The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 599: 6 poles forming

But now even if there is no BIG·MOM, the headquarters is likely to be completely destroyed by the process of the three-person battle.

The navy's face looking at the projection screen showed a solemn state.

Two days later, news came from the headquarters of the Navy that most of Malin Vatican had been in ruins, but the expected BIG·MOM did not arrive. This once again made the Navy’s plan misguided, and seemed to be led by the Four Emperors from beginning to end. Nose away.

Looking at the ruins of Malin Fandor, the admiral was very angry. This time he simply stole the chicken and failed to eclipse him. Not only did he fail to defeat the Whitebeard Pirates as expected, but instead caused the complete destruction of Malin Fandor of the navy headquarters. It is a shame for the navy. However, the anger of the Warring States Period could not come out, because I didn't know whom to pour out.

The complete defeat of the navy also proved that although the four emperors were hostile and attacking each other, if the navy wanted to unite with Qiwuhai to attack one of the four emperors' lair, the other four emperors would not sit still.

This has touched the bottom line of the Four Emperors... We are staying in our hometown safely, it is very difficult to get out without going out, you still want to join Qiwuhai to take our hometown away, thus breaking the pattern of this sea. balance. How can it be possible for you to do what you want.

This time Kaido's attack on the headquarters was also a wake-up call for the navy. If you dare to play like this, you may not let the four emperors join forces to kill the navy first.

If the four kings of the new world join forces, then the world will be subverted. Fortunately, there is no possibility of these four groups joining forces.

But since the Navy wants to break this balance first, it must be prepared to endure the consequences.

Crane arrived late with nine warships, and was shocked when he saw the ruined walls all over his eyes. Huang Yuan glanced around for a long time, looking towards the sea in the distance for a long time, then looked at the Warring States not far away: "Marshal of Warring States, do you want me to take someone to pursue?"

Warring States shook his head, his emotions seemed to recover a lot: "No, it's important to treat the wounded."

Since the encirclement and suppression plan has failed, there is no need to engage in meaningless battles, which will result in meaningless casualties.

After that, the navy's medical team moved quickly among the wreckage, and a famous marine was rescued.

At the same time, the Qiwuhais all left, and the pirate ship of the Qiwuhais had been waiting here in advance at the port of Marin Vandor.

After Qiwuhai left, the Marshal of the Warring States Period clenched his fists tightly. He seemed to be very dissatisfied with the plan, so he opened his mouth to the crane beside him and said: "This time, we must thoroughly investigate who leaked the plan in advance."

The crane next to him shook his head: "It's difficult to check. The navy is okay. We can check it internally. But this time, the world government and King Qiwuhai may also leak out."

"Even if the world government chooses to investigate, it will be difficult for Qiwuhai to investigate useful information."

They all know that Qiwuhai is a group of **** who are difficult to cooperate, how can they find useful information from Qiwuhai.

"Let's conduct self-examination from the navy first...As long as there are suspicious characters, they will be found." After thinking for a while, the Warring States Period continued, and Crane nodded in agreement.

Before long, under the leadership of the world government, the news of the attack on the white beard pirate group by the joint navy king, Qiwuhai, spread to the world through the World Economic News, and the news of Kaido's attack on the navy headquarters Malin Fando spread throughout the world at the same time. world.

Suddenly, the war that almost broke out to sweep the world attracted attention from all over the world, especially the hidden revolutionary army who cared most about this news.

On the way back to the voyage, Reinhardt again received a call worm message from Nikolai. This time the news brought by Nikolay made Reinhardt a little surprised. The world government selected the participating countries of the next World Conference to participate in the World Conference. These include Polkalia in the North Sea, and the New World Kingdom, Redding, who has only controlled the new world for less than half a year.

These two kingdoms are both controlled by the forces of Reinhardt, and they were invited to participate in the next World Conference together, which surprised Reinhardt.

After hanging up the phone worm, Reinhardt fell into contemplation. The next World Conference is about less than two years away, just in time for the Shanghai calendar of 1518. The quadrennial World Conference is now just over two years past.

But there is another thing that surprised him. Wu Lao Xing wanted to meet him during the World Conference, which surprised Reinhardt. For so many years, people who were able to let Wu Lao Xing meet and even interview in person would probably be There was only the red-haired Shanks.

I am just a king, Qiwuhai, what qualifications do I have to receive such a high-level reception as the five old stars?

Do you want to support me?

He thought of this possibility. As the five superiors of the subversion of world power, it is normal to support a but all this is just speculation.

A few days later, the royal capital of Redding, Boudamegas, the palace.

After Reinhardt returned to Budamegas, he immediately reconvened the family meeting. Although the number of people on the scene was not complete, the telephony meeting could be conducted through the video phone worm.

There are two main contents of this meeting, one is to discuss the future development plan of Lei Ting, and the second is the detailed plan for the next phase of the plan.

From the very beginning, Reinhardt formulated a two-stage plan. The first stage of the plan started in 1509 of the Haiyuan calendar. Although the deadline has not been determined, it is subject to becoming King Qiwuhai.

It has been several months since Reinhardt became king of Qiwuhai, and the first phase of the plan has been completely completed.

At the same time, it is time to completely roll out the plan for the next phase.

In the closed conference room, the round table meeting has begun. Several clear projection screens appeared on the top of the chandelier. The people on the projection screens are Igarashi Sake, Daficius Long, and Anubi in Beihai. Ghaith as well as Cole, Bolanque and others.

Those who participated in this meeting in person on the scene were the core family members who went to the new world together.

The hierarchical structure in the family is now clear, and it has been set in the family meeting before leaving Beihai last time. Reinhardt is the head of the family and is above everyone. Under Reinhardt, the three aces are divided. The formation of the three aces is based on the imperial group model. At present, only two people are added to the three aces, respectively. It was the night demon Meister and the fierce tiger Blatter.

Under the Three Aces, Reinhardt established a special department called [Six Non-Human Combat Teams Beyond Human Limits], referred to as the Six Extremes Combat Team.

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