The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 18 The so-called good man

40% tax!

If it were a world before rebirth, the capitalist would be moved to tears, and then give Hardy a big thumbs up and recognize him as a competent companion.

But here, with a 40% tax, they are angels and good people!

Because under normal circumstances, tenant farmers and long-term workers have to pay at least 70% of the tax, and in many cases it is 80%.

Forty already the level of a citizen.

Except for the scars on their wrists, the fact that they had to obey their lords and only pay 40% of the tax, they were no different from citizens.

After paying 40% of the tax... they can keep the remaining output for themselves.

The hunted beasts can be sold for their skins, and some of the meat can be eaten by themselves. If there are more, they can be sold in the city.

Return in exchange for salt, flour, cloth and other important daily necessities.

Just by imagining such a picture, the mountain people can paint a picture of a beautiful life.

The mountain people looked at Rogge eagerly.

Rogge looked at Hardy with a very hesitant expression.

"You don't believe me?" Hardy said with a smile: "That doesn't matter, you just move out, I will give you enough time, three months, how about it?"

When negotiating, you must use both kindness and power, and you must not express your own needs. This is the experience Hardy learned from his previous boss.

It has to be said that capitalists’ social skills are almost always perfect.

And now, Hardy has also become a, even further, a feudal landowner.

These things seem to be self-taught.

No need to learn.

Hardy gave them three months, enough time for the mountain people to make all preparations to leave.

But the question is, where can they go after leaving here?

Rogge looked up into the distance. He had grown up here since he was born.

The mountain forest is large and can protect hundreds of mountain residents.

But the mountain forest is also very small, so small that it can only shelter a few hundred of them.

There is nothing here but plants and beasts.

He wanted to go to the city, he wanted to see this beautiful world, and he even thought about finding a clean, beautiful woman outside to give birth to a child.

Instead of marrying those dirty women in the mountains who have only had one bath since they were born.

He also heard that women outside all smell good.

Seeing Rogge's hesitation, Hardy chuckled inwardly.

He knew from the beginning that this would be the result.

The mountain people are rude and savage, but this is just a necessity for survival.

If you come here alone, these mountain people will turn into wild beasts and eat you with your bones and flesh, leaving nothing behind.

But if you are strong enough to compete with them, or even be stronger than them, then they are just little wild cats that bark very loudly.

Indeed, Rogge was the best archer among the mountain people, the most 'brave', and even the most sensible, so he became the 'village chief' of the mountain people.

But... no matter how powerful he is, he is just a mountain man and cannot escape the level of a mountain man.

He is illiterate, has never read a book, and has never left the mountains and forests.

His perspective on the world is just that of a mountain man.

If no one teaches him new knowledge, he will not be able to break out of this group structure.

"If you can swear to the gods you believe in, we are willing to become your tenant farmers or long-term workers." Rogge gritted his teeth. The beard on his face that looked like weeds was shaking violently, as if he had made this decision. , is a very difficult thing: "As long as you swear to the gods."

Rogge's guess was that when he said the word 'willing', the young master in front of him would definitely be very happy.

But he didn't expect to see Hardy frowning.

Rogge's heart suddenly lifted.

Hardy breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Sorry, I don't have a god I believe in."

Everyone was shocked, but relieved.

Most people in this world would choose to believe in one god, but there are exceptions.

For example, the elves only believe in their ancestors and the World Tree, and the dwarves only believe in stones.

Therefore, some human beings follow suit and do not believe in gods, but instead believe in something else.

For example, there is a sect that believes in noodles... which is very strange.

"Then what do you swear by?" Rogge asked.

"Why should I swear?" Hardy took a few steps back and got on his horse: "Believe it or not, I will move you all out within three months."

After that, Hardy was about to turn around and leave.

At this time, Roger knew that he could not wait any longer, and he shouted: "Wait a minute, we are willing to become the long-term workers or tenant farmers of the Hardy family."

Hardy turned around, his expression quite calm.

"Really decided?"

Rogge gritted his teeth: "It's decided."

"Okay." Hadi nodded: "You can stay here for two or three days, and I will send someone over to brand you. At the same time, I will also bring you the reconstruction plan here. As the village chief, you can give it to me. To make a report, I need to know how many mountain residents there are and how many families there are, do you understand?"

Rogge lowered his head with a look of shame on his face: "I can't read."

"Then I will send a butler over tomorrow to help you complete this matter." Hardy thought for a while and said, "When the population registration is completed, when will I brand you."

After that, Hardy turned and left.

The escort and two guards followed closely.

After Hardy left, Logan returned to the mountain people.

A mountain man next to him asked, "Can you believe what that young master said?"

"We can only believe it." Rogge said helplessly: "He is willing to accept us, which is already much better than other nobles."

When all the mountain people heard this, they all felt uneasy.

There is no way, this feeling that the future and prospects are all tied to others, but there is no way to protect self-interest, is really painful.

Hardy no longer suffered from this pain. He kept smiling on the way home and was obviously in a good mood.

Seeing this, Shield Warrior Pero asked: "Master, after those mountain people become your tenant farmers, can I choose a woman from among them to be my wife?"

Hardy was a little curious when he heard it: "You are a shield warrior and a professional. It shouldn't be difficult to marry a woman."

"I used to only care about making money." Perot said helplessly: "Now that I am older, most women look down on me."

The shield warrior has a big beard, which makes him look older, but he is actually older, already in his early forties.

In fact, these are just his modest words. Even when a professional is in his sixties, a large number of young women are willing to marry him.

"Do you think I will believe it?" Hardy turned around and smiled: "Why do you want to marry a female mountain man?"

Pero laughed twice and said, "I heard that strong women have a higher chance of giving birth to offspring of professionals."

Female mountain people are indeed quite strong and healthy.

"Then wouldn't it be enough to find a professional woman to marry?"

Perot looked helpless: "Aren't all female professionals robbed by your nobles?"

Indeed, most female professionals are wives or lovers of nobles.

The noble class will not let high-end combat power escape their control.

"Then just look for it." Hardy thought for a while and said, "You agree with me, just don't do whatever you want."

"Thank you, Master."

Perrault beamed.

The mountain people will be Hardy's 'property' in the future. Without the consent of Hardy, the owner, Perot really does not dare to mess around.

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