The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 669: Kushiro

   "You are quite willing to melt this knife." The old man named Jialuo said inexplicably, as if he still had a lot of emotions towards [Kara Chizun]. After all, it is a weapon made by oneself.

   "For me, this weapon has a reason to be repaired."

   Seeing Reinhardt's insistence, Kaluo didn't say anything, since [Kaluo Chizun] gave it to him, it is up to him to decide how to deal with it.

   Reinhardt followed Garo to a yard enclosed by a simple fence, where chickens and ducks were raised, and some vegetables were planted.

   There is an oven in the middle of the yard, and there is a wind box beside the fire. In addition, there are many simple supporting facilities, just like a small iron shop.

   "It's been useless for a long time, and it will take a long time to re-burn." Old Man Galo walked to the front of the oven and began to get busy. Reinhardt gave him both weapons to help.

  Gara was busy for a while, and then said to Reinhardt: "Should I keep the original shape of this knife, or change it to a different shape?"

   "Can you change the look?" Reinhardt was shocked.

"Of course, although the characteristics of the demon sword will be retained after recasting, it can also be said to be a new weapon that can be molded according to his own ideas." Galo nodded, and Reinhardt pondered for a moment. Although the shape of the samurai sword is good, it has not been his favorite.

   "Can this work?" After thinking for a while, Reinhardt simply drew the outline of a blade on the ground, but Galo shook his head: "I can't see clearly this way."

   Jia Luo walked to the next room, took a piece of paper and a pen to Reinhardt: "Simply draw the outline."

   For a master knifemaker like him, as long as there is a simple outline of the weapon, he can restore the original appearance of the weapon.

   Reinhardt took the pen and paper, and gradually took shape in his mind about the often used long sword, so he drew it on the paper. After a while, the simple outline of a long sword finally took shape.

   Jia Luo took the paper and looked at it.

It is a long sword with a length of 1.5 meters. The length, width, and thickness are marked on the drawing. The hilt is close to 30 cm, the blade is close to 120 cm, and the blade is narrowed from width to the width near the hilt. The blade is about 7CM, the narrowing position is less than 5CM, and the blade thickness is 1CM.

In the middle of the blade is an obvious convex line, dividing the blade into two inclined surfaces. The other side of the blade is the same. At 30 centimeters near the hilt, a black oriental dragon is drawn. This black dragon pattern seems It is to inherit the black dragon pattern on the blade of [Kara Chizun].

The sword pavilion of this sword is very narrow, only two centimeters wider than the blade. The whole body of the sword is straight. It is an out-and-out straight-edged sword. Compared with the samurai sword, it looks much more refined and more impressive. A kind of righteousness and domineering, as if it is the temperament that the king possesses.

   "This sword..." Galo was stunned for a moment, and his old eyes stayed on the paper for a long time. Although he felt that the pattern was distorted, he had a different temperament.

   "This is the weapon I want, righteous, upright, domineering, simple and unpretentious when it is sheathed, and it will be sharp when it comes out of the sheath!" Reinhardt said softly.

  The crown suits the sword, this is what he thinks in his heart.

   Galo nodded: "I will try to make this weapon according to the blueprint you drew."

   About half a day later, the preliminary work of casting was finally completed, and Jialuo got busy, but before that, Jialuo spoke to Reinhardt again and asked me: "If you let me stop working now, it's too late."

Reinhardt looked at [Kaluo Chizun] and [Fengqie] in Garo's hands, and understood what he meant. After all, [Galuo Chizun] was a very powerful weapon, and it was only one step away from the black sword. remote.

   He knew that if [Kara Chizun] became a black sword, then the sword's position could rise to a level.

   "Forget it..." After thinking about it for a while, Reinhardt shook his head, "Let's melt it."

   Seeing that his tone was firm, Jia Luo didn't say anything, so he got busy.

   In the middle of the night, the fire in the courtyard kept flickering, and the sound of steel hitting continued. The sound of hitting did not survive the whole night.

   In the early morning of the next day, Jia Luo was still casting weapons and stayed up all night, and it seemed that he did not leave much fatigue on the old man.

   Another half day passed, the sun was just overhead, and the flames in the courtyard continued to burn.

   Jia Luo stopped his work and took a pot of water from Reinhardt. After drinking it, he began to gasp quickly, "When people are old, when they are young, these tasks are not effortless at all."

   "I'll do iron work." Reinhardt said as he continued to gasp.

   But Galo shook his head: "You don't know how to cast, and you don't know how to make the most suitable force. If you use force rashly, you will destroy the material."

  Speaking of this, Jia Luo said again: "Your sword is more complicated than I thought."

   "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Galo." Reinhardt thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

   Clang clang...The sound of iron strikes continued again.

   "Unexpectedly, in the corner of the northern cemetery, there is still such a skilled knifemaker hidden."

At this moment, an abrupt voice came over, and Reinhardt turned his head subconsciously and saw a tall man standing at the entrance of the courtyard with a smile on his face, his gaze staying on Galo who was continuously hitting the iron. Body.

This person... Reinhardt can feel an unusual pressure from this Is he distracted too seriously, or is this guy's domineering and powerful so much that he hasn't even noticed it. To the point...

   This man keeps the head of the plane, his eyes squinted as if he is not awake, he wears a circle pattern of Wano country clothes, and he wears a cloak with a samurai sword hanging from his waist. His cheeks are flushed, and he seems to be drunk.

   "Samurai of Orochi?"

   Galo ignored the man, and Reinhardt spoke.

   Hearing this voice, the man's eyes fell on Reinhardt: "Are you the assassin who assassinated the serpent?"

   "No," Reinhardt replied.

   Sword, he vetoed it, and the man continued to look at Reinhardt, and after a while he began to draw his sword: "It was the Imperial Court that you killed, right?"

   "Do you want to do it? Samurai..." Reinhardt laughed.

   The plane-headed man glanced at Garo who was hitting the iron, and continued: "Samurai of Wano country, Kushiro."

   is like introducing yourself when you meet the enemy.

   "Let's go out and fight." Reinha nodded and walked out of the courtyard, but before leaving, he heard Galo shouting: "Wait..."

   Reinhardt and Kuang Si Lang both looked at Jia Luo suspiciously.

   "The absoluteness between the samurai always needs a handy knife."

   As he said, Jia Luo stopped his work and walked towards the next room, and said as he walked, "Your new weapon will take at least two days to complete. I will lend you a weapon first..."


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