The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 533: Clear list

Reinhardt's stern eyes were as sharp as a knife, and the ministers in the hall did not dare to breathe. They all knew that the Black Duke Reinhardt was a moody person and might kill people in the hall at will.


Reinhardt's eyes rested on one of the young noble ministers.

After hearing this call, Holt immediately stood up, and then respectfully bowed to Reinhardt: "My Lord Duke."

"Take out the list that you have investigated during this period of time and publish it."

"Yes, Lord Duke."

Holt took out a list from his arms. The list was written with the names of more than a dozen nobles, some of whom were ministers in the hall. , Let them listen to the nobles who want to kill me this time. "Rinha characteristics nodded and said.

Holt read a few names. After that, several ministers in the hall slumped on the ground like lost their souls in vain. After a while Holt had read all the names on the list. The few noble ministers above all lay on the ground in horror, seeming to know their next fate.

"Are you finished?" Reinhardt asked Holt who was silent.

"It's over."

Reinhardt beckoned gently, and the guards outside the hall escorted seven or eight nobles in. They all knelt together, bowed their heads and kept silent.

"I'm all here, and I can be a companion on this road." Reinhardt showed a cruel smile, and the voice that came out of his mouth carried a cold murderous intent, that kind of coldness, the minister present. They can all feel it, and they are obviously no strangers to this, because Reinhardt has always liked killing people in the Kingdom Hall, especially in front of everyone, understanding the lives of others.

"What else do you want to say?" Reinhardt asked coldly, looking at the trembling ministers.

"I, I... Your Lord Duke is forgiving." One of the ministers burst into tears, "I don't dare anymore..."

One of the ministers was still calm, raised his head and glanced at Reinhardt: "I don't understand why you want to kill me?"

"do not understand?"

Reinhardt said with a smile, "Do you need me to help you remember?"

He walked over and looked at the man just now with sharp eyes.

"Let's do it!" The minister was expressionless, bowed his head not to look at him.

"It seems that you are the main criminal, the leader of this group of people!"

Reinhardt glanced at him and said softly.

He did not answer, but his companions have been begging for mercy.

"I, I, I... Lord Duke, I confess my guilt. I shouldn't collude with other nobles, let alone collude with other nobles in Beihai.

"This is his chief, he is our head..." a young nobleman begged for mercy in tears, and everyone else was begging for mercy, repeating "I am guilty, please forgive me, Lord Duke." ." These words.

"Are there anyone who colluded with nobles?"

Holt also questioned at the same time.

"And... and the power of the Dark World in the North Sea." The young noble replied in horror.

Reinhardt nodded his head, and he had already investigated what the dozens of nobles had done before.

There has always been an undercurrent within the nobles of Polkaria, because the people headed by these dozen nobles have been unwilling to give up and want to regain the rights of the kingdom, so it caused a lot of panic within the kingdom.

For a long time, Reinhardt has not paid attention to this matter, but this time because he is going to the new world, he must thoroughly understand these extremely unstable factors before leaving. He must not let anyone interfere with Polkali. Asia’s future development plans.

Therefore, these people must be cleared out. In addition to these people, he believes that there are more people hiding in the dark. These people will be carpeted before leaving the North Sea, even after **** suppression. These unstable factors must be calmed down.

"Each of you write a list and write down the names of all those involved in the attempt to subvert the Polkaria regime." Reinhardt said lightly, and then his eyes became cold: "Write it now."

The ministers were all startled by this cold voice. The dozen or so ministers who knelt on the ground immediately bowed their heads and begged for mercy. At the same time, they cried with snots and tears. After a while, the soldiers took paper and pen and handed them to a dozen others. Minister.

Ten minutes later, Reinhardt brought over these dozen lists. Each list contained no less than five names. Although many of them were repeated names, it could still be seen that the matter was involved. How turbulent the undercurrent of the North Sea arrived.

The people on this list, in addition to the nobles of Polkaria, also involve the nobles of other kingdoms, the merchants of the North Sea, the pirates, and the underground world. If this undercurrent leaves the North Sea for the new world. After that, it broke out It is probably a very terrible riot, especially for the Kingdom of Polkaria, it is a riot that everyone can emulate.

The source of his regime itself came through chaotic riots. He knows that many people are very easy to be deceived and incited, although even if riots arise, it is impossible to cause any situational impact on the monolithic Polkaria. , But after all, there will be a lot of casualties, especially civilians.

This is the last thing Reinhardt wants to see. He won the highest right of the Polkaria Kingdom because of the riot, but he didn't want others to use the same method against him.

At present, there are many careerists who are sitting on the sidelines in Beihai.

This time Reinhardt is about to go to the New World. In the future, he will not have much energy in the North Sea. Although some of the family members will be left here, after all, they will leave with the main body of the family. Beihai's control will naturally come down, and Beihai's one-third of acres can be regarded as his logistics base. If something goes wrong, it will also affect future development.

Therefore, he will never allow any problems in the North Sea. Even if he leaves completely, he must completely control the situation in the North Sea.

Reinhardt scanned the dozen lists for a long time, and finally handed the lists to Blatter. Then he said: "Blatt, let Meister get rid of these people. "

Blatter came to pick up this list and looked at it for a while, and found that besides the name, it also had the identity information of the other party written on it. With this information, things would be much easier. Those people on the list, one It's impossible to survive.

Thinking of this, Blatter immediately laughed: "I see."

Blatter turned and left.

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