“For now, please enlighten me as to who this person is and what skills she possesses.”

Having said that, I attach the iron shackles of sealing technique Ⅰ to the maid’s hands and feet. It is advantageous to seize her in a state of captivity and seal her skills, irrespective of whether she is to be exterminated or transformed into a kin.

And the most essential part is Ryo’s response.

“That person is one of the Nasu family’s housekeepers. As for the skills she possesses… I have no details, but I believe it’s a tracking type skill.”

“Tracking type, huh? Although I am unclear as to what she was pursuing, it was her skill that led to our connection being disclosed. If so, I’ll leave it to you to describe the conversion to a kin later on to her, for now, activate ≪Monster Creation≫.”

Accompanied by the declaration of the skill, the magic power is released and a magic circle arises under the maid from which light begins to surge out. After the light subsides, the maid is shrouded in fog as she collapses.

“What!? What are you doing!”

“Well, I am simply transforming her into my kin though? Ah, when explaining to this person, you can inform her that there exists a master named Kurokiri, but don’t share with her that I’m the Demon King, you hear me? And don’t mention Ichiko’s presence too, it would certainly complicate the situation if you revealed it to her.”


Ryo discreetly affirms my instruction while biting her lips. She is lucidly dissatisfied with how I am handling the issue. Let’s shift the subject for now.

“Oh, that reminds me, Ryo. How high are your levels right now?”

“My level rose to 6 this morning…”

“I see…”


A fanfare resonates in my head.

“Oh, my level’s risen too.”

“…While on the subject, I was wondering if it is truly such a breeze to raise one’s level? I believe my level only shot up to 5 yesterday, and all of my current experience should have been accumulated by Ichiko…”

“Ah, I wonder? At the very least, the Demon King ought to be fairly difficult to elevate their level due to the compensation, you know? So, based on the number of people I have finished off in this dungeon, I can roughly determine the number of people Ichiko has defeated…”

Incidentally, I originally considered sending Ichiko back once my level advanced to level 3. And to tell the truth, it was only 2 or 3 weeks before my level was promoted to 3.

“…” “…”

There is a dead silence between me and Ryo.

After a minute or two, all I could hear in the distance is the laughter of Fogs and the others.

“I have a bad feeling about this…”

“What a coincidence. And so do I…”

“…” “…”

Silence reigns de novo.

My level, which was originally estimated to require a few more weeks, has increased within a week. That would mean that Ichiko has been annihilating foes at a pace that I had not envisioned. And, as with Ichiko, our fundamental tactic is more of covert and unexpected assassination. When you combine all of these aspects together, the conclusion that can be drawn is that…

It would suggest that the adversary has discovered her, forcing her to continuously engage in combat.

“It would be devastating to lose Ichiko, who is now my most valuable asset! In any case, I’m gonna check out the level-up process and all the new things I’m allowed to do! Maybe I can get out of the labyrinth for a brief period of time!”

“I’ll wake the maid up and ensure that transportation means are available!”

“You better make sure your identity’s not blown!”

“Of course!”

When Ryo heads out with the maid to the upper floor, I first apply the StP and SkP.

Name: Kurokiri (King of the Devouring Black Fog)

Class: Demon King

Race: King of the Devouring Black Fog

Level: 3

HP: 1810/1810↑110

MP: 1580/2080 ↑120

SP: 2030/2030↑120


Strength 40

Dexterity 55

Agility 56 ↑1

Sensing 45

Intellect 61↑1

Spirit 72↑1 

Luck 10 


≪Dungeon Creation≫, ≪Monster Creation≫, ≪Devouring Black Fog≫, ≪Cycle≫, New! ≪Mist Plosion≫


≪King of the Devouring Black Fog≫, ≪White Fog of Ambush≫, ≪Lord of the Kirijin≫.

The ≪Mist Plosion≫ is a water attribute explosion skill with a designated starting point. The effect is a skill that generates a blast and cold air by rapidly lowering the temperature of the surrounding area through the phase transition of water, and after activation, a temporary fog is cast over the entire area.

In other words, it is an offensive magic skill that can utilize the high intellect and high spirit that I possess.

So, after verifying the new features newly available at ≪Dungeon Creation≫, here’s what I found:

・The King Acts for the Sake of His People

A pendant embedded with a white crystal about 3 cm in diameter. It is classified as a trap.

When the Demon King is created, it will contain an optional amount of HP, MP, and SP, and when utilized by a kin, the Demon King can be temporarily summoned.

The summoned Demon King’s status corresponds to the amount of HP, the summoning time corresponds to the amount of MP, and the distance away from the user corresponds to the amount of SP.

Any experience gained by the summoned Demon King from a defeated opponent during the summoning period will be treated the same as if the Demon King had defeated them outside of the labyrinth.

The effect ends when the MP is exhausted. The Demon King is forcibly sent back to its original location.

The effect is 1% of the original status per 10 HP, 1 second per 1 MP, and 1 meter away per 100 SP. (However, the cost increases each time for each creation.)

Can be created once per level of the Demon King. When leveling up, the number of times it can be created is reset.

Prerequisite for creation: Have a kin. The level of the Demon King must be 3 or higher.

This is exactly the type of power I desire right now. Although it may seem expedient, I have created it with 1000 HP (100%), 1200 MP (20 minutes), and 1000 SP (10m).

“Hey, Ryo! I created an item to help me get out of the labyrinth temporarily, so when you obtain it, slam it into the ‘Demon’s Fortress’! The instructions on how to use it will go directly into your head!”

“What the…! Please stop sending these things into my head out of the blue! But I will be very grateful for the item!”

While speaking to Ryou via the kin’s communication, I pass over the pendant to Fog, who gets into the car and presents the pendant to Ryo.

“I wouldn’t want Ichiko to die just yet or things would turn out badly! Reach there as fast as you can!”

“I know what to do even without you saying it! Besides, I have no intention of letting Ichiko die now or in the future!”

Thus, despite our divergent intentions, Ryo is heading to the “Demon’s Fortress” while explaining things to the maid and reprimanding whereas I am in a recovery position using ≪Cycle≫ to swiftly recover the MP and SP that I have consumed.

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