The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 634: 4 the invitation of the emperor red hair

Reinhardt jumped on the Drey Firth, and the two knives in his hand happened to collide with the red hair who had just drawn the Western sword.


The crisp weapon impact shook, and then a majestic energy exploded on the colliding two blades. The first thing that changed was the nearby sea. After the impact of this force, the waves instantly fluctuated, and the huge waves began to surge. When I got up, the waves rolled up in layers spread in all directions.

The two sailing boats attached to each other also produced huge shaking.

At this moment, there was a stalemate between the red-haired Shanks and the Black Duke Reinhardt. Reinhardt clasped Garo Chizun and Fengqi in both hands, the power on his wrists was constantly condensing, and the deadlocked double blades exuded a squeaking sound at the same time. He felt a powerful force that he had never seen before Strength, if the evil spirit he faced that day only made him feel a little pressure, but the red-haired Shanks he is facing now makes him feel a strong despair.

Although the body did not show the slightest sign of retreating, it seemed that there was no resistance to it. Even if the power that was constantly rising in the body was endless, it was like a stone sinking into the ocean and disappeared.


At this moment, I don’t know who yelled, and then everyone subconsciously looked towards the sky, but saw that there were huge cracks in the sky above their heads. The dense black clouds were wrapped in white smoke, and they continued to The rolling, as terrifying as a huge crack in the canyon.

Reinhardt's two blades shook suddenly, and the back shock of the tremendous force made his arm numb, then a crack appeared in the tiger's mouth, and scarlet blood spilled out.


The double knives squeaked and were repelled by a powerful force. Reinhardt leaned back and took three steps to stabilize before stabilizing. The arms holding the double knives were trembling, and the blood flowed down the knives. The shank flowed onto the blade and then dripped onto the deck of the Dray Firth.

After seeing this scene, the red hair felt a little surprised. With his current strength, he fought Qi Wuhai with a knife, and the opponent had only stepped back three steps, which shocked him very much.

However, after this, the red hair saw Reinhardt take the initiative to put away the double knives, and then [Griffin] in his hand was also sheathed. Since the other party did not take the initiative to provoke, there is no need to continue a meaningless war.

"I didn't come to you, the new four emperors, to fight." After the two sides stopped, Reinhardt said.

"Oh... Since it's not here to fight, what do you do in our base camp?"

The sea area of ​​the Star Islands of Auberge belongs to the forces of the Red-Haired Pirate Group.

"Qiwuhai under the king and the four emperors are in opposing camps."

Laki Lu, who was beside the red hair, spoke.

"So what!" Reinhardt laughed immediately, "I have always wanted to see Your Excellency Shanks with my own eyes and see what kind of person Luffy's little devil has always remembered."

After he finished speaking, the red hair froze first, and then the core crew around him and the deputy captain Ben Beckman were stunned.

"Oh? You know Luffy?" The red-haired face immediately softened, and asked with a smile.

With this relationship, the communication between the two is much smoother.

Reinha nodded: "Of course, I personally witnessed the love of Luffy and their three brothers. For this reason, I want to see who the Shanks in Luffy's mouth is."

"Hahahaha, it's my own person, immediately lift the alarm." The red hair said, and then the stagnant atmosphere on the Dray Firth was completely relieved.

"Little ones, it's a banquet." After seeing this scene, Laki Lu shouted with a smile, and there was a burst of laughter on the deck, and a lot of food and wine were put on the table.

Reinhardt took the phone worm and said a few words, and then the decks of the two sailboats cleared each other, and a dozen boxes were carried onto the deck of the Drey Firth.

After the box was opened, countless wine bottles with the word Hero white were placed on the deck.

"Hahaha, I have forgotten that, now in front of us is the owner of the largest winery in the world." After seeing more than a dozen boxes of hero white being put up, the redhead immediately said with a smile, and then put the original on the deck. All the wine on the table was put away.

"Come, come, celebrate, Luffy’s friends are our friends, and I’m going to finish all these wines today."

The red hair turned on Hero White, and said with a laugh while holding Reinhardt while drinking. The wine and food were arranged, and all the crew of the Red-haired Pirates started the banquet.

"Boss, I haven't seen Luffy in seven years." Laki Lu took a bottle of wine and drank it.

The red hair inevitably fell into the memory, and then said in a deep voice: "Yes, seven years have been like yesterday. I can still remember Luffy's crying grimace."

Thinking of this, the redhead laughed again.

"Luffy is now arguing about becoming the One Piece King every day, looking for a group of companions to go out to sea for adventure." Reinhardt poured a sip of wine into his mouth and said, at the same time, he sighed very much. , As long as you are a recognized friend, you can open the banquet anytime, anywhere.

"Haha, the same as before."

On the deck of the Drey Firth, Reinhardt asked Weiss to move the hero white and part of the hero left on the sailing boat for drinking at the banquet.

After talking for a long time, everyone’s banquet was coming to an end. The food on the deck had been eaten up, and there was not much wine left. They all drank a lot of the red-haired Shanks, The whole face was red, and so was Reinhardt, his face flushed with alcohol.

By this time, everyone was already in a state of drunkenness, and the relationship had gotten closer.

"Reinhardt...are...are you interested in coming to us?" The red-haired laughed while drinking, and then said to Reinhardt.

"What do you mean?" Reinhardt asked. He knew the meaning of the red-haired Shanks in his heart, but he didn't answer directly.

"Just join us." Hongfa added drunkly.

"Well... this is an invitation from the Four Emperor Red-haired Shanks himself. How should I choose..." Reinhardt's gaze stayed on Shanks's face first, and then from Ben Baker. The bodies of Man, **** Bu, Laki Lu and others were swept one after another.

Everyone's eyes were also placed on Reinhardt, as if waiting for his decision.

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