The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 110 Magic potion can make a lot of money

In his previous life, Hardy often cooperated with others to make gold, but he was still essentially a 'lone wolf'.

If it wasn't for the few gold coins, if it wasn't for profit, he wouldn't be willing to cooperate with others.

Because the more people there are, the more complex the interpersonal relationships will be, and the less efficient it will be to make money.

He didn't know much about the big anchor, and had only vaguely heard of Xixi in his previous life.

We know that he is very rich and has quite a ‘status’ among the players.

The gold coins that he typed were all posted on the intermediary website, and Xixi probably bought a lot of the 'gold' that he typed.

But in his previous life, he was such an 'unattainable' buyer and big boss, but now he is willing to offer his loyalty to an NPC lord for the power in the 'virtual world'.

Hardy wanted to laugh at first, but then he felt a little sad.

Because he has assumed the role of his former self, if he had the opportunity to become an NPC knight and be able to command hundreds of NPC soldiers to make money for himself, would he be loyal to the NPC lord?

The answer is: absolutely.

They are all the same people, but they are all doing it for power, and they are doing it for money. Who is more noble?

Hardy shook his head helplessly, somewhat despising himself just now.

He continued to write plans in the booklet, and also used a mind map to make it easier for him to organize his thoughts and ideas.

Four days later, the construction team formed officially began digging drainage canals in Hukaro City.

And Xixi led thirty soldiers to supervise the whole process.

But he is not a black-hearted supervisor, but manages in a very humane way.

The construction money given by Hadi was actually quite large, and Xixi also added a few gold coins into it.

Then the construction team of more than 100 people not only had a full meal every day, but also had an hour's break at noon, a nap, and even... a few slices of meat for dinner every night.

But the tenant farmers in the construction team were stunned.

Many people in the city were also shocked.

After all, the construction team squatted on the roadside while eating, and too many people saw this.

The lord is so damn generous!

This is what everyone thinks.

Hardy actually secretly observed Bian Xixi to see how his 'management' abilities were.

It turned out that I was worrying too much.

Behind Xixi's back at this time, there were hundreds of thousands or even millions of netizens giving him advice. How could he not be able to do even this little thing well?

After that, Hardy relaxed and began to concentrate on investigating tax issues in various industries.

Although he had warned the 'leaders' in various industries before, he knew that as long as they were human beings, there would always be some who 'wanted money rather than their lives'.

He believes that there will definitely be people who evade taxes.

And now he doesn't have enough manpower to do it, so he can only investigate it himself.

As for the financial officer... he just needs to do his job as an 'accountant'. A person with a past record is not worthy of trust for the time being.

Just when Hardy was conducting an in-depth investigation into the taxation of various industries, leaving early and returning late, two unexpected guests came to his lord's mansion.

When Hardy came back from outside, he saw two beautiful women sitting in the main hall, tasting food and wine.

Hardy knew both men.

Lady Anna and Lady Patience.

Two beautiful women sit opposite each other, very eye-catching.

Hardy entered and was a little surprised: "Why are you all here together?"

"Aren't you welcome?"

Mrs. Anna smiled demurely, but Hardy still saw the coquettishness in her eyes and knew the true identity of this woman.

And Mrs. Patience said: "I am here to borrow books, and at the same time I will give you what I promised."

After saying that, she took out a few bottles of magic potions from the small bag behind her and placed them on the table.

"Here's the recipe."

Hardy was overjoyed and stepped forward and asked, "What's the use?"

"This is a violent potion that can stimulate a person's potential within ten minutes." Patience shrugged and said, "It's just that the energy is so strong that I can't slow down without resting for a long time."

"nice one."

"This thing has too many side effects and you can't make any money." Patience looked a little guilty.

"It doesn't matter."

Hardy smiled happily.

The violent potion would naturally not have much sales when sold to NPCs, but the problem was that it could be sold to players.

Calculated according to the timetable of the previous life, the server should be launched soon. Players usually save a lot, but when it comes to guild wars, they are on drugs throughout the whole process.

Focus on a ‘best state’.

"I gave you something." Mrs. Patience thought for a moment and asked in a low voice, "Can you give me another investment?"

"How much does it cost? What type of potion?"

"It's still about stimulating the human body's potential." Patience whispered: "It still requires about a hundred gold coins."

"Okay." Hardy nodded. He had quite a lot of money. After all, the Jeanne family had given him many rewards: "I'll have someone bring it to me later."

"No rush, give it to me tomorrow." Mrs. Patience stood up. She glanced at Mrs. Anna and smiled half-heartedly: "I will spend the night in your library and go back tomorrow."

After that, she left.

When Mrs. Patience walked out of the main hall, the two maids sensibly closed the main hall door and left.

Mrs. Anna stood up, came over and sat on Hardy's lap.

The two hugged each other.

After checking each other's health for more than half an hour, they finally became quiet.

Hardy smiled and asked, "Why are you here with Mrs. Patience?"

"I heard that she was coming to borrow books from you, so I followed her." Mrs. Anna blushed and said, "I miss you too."

"Then go upstairs and rest?"

"As you like." Mrs. Anna rolled her eyes at him.

Hardy lifted Lady Anna into his arms, while the maids began to boil the bath water.

The city of Boris is dozens of kilometers away.

In the Jeanne Manor.

Mrs. Anna, who had fallen asleep, suddenly woke up. Her eyes widened and her body gradually curled up.

Next to her, her husband Victor was sleeping deeply and snoring loudly.

Mrs. Anna bit her lower lip and hummed softly for more than ten minutes. After feeling that her body was much lighter and no longer as 'painful' as before, she immediately got up, hunched over her body, opened the door, and walked over quietly. Lie down in the spare room next door.

As soon as she lay down, severe pain hit her in waves. She was almost crying, tears welling up in her eyes.

"When did she go to Hukaro City? Isn't this nonsense..."

Mrs. Anna's body swayed from time to time because of pain.

She looked through the window at the silver moon outside, wondering when such a difficult night would end.

"Even if I betray Old Hardy, such a punishment is too heavy for me."

Then her body convulsed and she couldn't help crying.

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