The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 199 This is a reward

The brave team was invited to Francie's camp.

Mrs. Sissi and Karina were alone in the tent. Mother and daughter had not seen each other for more than a year. When they met now, they naturally had endless things to talk about.

Hardy was lying on the carpet in his tent.

His mental strength was severely overdrawn, and his soul was also affected to a certain extent.

I felt fine at first, but as my spirit relaxed, my whole body became 'weak'.

My whole body feels limp and I have no strength.

Karina has already used the healing magic and the 'spiritual soothing' magic on him. The effect is somewhat but not great, and he can only rest and recover slowly.

At this time, Ryan was sitting next to him, peeling a fruit.

Then he cut the fruit into pieces, inserted a toothpick into a piece, and put it in Hardy's mouth: "Eat it."

Looking at the smiling Ryan, Hardy opened his mouth and bit into the fruit piece. While eating, he said: "If possible, I hope a girl will take care of me."


"Madame Sissi is better."

Ryan looked at Hardy with a scum expression: "You already have my mother's love, and you still think about Mrs. Sissi?"

Then he thought of something, took a deep breath, and asked in disbelief: "Karina's replacement?"

Mainly because the two mother and daughter are so similar, I don't blame Ryan for thinking this way.

"It's not impossible." Hardy said thoughtfully.

Ryan laughed: "Let Karina know that you have this intention, she will strangle you to death."

Hardy also smiled, and then slowly closed his eyes. Due to the lack of mental strength, he was very sleepy and fell asleep quickly.

He didn't know how much time passed, but when he woke up, it was already evening.

There was some darkness in the tent.

But bright blond hair and a pair of blue eyes were right in front of Hardy's eyes.

There are also bright smiles, which together constitute the most beautiful glow in this dim environment.

"woke up?"

Karina's tone was filled with joy.

"Yes." Hardy nodded and was about to sit up.

But Karina pressed her little hands on his chest and fixed him to the carpet.

"Rest more and don't move around." Then she gently touched Hardy's face with her hand and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Hardy smiled and said, "It's okay, it's just that my body is a little weak."

"That's weird." Karina held Hardy's face with both hands, with tears in her eyes: "You are a Nightmare Knight, a member of the dark professional system, and you have resisted my praise of light. Why are you still insisting on it now? On." doesn't actually hurt.

Although Hardy is indeed a professional of the dark system, in his own soul, the goddess of light comes to play from time to time.

Hadi had already nourished his body with light energy.

Not very afraid of the magic of light.

"Remember, don't work so hard in the future, don't always try to stand in front of us." Karina removed her hands from Hardy's face, then grabbed his hand and held it tightly to her chest: "Ryan is a brave man. I am a saint, and we are very strong, not to the extent that a little knight like you has to fight for us."

Hardy felt that his right hand was surrounded by soft waves, and he said helplessly: "Hand, my hand!"

"Do you feel comfortable? If you feel comfortable, touch it more." Karina smiled with tears in her eyes: "This is a reward for you, my lovely knight."

Although his mental power was severely damaged, thanks to the goddess of light's help in nourishing his body and repairing his soul, Hardy's recovery speed was much faster than imagined.

After only lying down for a day and a half, I was able to move normally.

Of course...the strength is temporarily compromised.

Once Hardy was able to move, he called the entire brave team to his tent.

Ryan and Karina looked at him strangely.

Hardy said seriously: "Although I have a good relationship with Ryan and Karina, what I want to talk to you about now is business, so I am talking to you on behalf of the French Alliance."

Ryan and Karina originally had a more casual expression, but after hearing what Hardy said, they immediately became serious.

As for the other three members of the brave team, they were even more respectful.

There is no way around it.

Although Hardy is young, he is already the lord of Hukaro City.

He is also the second in command of the coalition, and at the same time very powerful.

The other three members of the Brave Team privately commented that Hardy's strength should be only one level worse than Ryan's.

"Originally we had a plan before, which was to open up the logistics channel from here to Gardes County." Hardy said helplessly: "But for some reasons, our strength was reduced a bit two days ago, so we were almost certain Things are no longer certain now.”

Hardy told the story in general.

Due to the loss of his strength, the strength of Xixi's group of players was also reduced.

Although overall the players made a lot of money, many people 'died' in the battle and were left in a weakened state.

The higher the level, the longer the period of weakness after death.

This in itself is a limitation for players.

"So, you want to hire us to help clear and protect your logistics lines?" Ryan asked.

Hardy nodded and said, "Yes, of course we will send people to assist you."

Ryan looked at his four teammates: "What do you think?"

"Of course it's next." Karina said with a smile.

The other three looked at each other, and finally the female magician asked: "Excuse me, how much is our hiring fee?"

"I calculated that I need to hire you for about five days." Hardy placed a money bag in front of the brave team: "This is the advance payment."

There were several gold coins inside, as well as dozens of silver coins.

The Brave Team sounds very high-end, but in fact they also need money.

In the process of chasing down the demon general, they can still take on some simple tasks in exchange for a meager amount of money to maintain the normal operation of the team.

The female magician was responsible for the team's expenses and logistics. She picked up the bag and looked at it, then her face was a little shocked: "So much!"

The archers and shield warriors also came over and looked surprised when they saw the coins in the bag.

It was only a few gold coins, which was not much for Hardy.

But for the brave team, it was already a lot.

Ryan looked at Hardy and smiled: "Then we will take over this mission. Thank you Lord for the reward."

Hardy rolled his eyes at him angrily.

Karina watched the two interact, covering her mouth and laughing.

In fact, in Hardy's opinion, he has made a lot of money here.

This is a squad of brave men. Their combat effectiveness is astonishing. If they are assigned some soldiers to lead them, they will definitely be able to exert a powerful force.

It can save yourself a lot of time and reduce a lot of trouble.

"By the way, when you go to Gardes, help escort two people." Hardy smiled: "This is a private request, so I don't plan to pay."

Of course Ryan didn't care.

In fact, if Hardy had not said anything about 'official business' and directly asked them to help open up the logistics line, he would have been very happy to follow up.

"By the way Hardy." Ryan suddenly said: "What are the origins of those people who can be resurrected after death."

Hardy smiled and said: "They are just a group of undead from other planes."

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