The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 628: Return home

Whoosh... The sound of breaking through the air is like a wave crashing, and a white rainbow shadow rushes into the sky. Blinking his eyes, Reinhardt landed on the ground.

The busy people around and on the sailing boat immediately turned on the side device of the sailing boat. Reinhardt grabbed the engine with one hand and jumped over. After putting the engine into cabin ⑧, Reinhardt checked the route several times. , And then returned to the underground space to check it again, and after confirming that there were no missing parts or equipment, he was ready to lead people to leave Ankahet.

Reinhardt took a look at the exit. It was a huge ocean current constantly surging. As long as it rushed out of here, it was easy to enter the underground undercurrent in the sea, because between Ankacht and the ocean current, there was a very weird flow. The material barrier is like a huge bubble on Murloc Island.

After visual inspection, Reinhardt immediately ordered to return to the voyage. All the boatmen and guards were in place. Then, driven by the power of the wheels, the sailboat began to slowly move towards the exit.

After a while, Weiss ran out sweating profusely, while panting for a long time, looked at Reinhardt and said, "No way, Lord Duke, the equipment in this sailing boat has exceeded the power of the wheel. It’s a driving force, and some equipment must be discarded."

Reinhardt shook his head and said faintly: "No, all these things must be taken away."

Before Weiss could answer, Reinhardt said again: "Open the diaphragm cover and everyone is stepping on the roller with all their strength."

After the order was given, the membrane cover on the sailing boat was immediately opened. Under the full pedaling of the boatmen and guards, the speed of the sailing boat was also accelerating, but it was far from the power to rush into the exit of the sea. Seeing this, Reinhardt rushed out of the deck in an instant, and when he came to the stern of the sailboat, he spread his hands and pressed directly on the hull of the stern. The force burst out and poured into the hull.

Boom boom boom...At this moment, after Reinhardt’s power was transmitted, the sailboat speeded up in vain and rushed towards the outlet of the sea. After doing this, Reinhardt’s body turned and turned into a touch. Streamer returned to the sailing deck.


A crisp vibration sounded, and the giant sail that opened the membrane cover rushed into the ocean current from the exit position in an instant, and then everyone felt that the hull fell, as if it was sinking quickly.

"Increase motivation." Feeling this dangerous scene, Reinhardt shouted immediately.

"Don't work hard now, will you wait until we are all buried on the bottom of the sea before you work hard?"

Weiss' words spread through the microphone to every corner of the sailing boat. In his haste and crazy tone, all the boatmen and guards were shocked.

"Increase the strength, the hull must not be able to sink completely, otherwise we will all be finished."

Reinhardt immediately came to the wheel power room and found the largest roller to do it. Then his feet stomped crazily, and the overall power on the giant sail skyrocketed in vain!

"Get up... the hull is up... we are saved..." In the microphone, the excitement and tension of the rest of his life can be clearly felt from his mouth. He took a breath, wiped the sweat from his face, and started Ordered in an orderly manner.

Check the equipment in each control cabin, turn the course...

Under the powerful wheel power, the giant sail slowly rose, and in a short while, it drove into the swirling ocean current vortex.

Reinhardt confessed some circumstances, and calmly left the power room. After arriving on the deck, he saw Weiss who was observing on the deck.

Reinhardt smiled slightly. Weiss’s performance just now made him very satisfied. Weiss has grown to a point where we can still remain calm in the face of crisis over the years. This surprised Reinhardt. He used to be surprised by Weiss’s performance. I didn't care too much. Although he was a rare career as a navigator, Reinhardt didn't pay much attention to him because he only sailed in the four seas, but after this incident, his mind changed a little.

Where can I find a navigator who is so loyal to himself and can still maintain his calm command ability even in the face of life and death crisis?

In the past, although many navigators came here and wanted to join the family, some navigators were far more talented than Vivis, but Reinhardt did not replace Vis, one of the biggest ones. The reason is that Weiss' loyalty and his knowledge of him.

Sometimes, it takes a long time to build trust.

"Weiss, arrange for you to join the family when you go back." Reinhardt smiled faintly.

Weiss was shocked and he was obviously very surprised. He didn't seem to expect that Reinhardt would personally invite him to join Reinhardt's work agency. Although he has worked for Reinhardt for many years, he is not a member of Reinhardt's work agency. Knowing how difficult it is to join the Reinhardt Job Club, since its establishment eight years ago, the core members have only been around ten, so he was shocked and flattered when Reinhardt personally invited him.

"I... okay?" Weiss asked incredulously.

"You are qualified to board our big ship!" Reinhardt said, "You must be the navigator of Reinhardt Jobs!"

"Thank you Lord Duke... I will certainly live up to your expectations." Weiss said in fear.

"Change the name," Reinhardt said.

"It's the boss!" Weiss changed his name directly. The family members called Reinhardt differently, some were called Big Brother, some were called Boss, and some were called Boss.

The sailboat entered the turbulent flow of the seabed, and the membrane cover swayed gently in the current. After a while, everyone came to a sea area full of various sea kings.

At this time, somewhere in the North Sea, the sea is extremely calm. A few seabirds are foraging, and swimming fish have surfaced to breathe fresh air. In a peaceful and peaceful scene, the sun is shooting down from the sky. At this moment...

Boom... a huge noise erupted Then the sea water was undulating, and after a sound that smashed the air, the sea water also rose and turned into tens of thousands of splashes and fell.

At this moment, accompanied by the silhouettes of seabirds and swimming fish, a huge sailing boat broke through the sea, like a giant beast jumping out of the sea.

Phew...the air on the sea is still fresh. Reinhardt on the deck muttered to himself, the pressure on his body suddenly disappeared, and after a long breath of relief, all the dullness was vomited out.

"Are you out?" Weiss looked at the clear sky and said in surprise, and then the boatmen and guards on the sailing boat made a huge cheer, with a feeling of aftermath.

"Turn the course, the waters of Katan Island in the North Sea, the border of the Kingdom of Polkalia belongs to-Port Clock!"

Weiss immediately issued a return order, and then Reinhardt also received a call worm message from Ghaith. As Reinhardt's **** fleet, Ghaith quickly rushed over with the fleet.

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