The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 838: Tsundere Hayles


   A crisp sound sounded, and a huge crack appeared in the center of the star map. The crack spread rapidly, and then there was a loud bang, the ground cracked, and the rocks were surging.

   The square where Mestre stood was completely cracked, and then an underground space appeared, deep and secluded.

   As the body fell, Meester chuckled: "Sure enough, as the boss expected, the star map here also has a secret underground space like Ankahet."

   This underground space hides the unknown secrets in this world.

   This is the main reason why he goes out in person.

   Boom! !

   There was a loud noise that could be heard by the entire Kingdom of Cochs. Looking at the palace, countless residents seemed surprised by the loud noise.

Inside the palace, the knight Ji Heisler immediately showed an incredible expression after hearing the loud noise that was so close in front of her eyes, so she looked at Princess Medea who was sleeping on the bed, then took the long sword and turned away. Got out.

   Hayles' cold eyebrows frowned, she was very alert, and she always felt that this sudden loud noise was extremely unusual, and she could feel the noise coming from the palace, which made her even more worried.

   "Guard the princess well, I'll go see the situation."

   After Heales walked out, he gave an order to the guards around him.

   "Yes, Lord Knight Ji." The guard replied respectfully.

  Hales, wearing an armored body, made a jump, moving as fast as a rabbit, and directly disappeared in place.

   da da da... The sound of footsteps on the floor kept ringing, with a slight vibration like a bell, and the sprinting Helles pulled out the long sword and made preparations for battle.

   Hmm...what's the matter?

   The moment Heales rushed out, he felt that the world before him had completely turned into a dark night, so dark that he could only see his fingers.

   She was so surprised, the sword was close to her body, and she felt a faint breath.

over there!

   Hayles' five senses were very keen, and he rushed over immediately after feeling the breath.

   Suddenly, she stepped on the air, and her body fell quickly.

   When did such a huge pit appear here... Could it be caused by the loud noise just now?

   There is light!

   Hayles noticed the faint light spot in his sight, and finally twisted his body the moment he hit the ground, and fell on the ground in a thrilling manner.

   Although the dark scene has not changed, it makes her feel much better.

   Hayles rested for a while, then tied the scattered purple hair again, and walked towards the bright light ahead.

   As she went deeper, her eyes became more visible. After a while, she saw the surroundings and a large number of murals appeared.

   The half-open iron door in front was ajar, and Hayles pushed the door and walked in.

   A man in a black suit appeared inside the door.

While surprised, her gaze scanned the room involuntarily, several instruments that looked old, as well as the lines scattered on the ground, and the bright lights. In addition, a behemoth not far away made her very Surprised.

   What machine is that?

   She was taken aback, and obviously didn't recognize the giant steel beast.

   Meester apparently had noticed her a long time ago, but he ignored her, just looked at the equipment and the engine in thought.

   "Intruder, report your name!"

   Hayles raised his apricot eyebrows, and shouted at Meester's back with a frosty face.

   Her question was not answered for a long time, so Hiles held the sword tightly, took a step forward, and said again: "You have violated the laws of the Kingdom of Cochs and must be sanctioned!"

   Two consecutive cold voices seemed to wake Meester from his thoughts, turned around, and looked at the gorgeously dressed, heroic sword-wielding woman in front of him in doubt.

   "The law...what is that?"


   Seeing Meester's inattentive expression, a trace of anger appeared on Hayles' cold and arrogant face, but when she saw Meester's face, she was even more shocked.

   This man is not only familiar to her...On the contrary, she is also very familiar with the famous night demon Meister.

For Meester’s deeds, Hayles is very clear that he is a man who combines talent and wisdom. The music he released has made countless people crazily pursued, especially the "Sea Travel" music collection released two years ago. It is constantly spreading on the sea.

   In addition, because Princess Medea is a crazy lover of the "Sea Travel" music collection, she is so familiar with Meester.

"It's you!"

   While stunned, Heales subconsciously said something, and then after reacting, he said coldly, "Night Demon Meister."

   "In a small remote place, there are people who even know him..."

   Meester smiled and said softly, "It's a great honor."

   Ah... this guy... he is as gentle as he has heard.

   After this thought, Hayles immediately shook his head to get rid of the chaotic thoughts in his mind.

   "Why are you... why are you here."

  Hales's cold and arrogant attitude hasn't changed, but it's not what it used to be.

   "Come and do something."

   Meester looked at Hayles and said with a chuckle.


   Hayles replied blankly, and then asked, "What are these?"

   She has stayed in this palace for many years, UU reading has not discovered that there is still such a world under the ground, which is really surprising.

   "These instruments hide the secrets of this world."

   Meester glanced at her and said, then walked towards the engine not far away.

  While walking, Meester took out a phone bug from his arms and dialed it. After a while, he said to the phone bug: "I found it, there really is no room below."

   "Does the engine also have it?" Reinhardt asked in the phone bug.

   "Yes, but it doesn't work."

   "That's it."

   "I will ship this batch of equipment back as soon as possible."

   Meester said something.

   talked for a while, Meister hung up the phone worm.

   Hearing Mestre talking about these instruments and engines, Hayles said coldly: "These instruments belong to our Cochs Kingdom. You can't take them away."

   Meester ignored her and continued to dial with the phone worm.

   "Are you deaf?"

   Hayles said loudly, her long purple hair fluttering behind her anger.

   Seeing that Meester was still indifferent, Hiles finally fell into anger, and then rushed forward with his sword and stab at Meester's back.

   clang... A crisp impact sounded, and a short black rod appeared in Meister's hand, just against the tip of Hiles' sword.

   Hayles' palm shook, and he felt a sharp force pouring into his body. His face was instantly pale, and then he could no longer hold it, his body flew upside down, and the long sword in his hand fell off as a result.

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