The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 1 A sunny and cheerful boy

The love triangle between little brats is so childish that it makes people feel ridiculous.

It's like a pile of excuses. Don't even step into it. If you see it, you have to stay away.

At least Hardy thinks so now.

"The little mermaid turned her tears into eye shadow, threw herself into the embrace of the sea, and turned into five-color foam."

Hardy's voice echoed in the hall, and the surroundings were quiet, accompanied only by the crackling of the fire in the fireplace.

After waiting for a while, Hardy saw no response, so he asked the two friends in front of him: "What do you think about this story?"

The handsome boy with blond hair scratched his head and replied naively: "Hardy, this story is so sad. I don't know what to say."

Hardy turned his attention to the girl with long blond hair: "Karina, what about you?"

Unlike boys, girls generally mature earlier.

Obviously Karina is more than two months younger than Hardy, but her temperament is mature and she is more like the sister of the two boys in the cabin.

"Do you think you are a little mermaid?" Karina looked at Hardy with blue eyes, apologetically and sadly: "I can't love you, just because I chose Ryan, so you plan to turn into a bubble?"

The blond boy was stunned. He had not thought of this at all.

Then Ryan looked at Hardy with a look of shock on his face. He had no idea that his neighbor and good friend who he had grown up with had ever wanted to die.

Is it because Karina chose herself?

He was filled with guilt and didn't know what to do.

Hardy chuckled softly: "Karina, you are very smart. The former Hardy is indeed dead, so you can rest assured and go out to practice without worrying about me."

Karina pursed her bright red lips and said, "Are you talking angrily? We have agreed since childhood that the three of us will never separate."

"Stop being ridiculous, Karina, you know this is impossible." Hardy stood up and looked down at the two of them: "You chose Ryan, which is a kind of growth in itself, and I don't have that much time. I will accompany you no longer.”

When he said this, Hardy felt soreness in his throat.

The nauseating feeling was getting worse and worse, and I couldn't bear it any longer.

Karina's hands were twisted together subconsciously. She looked at Hardy in surprise. The friend in front of her looked strange and despairing.

Ryan also stood up. He subconsciously grabbed Hardy's arm: "Karina is right. The three of us grew up together, why should we separate?"

"If we don't separate, are we going to marry Karina together?" Hardy frowned, and then took a breath subconsciously, with a look of shock on his face: "Are you planning to learn the aristocratic customs of the Yinluo Kingdom, where brothers or friends share a wife?"

When Ryan heard this, he was so frightened that he immediately retracted his hand and rubbed it hard on his clothes as if they were dirty.

Karina's expression was not that annoying, she seemed thoughtful.

"By the way, this is for you." Hardy took the long piece of cloth wrapped around the chair and threw it towards Ryan: "In a few days, you will go out for training, and this is for you one's gift."

"Sword?" Ryan, as a descendant of the brave, knew what it was as soon as he grabbed the long object. He opened the cloth and saw the black scabbard, which was full of exquisite patterns: "Wait a minute, this is Morrowind? Isn’t this your favorite sword?”

This is the best sword in the town... Although it is not as powerful as the Sword of the Brave, the Sword of the Brave of the Lane family has been missing with his father for many years.

This 'Morrowind' sword was purchased by Hardy's father, Old Hardy, from the elves. It is of excellent quality.

Hardy smiled and said: "I have no use for it anymore. In your hands, it will be more effective."

"In addition...this is for you." Hardy took out a wristwheel from his clothes: "This thing is a relic of my mother. It is said to have a certain defensive effect. Karina, your frontal combat power is too poor, wearing it It also gives us some peace of mind.”

Karina had a strange look on her face. After she took the lavender wristband, she held it up with both hands, pressed it against her astonishing breasts, and gently thanked her.

"That's it for now. I will be very busy for a long time." Hardy's smile was refreshing and bright: "When you set off, I may not have time to see you off. Goodbye."

Hardy turned around, facing away from the boys and girls in the room, raised his hand and waved it twice, and walked away quickly, disappearing outside the house in the blink of an eye.

He just wanted to escape from here as quickly as possible, as far away from those two people as possible.

The hall fell silent.

After a while, Karina said: "Hadi has changed so much. If it weren't for that face, he would be almost unrecognizable."

Ryan nodded in agreement, and then he said: "Actually, it's understandable. He is the only one in the Hardy family now."

Karina fell silent. Of course she knew that just a week ago, Hardy's father, Old Hardy, disappeared, and even his body could not be recovered.

After Hardy left Lane's house, he went straight back to his own home.

The two families were not far away, and he only walked for a few minutes before returning to his home.

A huge manor with a winery.

When the guard outside the door saw him, he immediately bowed and saluted, and then opened the manor door.

Back in the small castle with white roof and black walls, the red-haired maid stood waiting quietly in the reception hall.

When he saw Hardy, he came over, lowered his head and asked, "Master, do you want to prepare afternoon tea?"

"No need." Hardy waved his hand and said at the same time: "I want to go back to my room to rest. If there is nothing particularly important, no one can disturb me."

The red-haired maid stepped aside and stopped talking.

Hardy went up to the second floor and entered his bedroom.

A large room, with a fine velvet bedding under a soft white silk tent from the Elf Forest.

This bed and the supplies on it alone are enough to cover the living expenses of an ordinary family of five for more than fifty years.

Hardy came to the dressing table and faced the precious glass mirror with a refreshing smile.

After a while, there was a person who looked exactly like him in the mirror.

It's just that their temperaments are slightly different.

Hardy in the real world is generous, neither humble nor overbearing.

Hardy in the mirror is both feminine and cruel.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Hardy smiled and said, "I've done everything you asked for, what's the reward?"

'Hardy' in the mirror emits a gray light dust that sinks into Hardy's head in the real world.

Soon, Hardy felt that he had an extra important memory.

"Next, you have to follow Karina, accompany her, and protect her until you die for her, otherwise..." The voice of the person in the mirror has a somewhat distorted electromagnetic feel.

In reality, Hardy suddenly stretched out his right hand, thrust it into the glass mirror, pinched the neck of 'Hardy' inside, and slowly pulled it out.

The translucent ‘Hardy’ looked at the real Hardy in surprise.

"It's just a residual consciousness. How dare you threaten me." Hardy sighed longly: "Do you really think I can't do anything to you? If it weren't for the reward of the mission..."

Although Hardy was surprised in the situation, he later showed joy: "You can actually use mental power? Do you have the qualifications to cast spells? Great, this way you can better protect Karina, take care of her for me, love she."

Hardy showed a slightly puzzled expression and gradually used his right hand: "What a waste! The life and death of the father who loves you the most and protects you is unknown, but you want to continue to be a licking dog. Others don't even love you. Are you cheap? "

"What do you is the world...the greatest and purest...mere...father..."

Hardy shook his head, the smile on his face remained cheerful: "I don't think so. In my opinion, the most important relationship in this world is family affection. Since we have differences in outlook, there is no way to coexist."

After that, without waiting for the person in the mirror to reply, he directly crushed the latter into soul fragments.

The person in the mirror only had time to leave a shocked expression.

"After enduring it for so long, I finally feel comfortable."

Hardy's smile became clearer and brighter.

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