The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 702: SWORD Special Forces established

A week later, in the area numbered 59 in the Chambord Islands, a tall man was scanning around with his eyes. At this time, the surrounding environment was noisy, and a large number of tourists and pirates gathered here.

Because the area numbered 60-69 belongs to the navy's sphere of influence, the area numbered 59 is closest to the naval base, so he chose to station here.

This man was Blatt, and after receiving Reinhardt's order the night before, he immediately set off for the Chambord Islands.

Just as he looked around, the phone worm on his body rang.

Blatter connected to the phone worm and hung up after a few moments of communication. After a while, he took a few of his men and walked towards the number 62 naval base.

After a while, he arrived at the naval base numbered 62.

"Boss, are we going to the naval base?" a subordinate asked suspiciously.

Blatter shook his head: "We will wait here."

Then Blatter found a place and sat down.

At this time, at the Navy Base No. 62, two navies appeared in a luxuriously decorated room. One of them was wearing a golden suit and was about three meters tall. He was wearing a white coat outside the suit, and the shoulders of the coat were also golden. Yellow, inlaid with navy badges.

And beside him, there is a young navy who is very close in height and body. He is wearing a white navy coat with the word "Justice" written on the back. The navy coat is red on the shoulders with a badge inlaid on it. It can be seen that this is A lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters.

Although the two are subordinates and subordinates, the relationship is not the same. The man in the golden navy coat has a lazy and casual expression, and the young man in the red navy coat has a solemn expression, as if he is deeply concerned.

This man in a golden yellow navy coat was the General of the Navy, Polusalino, code-named [Yellow Ape], and the young man with a dignified expression next to him was the one who directed the invasion many years ago. The navy has also been promoted to lieutenant admiral Valdo Roentgen of the navy headquarters.

Seeing Valdo Roentgen frowning deeply, Polusalino shook his head and said in a casual tone: "Lieutenant General Valdo, the Navy Headquarters is about to establish a secret special unit. I have already reported to the Warring States. The marshal recommended you."

Hearing this, Roentgen was stunned for a moment: "Secret Special Forces?"

"The code name is: SWORD!" Polusalino nodded.

This made Roentgen a little surprised. He did not expect that General Polusalino would recommend him as the top officer of this classified unit. Although he is directly under Polusalino's jurisdiction, the time that the two really worked together was limited. After more than a year, he actually trusted himself so much?

Just from the code name, we know that this secret special unit is very important.

"I think there are many lieutenants in the Navy, many of whom are more suitable for this position than me?" Roentgen asked puzzledly.

"I knew you would ask." Polusalino smiled, "Sword was established mainly to absorb some young and potential newcomers to the navy. These navies are not only powerful, but also smart and calm. , Because when necessary, these newcomers to the navy need to be dispatched early to perform certain undercover tasks."

"To command such a secret force, not only requires strong combat power, but also must have the qualities of calmness and calmness, and must have a clever mind."

"Think about it, you are the best fit."

Polusalino glanced at him after speaking.

"General Polusalino, thank you very much for your unreserved trust, but I haven't figured it out yet..." Roentgen seemed to want to refuse, but he hadn't finished what he said, but he was caught by Polusalino. Interrupted.

"What do you think?"

Looking at Valdo Roentgen's somewhat confused face, Polusalino continued to ask, "Or are you hesitating?"

"This is not a discussion with you. This is an order from the Navy and must be implemented."

"Yes, General Polusalino!"

Roentgen stood up immediately, offered a military salute to Polusalino, and then replied loudly.

"Although I don't know what you have been absent-minded recently because of something, but after taking over Sword, you have to cheer up."

"I will. It's just a matter of personal matters. I'll take care of it soon." Roentgen nodded.

"When the matter here is handled, I will take you to see the Marshal of the Warring States Period and complete the plan to establish SWORD."

Roentgen returned to his senses, greeted Polusalino's trusting gaze, took a deep breath and replied: "I will definitely not disappoint General Polusalino's expectations."

Roentgen was naturally surprised. Polusalino, who had always been lazy and ignored naval affairs, unexpectedly took the lead in the establishment of SWORD, and strongly recommended him to the Marshal of the Warring States as the supreme officer of SWORD.

As a lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters, he is naturally qualified to serve as the supreme officer of SWORD.

Roentgen did not know why Polusalino suddenly behaved like this, and it did not match his daily behavior style at all, but it was of course a great thing for Roentgen. He had a hunch for the SWORD secret special unit. This force will play a decisive role in the Navy in the future. Thinking of this, his heart is full of enthusiasm, and he has become more determined about the decision to leave the Reinhardt Working Society.

So far, although he has not regretted the plan of entering the Navy after the three people discussed it, he does not think that he must go on like this for a lifetime, and he has no sense of shame for betrayal. To put it bluntly, he has worked for Reinhardt. The society did not have too deep feelings, and what supported him to do all this back then was only from Reinhardt.

One side is the the other side is the power of the king’s Qiwuhai. The two are very different. Coupled with the status of Roentgen’s current lieutenant general of the navy headquarters, the next will be the status of the supreme officer of SWORD. It is self-evident how to choose between the people.

He himself extremely hates pirates. Although Reinhardt is not a pirate now, he has a hunch that Reinhardt will form a pirate group soon.

"You already know the purpose of the establishment of SWORD. Next time you meet with the Marshal of the Warring States Period, you will come up with a detailed report." Polusalino said again.

"I know, I have some ideas about the SWORD unit." Roentgen nodded.

After a while, after the exchange between Roentgen and Polusalino, he walked directly out of the naval base.

He looked at the time and walked away. Roentgen knew very well that this meeting with Reinhardt must be very dangerous, but if you want to fully understand this matter, you must meet Reinhardt. .

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