The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 857: Crush the Dragon Claw of the Celestial Dragon

Although Sabo's body is small, the aura he showed at this time was as heavy as a mountain. He looked around, and under the navy's shocked gaze, he showed a gentle but firm smile: "Everyone, this is nowhere, change. Do it."

After speaking, Sabo supported the top hat on his head, and the steel water pipe he held in his right hand hung at his waist, waiting for the battle to come at any time.

All the navies present, except for the life of Admiral Fujitora, were all stunned. First, they did not expect the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army to appear here. Second, they did not expect that the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army would dare. Stop the admiral's way.

The second point is what shocks them the most. Although Saab’s strength is strong, in the minds of the Navy, the admiral is absolutely reliable and synonymous with the highest combat power in the world. Any capture task, as long as the general is able to take the initiative, he will definitely be able to success.

But what kind of confidence does the young chief of staff in front of him have to face the admiral as a single person?

Is it because he ate the natural burnt fruit...

Many people have this idea in their minds.

Lieutenant General Bastiou, who had just stepped back a few steps, suddenly felt a strong throbbing in his heart, but she was forcibly pressed down in an instant, so he held the scalpel knife with his palms firmly, and took a cold step forward. Said coldly: "Sabo, Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army... is coming to save your brother again?"

"The three of you brothers are always in the shadows, so this time you need to experience the pain of losing your brother again."

After Lieutenant General Bastiat finished speaking, Sabo's eyebrows suddenly raised, and the gentle smile disappeared instantly. The navy suddenly felt the flames in front of them distorted severely, and then a feeling of suffocation spread all over the body, just like this one. The air in the space has been drained.

"Say such a thing, it will cost your life."

Sabo's gaze swept across Fujitora's life, and then placed it on Lieutenant General Bastitou, who was huge in height and wearing a shark mask.

Bang bang bang!

At this moment, the continuous gunfire sounded, and the navy next to Bastille suddenly attacked Sabo with a weapon, but after the sound, only saw numerous flame holes appearing on Sabo's body, but the person was intact, but for a moment , The holes created by these guns were restored.

This is the natural element, and for the weak, it is absolutely impossible to defeat.

After seeing this scene, Bastille immediately yelled: "Didn't I tell you to stop? Why are you still rushing up? That guy is now a natural ability person."

Sabo showed a slight smile, took a step forward, and directly grasped a navy's gun barrel with his burning palm, squeezed it hard, and the gun barrel twisted into a ball of scrap iron.

"This is... what a terrifying force..."

Seeing the completely deformed steel barrel, the navy fell to the ground in shock.

"Retreat, you can't deal with him." Bastiou continued to roar, holding the killing knife in both hands, gathering all his strength, and slashing towards Sabo fiercely.

Seeing the fierce slasher sword, Sabo, who was half-length of flames, laughed. With the vacant left hand and the five-finger Jackie Chan's claw posture, he lightly peeked in the air, and the surrounding air suddenly changed!

"My ten fingers are...Dragon's Claws! They were trained to shatter the high heavenly dragons..."


Bastiou's slasher knife slashed towards Sabo with a raging aura, but in the next second, an incredible look appeared in Bastiou's eyes...what?

The dragon claw formed by Saab’s five fingers easily grasped the blade of the shark slicing knife, as if it had been done without any effort. There was not even a sound, and Bastiat’s shark slicing knife stopped, no matter how hard he tried. , Can't make it shake a bit.

How could he not be surprised. If it is strength, he is also a veteran lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters. If it is strength, he is absolutely powerful, but he never expected that the young man on the opposite side would catch it with five fingers. Own attack. should be called rolling.

At this moment of thinking, there was a hoarse, crisp sound in Bastille's ear, he was taken aback, and then he found that the sound came from the slasher knife.


The slashing sword shivered violently, shattering into dozens of pieces under his eyelids.

"Lieutenant General Bastiat's Shark Sword..."

"It was crushed easily?"

The navy were shocked.

Face-to-face, ruthlessly and easily blast the lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters, for Saab, who is now the chief of the general staff of the revolutionary army, is not worth mentioning. In the future, he will be the target of the admiral.

"Asshole!" Bastiaou immediately became angry, but before he could react, Sabo's dragon claws grabbed his head covered with a shark mask.

Rumbling rumbling...

But at this moment, a violent sound came from the sky, and Sabo, who was holding Bastille's head, was slightly shocked and saw a huge meteorite burning down in the sky, but the meteorite was passing by the birdcage. When I was divided into countless flaming boulders.

"Run, the meteorite has fallen." The navy immediately began to flee.

Sabo smiled and looked at the smashed meteorite fragments. He knew in his heart that this was the fruit ability of Admiral Fujitora, and the target of the launch was himself.


The fragments of the meteorite fell, completely enclosing Sabo, his five claws applied a little force, and Bastiat's head split.

In the next second, the flame erupted. In the area where the meteorite and the flame were intertwined, a flame rushed out like a torrent, forming a two-meter-high corridor. Sabo took the shark mask and walked out with a smile.

"Ah... Lieutenant General Bastiat." After seeing this mask, the Navy roared in surprise. Obviously, Lieutenant Bastiou was killed by him.

"I just got this ability, and I forgot that there is elementalization, but I subconsciously avoided it."

After years of practicing physique, it has become instinct, so the first thing that comes to mind is not elementalization, but to avoid it with the body, but this is a good habit, elementalization is not invincible. When facing the strong, elementalization only makes sense to avoid it in advance by using the domineering and domineering experience.

The situation changed quickly, and Fujitora, who was holding a stick and knife, walked out and said with a smile: "Hehe... It seems that it is not easy for the old man to rush through this sea of ​​flames today."

"Of course, there is my brother there." Sabo said with a smile on his face.

After hearing this, Fujitora didn't answer, he pulled out the stick and knife in his hand, and rushed towards him, stepping on a wooden shoe.


The stick and knife collided with the water pipe, and a terrifying aura broke out. The surrounding navy was lifted by the air wave, the flames on the ground were crazily distorted, and the gravel was crushed into powder.

"Disperse quickly, you will die."

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