The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 867: Dive into success

Jack, join hands to block the navy. "Blatt yelled at Jack, and then his four-meter body immediately changed into a human-beast form over seven meters, waving a giant axe and rushing towards the navy.


The loud noise erupted, and Blatt felt his body became extremely heavy, and the pressure of terror seemed to crush his heart. Is this the strength of the admiral?

Before he rushed in front of him, the power of the fruits of gravity had already covered his body.

But Blatter didn't have time to think too much. Since the plan has reached this point, he has to continue to execute it, and he doesn't care, because this shot is to attract admiral Fujitora, the navy chief inspector Sengoku. And the attention of the Chief Naval Staff Crane.

Blatter knew very well that he had no power to fight back against the admiral, at most he could only make a few moves desperately, and at this time standing on the deck of the navy warship, in addition to the admiral Fujitora, the predecessor of the navy headquarters The marshal, the current naval inspector of the Warring States Period, and the lieutenant admiral also serves as the staff officer.

Which one is a well-known veteran in the world, with terrifying combat power. At any time in the past, he would not be stupid enough to face these three powerhouses, unless he wanted to die.

But now the situation is special. There is a clear plan to save Doflamingo this time. What he has to do is to attract the attention of the Navy and delay for a short period of 20 seconds to have a chance of success.

What surprised him most was that there was a big elephant like Jack to attract the greatest firepower, which made Blatter more confident, so he shouted at Jack to join hands at the first time.

Jack glanced at Blatter, then snorted, and rushed to Fujitora again with a weird curved blade. The blade slashed down towards Fujitora with a bang, and the sound erupted.

Regardless of Jack's fate, as long as Jack can block Fujitora for more than 20 seconds, then his value is enough.

"You don't hurry up... asshole!"

Seeing that Blatter was only slowly attacking the surrounding navy, Jack immediately roared in anger, clearly he was still moving slowly at this time when he said to join forces.

The pressure on Jack at this time is too terrifying. People who have not faced the general in person will never understand how powerful the general is. Jack's heart keeps trembling and panic, it seems that he only faced the boss of Kaido. That kind of feeling, the natural oppressive force, the inherent power that makes people fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Although what Fujitora exudes is not domineering, but this powerful pressure is not weaker than Kaido boss.


Jack yelled at Blatter again with great anger.


Blatter laughed and held the giant axe tightly, but at this time, Warring States stood not far in front of him, completely blocking him.

"Finally can't help but make a shot...Marshal, no...should be called the Grand Inspector now."

Blatter looked at the Warring States blocking him and said, then separated his feet, holding the giant axe in both hands to complete the highest-level combat stance.

"A navy like you really can't handle it." Warring States stared at Blatter and said.

"The implication is that you, a veteran who should have retired long ago but still haven't retired, can you deal with it?"

Blatter sneered, but before the Warring States period could answer, he continued, "But even if it is a veteran like you, I still hope to fight with you personally. After all, you are the Warring States Period of Buddha."

"There are not many opportunities to play against you."

Blatter said one after another, as if he did not give the Warring States a chance to speak. This is also a way for Blatter to delay time. It has been nearly twenty seconds since Ghaith sneaked into the cabin until now. It’s time to do it. He has already done it, and as for how to take it next, he can only accept it frankly.

After Blatter’s words were finished, he finally didn’t say anything. The Warring States period got the chance to speak, frowning and staring at Blatter: "The old man is not yet at the age of retirement, and he can still seize someone with unlimited potential like you. Pirate kid."

"Thank you for the approval of the Warring States Supervisor."

Blatt laughed, and the giant axe in his hand swung in a circle, and the rumbling current in the air was like a howling sea wave.

Although this scene did not surprise the Warring States, he still couldn't help being attracted. The strength of this guy was much better than when he was on top of the war.

Sengoku looked away immediately, and said to Fujitor who was not far away, "Master of life, leave this kid to me."

Lieutenant General Crane in the distance continued to watch this scene. She was very surprised that the Four Emperor Kaido and the Four Emperor Black Duke had sent their big signs to save Doflamingo.

She knew very well in her heart that at the moment when the news of Doflamingo’s defeat was exposed, the world government directly called Marshal Sakarski to ask him to send more troops, and that Doflamingo must be sent. The Great Undersea Prison, because Doflamingo has a certain secret of the Tianlongren, he must be put in a prison permanently to avoid the disclosure of the news.

Such a strong **** lineup is to prevent this situation from happening now, but what is unexpected is that this time it involves two four emperors.

Thinking of this, Crane's brows furrowed deeply, and he seemed to feel that something was wrong, especially the fellow Blatter, who behaved strangely since he boarded this warship.

Others may not be able to see it, but Crane is a staff officer of the Navy, more or less able to detect it.

"Quickly fight speed, lest there be other changes."

Crane's anxiety became stronger and so he said quickly. He was the commander who escorted Doflamingo this time, so he was naturally able to give instructions to Fujitora and Sengoku.

But at this moment, a gunshot came from the cabin...Boom!

Crane was taken aback, and Sengoku and Fujitora heard it at the same time, and then reacted: "Oops, it's not good!"

Her hunch was correct. The gunshot came from the depths of the cabin, which was the iron prison for Doflamingo.

It was only now that Crane understood that the two people, Blatt and Jack, appeared one after the other, just to attract the attention of his group, so that his subordinates could sneak into the cabin.

Crane shouted: "Someone sneaked into the cabin secretly."

After hearing this, Fujitora and Sengoku immediately abandon their opponents and rush towards the cabin. If Fujitor and Sengoku rush into the cabin, this rescue operation will inevitably fail, and it will most likely be broken [六极All】Ghaith.

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