(Ryo POV for the whole chapter)

“I’ve never been this glad being a kin who can survive without sustenance than I am right now…”

“I agree with you…”

A frigid surge of chilly air sweeps over us on a barren night.

The group members are silently consuming a certain dish in front of Mugi and me, surrounded by ≪Fire Swirl≫, which has been adjusted to low power output to serve as a bonfire.

“Oh well, my stomach is filled to the brim.”

“How delectable…”

Une and Izumi, who are the ones responsible for preparing the dish, are devouring it with great relish.



Houki, who is partaking of the dreadful meal with other human group members, consumes it with a very subtle expression on her face.

I can’t say I blame them for their expressions, though. For I did not taste it, and besides…

I don’t feel like I can gobble up the cuisine made of scorpions and earthworms either, you know.

Yes, indeed. The edibles are scorpions and earthworms.

The same Oil Scorpion and Sand Worm that assailed us this afternoon.

They are those arthropod scorpions and earthworms that live in the ground.

“Are you not going to try them, Ryo and Mugi? They taste good.”

Une holds it towards us and invites us to have the meal together. But,

“No, I haven’t lost any of my energy…”

“Since I am also part of the long-distance group and don’t require food, you can consume your valuable meals on your own.”

I will utterly decline your offer here. Although the resentful eyes cast by the other members of the group are bothering me, what’s impossible is impossible!

And on the following day, despite the dungeon of the “Black Water Gushing Oil King” that spews fire and smoke in the distance, our journey continues westward.

“Miss Ryo.”

As if they have something to report, the scouting squad approaches me.

“What’s wrong?”

“I spotted the Star Castle in the distant sky. It will pass us by in an hour or two if we continue at this pace. How should we proceed?”

Hmm… Star Castle huh?

The Star Castle is a common term for one of only three mobile dungeons that have been verified at present. It consists of a myriad of floating islands, and it soars over the sky of the world on a whim, and once it spots a flying object other than itself, it will attempt to bring it down even at the cost of sending monsters under its command on a suicide mission. Moreover, from time to time, they will also drop a mass of monsters on the ground to maul the humans below. Therefore, vigilance must be exercised while the Star Castle is passing overhead.

Furthermore, what is of utmost magnitude regarding this Star Castle is the fact that because of its existence, humankind has been deprived of airspace control.

Now, by all rights, with the Star Castle imminent, we ought to form a formation and be on the alert for an attack from above or seek a favorable place to shelter, but our immediate site is a desert, which means there is neither a formation to establish nor a place to shelter. On top of that, there is the dungeon of “Black Water Gushing Oil King” nearby.

And in the event that we were to be simultaneously targeted by both the Demon King of the Star Castle and the monsters of the “Black Water Gushing Oil King,” no amount of our “Mercenary of the Fog” would be exempt from a strenuous and very perilous struggle.

If this is the case,

“Are you aware of the Star Castle’s anticipated path?”

“I know. They will be heading straight towards us.”

“We must then promptly alter our course. We’ll need to get as far away as possible from both the dungeon of the Oil King and the Star Castle. Even if there is an attack, there is no sense in forcibly overpowering them, so please prioritize repelling the attack and evacuating the area first.”


The “Mercenary of the Fog” will veer dramatically to the north and accelerate its pace as per my instructions.

Two hours later. While we were assaulted from above and below more or less, it was not a simultaneous attack, thus allowing us to safely destroy them individually. Even those who were injured due to the unexpected attacks were within the bounds of my ≪Heal≫ skill to recuperate adequately.

“It seems that we made it through without a hitch.”

After the wounded have been treated, we exhale in the small oasis.

“Yeah. But, since we’ve strayed so far off the established route, we might as well switch our next destination.”

Houki delivers a glass of water to me.

“Ah, I knew it would end up this way.”

Mugi, who is checking the map, expresses a resigned look.

“Our priority is safety after all. So, where’s the nearest town?”

“It’s to the west of here. But given that the route diverges from the original, we’ll have to pass close to a certain place before we reach what was once Egypt.”

Mugi’s face takes on a bitter look. That remark from Mugi then reminds both me and Houki of what lies beyond that route.

“Is it the Holy Land?”

“Yes, that’s right. The outside is surrounded by people of the religion that once designated it as the Holy Land, and is regarded as the world’s most treacherous land owing to its skirmishes, while the inner is a dungeon created by the Demon King, “Priest of Absolute Peace,” who is now deemed the most powerful of all. Not to mention, it is considered the safest city in the world.”

“How much can we alter our route?”

“The most we can do to reach Egypt is to graze past it with that route. But since it is a route that is not frequently used, it is likely to be riskier, and we may have to hope for a better view from afar.”

“Even so, that choice would be better than stepping into the Holy Land.”

“Well, I guess so.”

And so we, the “Mercenary of the Fog,” advance tentatively towards the path that seems to graze the “Magic Holy Land”.

Hopefully, nothing will arise from here on out.


The Star Castle is one of the reasons why the world has become what it is today. In addition, “Star Castle” is a common name, not the official name of the dungeon.

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