The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 654: SAD与SMILE

"Ankahet..." Doflamingo stood at the entrance of the hall and muttered these words softly. Then he looked at Reinhardt and asked, "What do you think of this matter?"

   Reinhardt shook his head: "Maybe this is just a helpless move by the world government. This ancient kingdom should be a historical relic that has been sealed for a long time. If even the world government can't find any clues, I guess we can't help it."

Although he said so, he didn't think so, because he had felt CP0's attention to him before. Although the guy was wearing a mask, Reinhardt had a feeling in his heart. Staying on my body, it seems that I want to find something in my body.

   This feeling is definitely not an illusion.

  When facing CP0, he felt a sense of being peeped in his heart, which originated from the five senses of the body's instinct, and the instinctive feedback under the super-dominant self-defense mechanism.

   But this kind of feeling, and even the related information of Ankahet, he can't possibly tell Doflamingo.

  Doflamingo understood what he meant. Although there were still a lot of doubts in his mind, he did not ask, but turned to ask again.

   "What do you plan to do next?"

"This kind of thing, even if you want to be perfunctory, you should at least do some superficial work, right?" Reinhardt chuckled, and then continued: "I am not interested in this ancient kingdom called'Ankahet'. This kind of illusory thing makes people laugh out loud, and what we should do is not this Ankacht."

   Doflamingo nodded in agreement and laughed: "Yes, we shouldn't put too much energy on this kind of nonsense. We have more important things to do."

  For both of them, the artificial devil fruit project is the most important.

   A few days later, the Holy Land Mary Joa.

The World Conference finally ended. After maintaining a heated discussion, the proposal of the Revolutionary Army provided by the Redding Kingdom has been adopted by the world government. After that, the world government took immediate action to destroy all the secret bases of the Revolutionary Army. After paying a certain price, the revolutionary army finally completed the transfer of personnel.

On the surface, the revolutionary army lost a lot, but it was only caused by propaganda through the World Economic News. The real situation is that although the world government destroyed the revolutionary army base, it did not lose manpower after the revolution. The loss was at most weapons. , Materials and various raw materials.

  For the revolutionary army, talent is the most valuable asset.

A series of actions of the Revolutionary Army caused an uproar all over the world. The World Economic News reported on this situation every day. After more than half a year, the voice of the Revolutionary Army completely disappeared, and many people thought that the Revolutionary Army was annihilated. Up.

   After the end of the World Conference, Reinhardt left Mary Joa. The participating countries also began to return, and the navy gradually dispersed.

   "Go straight back?" Meester asked after arriving at Port Marigio.

   "You take someone back to Redding first, I need to go to Dresrosa."

   "Dres Rosa?" Meister was shocked. He didn't know the simple agreement Reinhardt had reached with Doflamingo during the World Conference this time.

   "I reached an agreement with Doflamingo to work together on the artificial devil fruit project, and this time the plan was finalized in the past." Reinha nodded and said.

   "Do you need me to follow?" Meester asked. ,

"You are the king of Redding. You can't leave for too long. Let Blatter lead someone to join me." In a simple exchange between the two, they finalized the matter, and then they split into two groups. Reinha Te takes Weis to Dresrosa, and Meester takes Aini Road back to Redding.

  A member of the White Beard Pirates...Fire Fist Ace!

   On the fast-moving sailing boat, Reinhardt was holding a brand-new newspaper in his hand. This is a brand-new world economic news paper with the headline saying that Firefist Ace joined the Whitebeard Pirates.

  Is the timeline here yet? Reinhardt murmured and thought, and then took out a delicate pocket watch from his arms. The pocket watch has a clear calendar scale. The timeline of the current Haiyuan calendar in early 1518 is very accurate.

   After a brief browsing, Reinhardt put away the newspaper in his hands, and then said to Weiss: "Speed ​​up the voyage, and rush to Dresrosa within five days."

Five days later, Reinhardt arrived in Dresrosa and met again with Doflamingo. After visiting the architectural scenery of Dresrosa, Reinhardt began to discuss the artificial devil fruit plan with him. A few days later, Blatter also arrived at Dresrosa.

   After nearly a week of detailed discussions, Reinhardt and Doflamingo have completely reached this cooperation agreement, and the artificial devil fruit plan has been finalized.

   "The raw materials for this plan have been finalized, which is SAD, which is strictly forbidden by the world government..."

  Dres Rosa’s meeting hall, Doflamingo and Reinhardt are discussing plans.



   is really interesting, using sadness as a raw material to create a smile...

   Even if it is a smile, it is also a strong smile in sadness.

   The strong sequelae of the artificial devil fruit is a permanent no more expressions, only smiles forever.

   But even if it is cruel, how is it different from what the world shows?

   Reinhardt couldn't help thinking.

   In this world, I don't know how many people live with this sadness and smile.

   Compared with the countless lives killed by this era, what is this cruelty?

   Thinking of this, Reinhardt no longer feels guilty about the project of cooperating to produce artificial devil fruits.

   "Where is the factory built?" Reinhardt took a breath and asked.

   "It's in the territory of Dresaros."

   "Can the output keep up?"

   This is also something he is more worried about.

   Because of my own participation, the scale of the **LIE project has been completely different. While providing some artificial devil fruits for Kaido, it must have the production capacity to satisfy itself.

   "The thing I don't need is the manpower."

   Reinhardt looked at him and said: "The more tool people, the better, we have no time to delay."

   Doflamingo smiled and said, "No problem."

   "However, the current artificial devil fruit plan still has a major flaw, that is, the conversion rate of the eater is too low, and there is no qualitative increase in the strength of the eater."

  Doflamingo explained the biggest dilemma in this plan.

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