(Kurokiri POV for the whole chapter)

“So in the end, what was that skill of yours earlier?”

Ichiko, who is under me, inquires about the “White Binding Chain” that I utilized earlier wearing a discontented visage.

“That one? A secret…”

When I attempt to conceal the secret, Ichiko glares at me.

“Fine then. You must reveal this to no one, okay?”

I begin expounding on the subject after saying so.

All I disclose is the functions of the “Eye of Law Analysis” and “Andon of the Magic Detector” and what can be performed with these functions, which I omitted from my previous discussion of the respective ten years.

In concrete terms, the four skills that I have memorized up to today using the “Eye of Law Analysis” are ≪Mist Plosion≫, ≪Bewitching Fog≫, ≪Sharp Aqua Pillar≫, and ≪Cycle≫ as well as some skills such as ≪Mistbolt≫, ≪Mudbolt≫, and ≪Mud Wall≫ employed by the monsters under my command. On top of these, I have also analyzed some equipment such as The Iron Shackles of the Sealing Art Ⅰ and so forth.

The analysis results indicated that there is a syntax that is universal to all skills at the bottom tier, and above that exists the syntax that determines the attributes, consumption, shape, range, and various other specifics of the skills. Furthermore, that is the syntax for the actual output of the skill in reality.

So, once this level of knowledge is grasped, all that’s left is for the user to piece together the syntax, which in the case of “White Binding Chain” includes the syntax for converting fog into chains, ejecting them, and binding them together, as well as the effect of sealing the entangled opponent’s skill. Therefore, the creation and activation of the chain proved to be extremely arduous.

“So that’s the result of your work?”

“I guess you could say that.”

Ichiko puts on a preposterous countenance at my explanation.

It is, without a doubt, an astounding skill. After all, once you know what each syntax signifies, you can freely create any skill you want.

But that’s not so easy to achieve.

I haven’t shared this with Ichiko yet, but the lowest layer syntax that all skills have in common is very tricky.

What the lowest layer syntax indicates is the law that is the prerequisite or condition for acquiring that skill. Within lies a bizarre syntax that allows usage of the skill by simply consuming HP, etc.

Right. By nature, skills should be used by expending various other things.

Then, where does the insufficient power flow from?

At this point, I am reminded of one of the scenes from the past.

That is, my Kurokirinoko did not work on the God of Calamity, who was not even in a defensive posture.

Why did it fail? I considered the possibility that my attack power was simply inadequate against the God of Calamity’s defensive power, but the reaction I received at that time was nothing like that.

It is likely that the lowest layer of the syntax contains words that mean something like this: “A part of the consumption of power is contracted to the God of Calamity, and in return, no harm can come to her.”

That would explain why I can’t harm the God of Calamity, and it is not unreasonable to assume that the God of Calamity would have prepared something like this.

Assuming this is true though, the disconcerting revelation that the God of Calamity has the capacity to meet the tens of billions of beings who utilize these skills in this world rises to the surface.

Because it was modified from the lowest layer of the syntax, the “White Binding Chain” I employed this time is different from the outer skills I’ve used previously.

Consequently, it is now effective against the God of Calamity… but instead, it now consumes something strange.

I think it’s probably that. Perhaps it consumed something like a soul.

Although I tried it out this time, I don’t think it’s something that should be misused, or rather, if I abused it, I would definitely die.

While I have been occupied with my thoughts like that, Ichiko has been looking up at my face from below and grasping my body.

Yeah, she’s really cute. But we have to keep the conversation going.

“Ah, what’s wrong Ichiko?”

“I’ve always thought you are an idiot and a scumbag, but I didn’t think you would go this far.”

Hmm? What do you mean?

“Because of that, you know! Have you forgotten how you lost your left eye! It was because you were reckless and used a strange outer skill, wasn’t it!”

Ichiko says this with tearful eyes.

“Ah, let me remind you, the risk of ‘White Binding Chain’ is far less than the skill that caused me to lose my left eye, okay?”

That’s a lie, though. In reality, there are a bunch of risks from preparation to usage, including the construction of the syntax.

But there’s no reason for her to know that…

“You’re lying!”

Ah, she found out.

“Now that I am a half-Demon King, I can understand. With strong power comes a commensurate risk. And the ‘White Binding Chain’ is a skill that could probably be used against the God of Calamity. There is no way such a thing could be deployed without posing a threat.”

Mmm. She is perfectly aware of it.

“I’m not saying you shouldn’t use it; I’m just suggesting that if you do, you should do more research first. I will cooperate with you. Do you need me to give you a reason to cooperate? If so, I’ll say this. For me, Kurokiri is…”

“Don’t say anything further.”

When Ichiko’s face turns beet red and she is beginning to behave out of control, I shut her mouth.

It would be awkward for her to say more. Or rather, I feel it’s wrong for her to express herself. That statement would change Ichiko’s starting point. Even now, I’m still a jerk, but for you to completely lose sight of your initial resolution would be ill-starred[i].

“I understand. Then help me from now on, Ichiko.”


Thus, Ichiko and I ended up researching skills together.


[i] No accurate translation for this statement. The literal words are saying, “Even right now, (pronoun) is/are pretty much ‘that,’ but it would be a violation to forget your original intention completely”. Readers can interpret it ambiguously

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