“Excuse me.”

“You are… with your… with your strength, my child can…”

“I can’t guarantee anything, but based on the symptoms and the cause, I think it will work.”

“Then please… as soon as possible…”

“I understand. All that remains is for the child to decide whether they want it or not.”

After saying so, I enter the room separated from the couple, who appear to be on good terms most of the time, while Izumi who also serves as my bodyguard, follows close behind.

This is a huge hospital in a certain part of a metropolitan area. This is a facility where only patients who cannot be treated are admitted, who cannot necessarily be cured even if they have acquired skill, an unknown power that has yet to be fully unveiled. And I, Hisano Ichiko, have arrived at such a place bearing the worst yet the best skill in a sense.

“The treatment of critically ill and incurable patients via becoming a kin… is that right?”

“Yes, indeed. Since Izumi can be healed, most of the patients may be manageable somehow.”

Izumi and I temporarily halted our level-up efforts at the “Demon’s Fortress” and had returned to the “White Fog and the Black Swamp Forest”.

“(Saving people?)” Note: This means conversation through handwriting since Izumi can’t talk.

“There is a fine line between saving people or not though.”

And what I was being informed right now was the treatment method that made use of ≪Monster Creation≫.

“I’ve already done an investigation on a hospital that might be willing to accept such a method. Or rather, it is the hospital where Ryo has recently been visiting to earn some extra money by utilizing the ≪Heal≫.”

“Well… are there any ethical issues?”

This reminded me of the circumstances surrounding my first meeting with Izumi. With that skill, It is certainly possible to cure a majority of the patients. However, this comes at the price of quitting the human race and transforming into one of Kurokiri’s kin.

“Of course, ethically speaking, it’s absolutely out of the question. If it were baseball, it would be so out of bounds that you’d be throwing at the batter from the beginning, not the strike zone.”

“(I don’t understand.)”

“I don’t really grasp your analogy, but… there’s no way I could do such a thing…”

“Well, that depends on the parent’s heart and the child’s heart, you know. The actuality is that there are people who are willing to cease to be human as long as their lives can be saved. And those folks show up like clinging to a sliver of hope. Now, can you disregard their desires? Even I have a heart like a human, you know?”

Kurokiri stated with an expressionless face as if he actually witnessed such parents through Lady Ryo.

And how can I disregard their desires when I am the only one who possesses the capability to save them…?

“Naturally, there are conditions.”

After saying so, Kurokiri listed the conditions for treatment by ≪Monster Creation≫. According to the conditions, there are:

・This method is only applied to patients who cannot be cured by any other treatments.

・This method is employed only upon mutual consent.

・Allow at least one week of free time once the process is done due to the costs imposed on the practitioner.

・Since the number of “Kirijin” will multiply, the government must be notified even after the process is done.

・The “King of the Devouring Black Fog” must ensure that the “Kirijin” are not coerced into any action.

“Do I have the right to choose my patients?”

“I’ll interfere to some extent, but fundamentally, I suppose you should save whoever you feel like saving.”

Mmm. I wonder if I am capable of making such a level of judgment about whether or not someone’s life can be entrusted to my hands…

“(Can I help too?)”

“In fact, please help her. ≪The Lord Will Exercise His Power in My Path≫ is a massive strain on Ichiko because it leaves her vulnerable.”

Izumi nodded.

“Well, flee to my labyrinth if anything goes awry. Nobody can meddle with you that way.”

With these words, Izumi and I were sent outside.

And now, back to the present.

Before me is a pale-faced girl who has been diagnosed with a deadly disease and has been put on a ventilator and an intravenous drip.

Izumi is subtly downcast as if she is reliving her own moments with such a young girl.

To be honest, I am not convinced of this method. After all, while this treatment may save a life, it also implies that the individual will cease to be human. Given the existing dearth of knowledge concerning the “Kirijin,” additional issues apart from the race issue are likely to arise in the future.

Even though their child would cease to be a human being, the parents of this person I just met wished for their child to survive. After witnessing how they wished for it, there is no way I could refuse their request.

Therefore, I have no alternative but to grant their wish if the girl expresses the desire to do so.

I call out to the girl.

“May I… have a moment?”

“Who are you…?”

“I am the ≪Fog King’s Representative≫. I’m here today to negotiate with you.”

“Nego… tiation?”

“First of all, the disease you are afflicted with now is not treatable with the current medical technology. Even the treatment with ordinary skills will not have any effect.”

“I… see….”

At my words, the girl exhibits a dejected look. This is… painful. But I have to say it, to make the girl give up, and to make her accept it.

“That’s why I’m here. With the skill my master possesses, in exchange for ceasing to be a human, you can be saved.”


The girl’s face registers a look of puzzlement.

Her reaction is unsurprising, considering the following words that come shortly after being told that even with skills, treatment is impossible.

“You have to make a choice. Will you die wishing to remain a human being? Or fall from a human to a demon in order to live. Choose one of them.”


And the girl has made her choice.

The choice of quitting being a human in order to live.

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