Ben Beckman are defeated, the defeat of the Redhead Pirates is set."

"Okay, come on, this time I will use my best ~ to use the strength of birth-to-death struggle."

The words of the evil spirit just fell, and the body carrying the majestic [Spirit] rushed over like a cannonball, and the double knives set up by the blood diamonds also swung fiercely towards the red hair in the distance, a giant slash that was more than forty meters long. Flying over.

"Beat that **** with all your strength!"

After the slash and swing, the blood diamonds slashed like wings, and the height of nearly eight meters rushed over at the same time.

Obviously, for a strong man of their level, the heavy damage just now will not reduce too much combat power in a short period of time, and the three of them are also very clear that the battle cannot be ended in a short time, at least Within a few days, whoever can't support it first will fail, and the blood diamond and evil spirits have a two-to-one advantage, and the red-haired physical strength must be consumed faster.

In the battlefield other than red hair, blood diamonds, and evil spirits, Laki Lu confronted the four great puppet spirits of the evil spirit pirate group. The puppet spirits are powerful undead creatures, and there is no limitation of pain and physical strength. Therefore, it must be crushed with absolute power to be able to kill it completely. Among the remaining members of the Red-haired Pirate Group, Laki Lu is obviously the most suitable.

At this time, **** was fighting alone with the three main commanders of the Blood Diamond Pirates. Although there was a lot of pressure, the strength of the single commander of the Blood Diamond Pirates was related to the four puppet spirits and the six color knights of the Evil Spirit Pirates. The strengths are almost the same, but in comparison, there are ten members of the evil spirit pirate group of the same level of power.

This is also the reason why the Evil Spirit Pirate Group is the strongest Pirate Group in the Pirate League. Each of his ten subordinates is strong enough.

On the side of the Red-Haired Pirates, in addition to Laki Lu and **** cloth, there is also a man with long hair **** and a scar on his left forehead. He confronts one of the six color knights of the Evil Pirates. Red knight and white knight.

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