The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 576: Just right

The residents were very afraid that Reinhardt would change their minds, so they knelt down, and at the same time cried and said to Reinhardt: "Please save us, Lord Black Duke. The royal family is incompetent and cannot protect us, so you can help. Let us, we will never forget your great kindness."

If it weren't for Reinhardt, all residents would be killed by prisoners this night.

"You asked your eldest brother to rescue you, but have you ever thought about it? What kind of stance does your elder brother take to rescue you?" Moselle spoke to the residents," Redding is a member of the world government. Is there even a prisoner's riots that can't be stopped? "

"Isn't it enough to help you repel the prisoners?" Moselle roared again. Hey, one paragraph is missing! Like it, please collect it: () The update speed is the fastest.

"People are forgetful. They are all kinds of species that have healed scars and forgot to hurt." Reinhardt laughed in a low voice, then walked over, scanned the residents and soldiers for a moment, his eyes were different. The penetrating power is like being able to see through people's hearts.

Everyone was flustered strangely by his gaze. Damn, another paragraph is missing! , The fastest update of the latest chapter!

"Master Reinhardt really is a benevolent prince, and we are willing to follow Master Reinhardt."

"Master Reinhardt, you are our savior, and we will never forget your kindness."

Cries of worship began to sound from the crowd.

A triumphant smile appeared on the corner of Reinhardt's mouth. Day, I couldn’t watch it and I missed it! Remember for a second, ().

The nobles in the palace were angry because of this, but after Reinhardt killed more than a dozen nobles with thunder in private, he suppressed the nobles in the palace.

At this point, Lei Ting has been controlled by Reinhardt for more than half, and then only needs to let Janos abdicate tomorrow, and hand over the imperial displacement to the remote royal family's Mestre in front of everyone. In this case, the initial plan is even finished.

Putting it on the side of the world government, presumably the news of the secret collusion between the Redding royal family and the revolutionary army has been learned from CP9, so he is not worried that the world government will do anything against him.

Coupled with his status as Qiwuhai, Lei Ting will inevitably complete the exchange of regimes in a very short period of time.

For this incident, he deliberately chose to perform on the last night of the concert, because the world government officials and tourists all left, so more accidents were prevented. Most of the people who stayed in the city were Budamegas. The local residents of Sri Lanka, except for a few foreign tourists.

The next day, in the main hall of the Royal Palace of Budamegas, all the ministers composed of nobles came to the main hall. After they walked in, they all looked at the people in Reinhardt with extremely vigilant and horrified eyes.

King Janos sat on the Iron Throne, his gaze was a little muddy, it seemed that he was getting older all night, and he didn't seem to have the same majestic and domineering feeling in the past.

After all the ministers arrived, Janos said weakly, "Here are all here...puff..."

Before Yanos finished speaking, he immediately vomited a mouthful of blood, while sitting on the Iron Throne, his body was trembling constantly, and the bandages on both palms were blood red.

"King Janos!" one of the ministers screamed in panic, and then shouted towards the outside of the temple, "Doctor, doctor..."

But it was stopped by Janos, who shook his head: "The doctor just saw it in the morning. It will be like this when you get old, if you get a little injured."

"Unexpectedly, this prisoner's sudden riot almost completely destroyed Lei Ting. Fortunately, the King Qi Wuhai [Black Duke] made a timely action and finally put down the riot."

The guard walked over to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth for King Janos.

The ministers put their gazes on Reinhardt and the others, and then respectfully worshipped them. After all, they belonged to the status of King Qiwuhai and were extremely noble.

"I'm probably not cured of the injury at my age, so I have something to announce this time."

King Janos said slowly, and then waved to the guard next to him. The guard nodded and walked out. After a while, a young nobleman walked into the hall.

The man who came was Mestre. At this time, he was wearing a costume unique to the royal family of Redding, with the royal emblem on the clothes, and walked in front of Janos and said: "Mestre meets the noble King Janos ."

"Get up, Mestre," Janos said slowly, "As the remote royal family of the Adair family, after traveling outside for so many years, you should also be back."

Hearing this sentence, all the ministers were stunned.

"King Janos, is this?" one of the ministers asked incredulously.

"how can that be?"

"It's ridiculous!"

The Arabian Nights...

Not only, all the ministers present did not believe that the young man Mestre would actually be a royal family, even if it is a remote royal family, it is absolutely impossible.

But this sentence was said by King Janos himself, so the ministers immediately fell silent.

"It has been confirmed in many ways." King Janos said again.

"Verify?" One of the ministers immediately spoke, looking at Meester with a scrutinizing gaze, "How to verify? Who confirmed?"


A crisp slap sounded from the throne, and King Janos looked at the minister below with strong pressure on his face: "Why...could it be that what the king said is false?"

The ministers felt the real coercion from King Janos, and immediately shut up.

"It was confirmed by me and the world government!"

At this time Reinhardt spoke, and the ministers were taken aback at the same time, their eyes dimmed. The relationship between Qiwuhai and the world government would not be unknown to the noble ministers present.

Reinhardt swept across the ministers with a plain gaze, and the ministers were suddenly startled, and it felt like a penetrating gaze spread from their hearts.

He turned his gaze on King Janos on the throne again, and then he recovered a smile, and continued with a little ease, "King Janos, please calm down. It is normal for the ministers to have doubts. Even if it is me, I was surprised after hearing these stories."

"But questioning is questioning. Don't use questioning as a basis for denial."

After saying this, Reinhardt took a few steps forward, and the ministers immediately felt a powerful and innumerable coercive aura from King Bianos spreading across the hall, and their hearts accelerated. beat.

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