The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 724: Angry navy




   In a hidden location less than ten meters away from the execution platform, a young man in a navy uniform saw this scene with a painful struggle. He clenched his fist and wanted to rush out immediately, but his body never moved.

   "No, I have to be patient and wait for the best time to save Ace."

   "But Luffy...he is dangerous."

   "No, I can't be impulsive. The key to the Hailou stone handcuffs has been obtained. As long as you get close to Ace, you can open his Hailou stone handcuffs in an instant..."

   "But Luffy..."

   He was constantly struggling in the same place, constantly trying to convince himself, but constantly overthrowing.

   "Start execution!"

   Suddenly, this final command came from his ear, and then he was shocked, his body immediately tightened, ready to rush out to rescue Ace at any time.

   At this moment, a stream of water rushed out and fell directly in front of the three generals. The stream dispersed, only to find that the person who rushed over was Luffy. Everyone was shocked.

   Light is the courage to face the three generals, how many people in this world have it?

   "Are you going to be executed?"

   Reinhardt looked at the execution platform, and the two soldiers moved, and the two knives immediately slashed towards Ace's neck.

"If you don't do anything, the agreement with White Beard will be invalidated." Reinhardt thought, and then smiled. "Well, the identity of the King Qiwuhai is useless to me, and it should be for me. The plan for the next phase is working hard."

   At this moment, Luffy's huge roar came from Reinhardt's ears, so he raised **** and pointed them at the two soldiers on the execution platform.

   Everyone held their breath and watched this historic moment, watching the execution of Ace, who had the blood of One Piece.

   But in the next second, under everyone's shocked gaze, two thick blue rays of light flashed across the chests of the two soldiers like meteors, and the soldiers died immediately to the end.

   Ace looked at the two soldiers flying out of the execution platform in shock. The blue light was...

   It's not just him, everyone is stunned, and the whole part is extremely silent.

   "Who!" The Warring States Marshal looked angrily down the stage.

   But no one answered.

   "Hey, this fellow is ahead of me." Krokdal looked at Reinhardt not far away, and said somewhat proudly.

   "Hehe, sand is not as fast as comets. Isn't that what it should be." Reinhardt laughed.

   After Klockdal's words, the soldiers knew that these two rays of light came from Reinhardt, so all the navy guns were pointed at Reinhardt.


Huang Yuan said softly, he fought with Reinhardt, knowing that only his fruit ability in this world can emit this azure blue light like a comet. According to Krokdal’s tone, this shot rescued Ace’s person is Reinhardt.

   "You bastard!"

   Sengoku stared at Reinhardt angrily, "Do you want to openly rebel against the world government?"

   "Huh..." Reinhardt sneered, holding the demon knife in his left hand, and staring at the Warring States Period, "I have never belonged to the world government's camp."

   "It is unforgivable to help Baibeard as Qiwuhai!" Sarkarski turned to look at Reinhardt, and said indifferently.

   "I don't need the identity of Qiwuhai, I think even after this war, you will definitely cancel my Qiwuhai identity."

"Really a nasty bastard!" Huang Yuan said with a frown, then looked at Sakarski who was walking towards Reinhardt, and reminded him: "Hey Sakarski, don't be careless. , The strength of this guy is not comparable to those of them."

   The people he was talking about refer to the captains of the White Beard Pirates, including the captain of the first team Marco.

   Sakaski ignored him.

   After seeing the death of the two soldiers who executed Ace, Luffy smiled and waved to Reinhardt: "Uncle Reinhardt..."

   "Huh? They actually know each other?"

   "Why do you know someone from the East China Sea and the other from the North Sea?"

   Many people think this way.

Marco landed with his wings flapped from the sky and watched Reinhardt not say a word for a long time. He didn’t understand why Reinhardt suddenly rebelled against the world government, and he didn’t understand why he tried to save Ace. The White Beard Pirates should be in the same camp.

   "Goo la la la la..." After seeing this scene, Bai Huo laughed, "This guy has finally made a move. If we don't make a move, the agreement between us will be invalidated."

   "What agreement?" one of the pirates asked.

   "You will know next, if he shows up."

   Baibeard did not answer directly.

The navy who was more than ten meters away from the execution platform was completely relieved after seeing this scene. He was surprised that Reinhardt would actually save Ace. In his opinion, Reinhardt is a People with the highest interests, even if they know Ace, will definitely not take action if they don't have enough interests.

   He didn't understand, the only guess was that Reinhardt might have reached some kind of agreement with White Beard.

   "There is still time to find a way to get closer." He lowered his head and thought for a while, and suddenly remembered something.

   "By the way, those two soldiers died. The Navy will definitely recruit soldiers to execute the sentence again. This is a good opportunity."

   Thinking of this he immediately started to act.

   Reinhardt's shot was beyond everyone's expectations, and they did not expect that Reinhardt would rebel against the world government at this time.

   "How... Marshal of the Warring States Period!"

   Reinhardt stared indifferently at the Warring States on the execution platform, "My gift...Is your navy satisfied?"

   His icy gaze moved away from the Marshal of the Warring States Period and placed it on Sakarski, who was walking slowly.

   At this time, Doflamingo had a thin line in his hand, laughing, walking over, and continuing to look at him: "Hey Reinhardt, is this the plan you are talking about?"

   "It's really eye-catching."

   Reinhardt cast aside Doflamingo, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "You can continue to wait and see how Malin Vando is ruined today."

   "Are you going to be an enemy of the Navy Reinhardt!" The Warring States Marshal roared angrily.

   Reinhardt laughed presumptuously: "Hahahaha, what if it is..."

   Everything that happened at this time spread all over the world, and all the reporters started to take action.

   "Big brother started to take action." On the seabed of Malin Vandor, on the deck of a huge ship, Blatter said while watching the scene on the phone worm.

   "The boss said, we won't be on the stage until Blackbeard Titch comes out!"

"He is our opponent, the boss’s order. This time, we must let the Blackbeard Pirates go back and forth, deal with the Blackbeard Pirates here, and then occupy the Whitebeard Pirates in the next year. Territory and become the new four emperors."


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