The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 21 The Black Knight Appears for the First Time

late at night.

In a single-yard tile-roofed house on the outskirts of the slum, candlelight flickered.

Nine outsiders were eating and pointing at a certain map.

This is the topographic map of the manor that they bought from a certain 'intelligence dealer'.

When the conversation reached a happy point, they laughed and made lewd remarks.

Suddenly, someone put his finger in front of his mouth and made a 'shh' expression.

They immediately fell silent.

Faintly, there seemed to be the sound of horse hooves.

Everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief again.

"Whoever is riding a horse outside so late must be doing something wrong."

"Maybe one of the nobles is too busy."

"If you have that kind of time and energy, why don't you have more...that's not right!"

The last person to speak immediately sensed something was wrong.

The sound of horse hooves was getting louder and louder, and the sound increased from weak to strong very quickly. More importantly, they could already feel the ground shaking slightly.

"The other party is coming towards us. Prepare immediately and defend the indoor space."

After all, the nine people were all experts and responded extremely quickly.

One of them immediately blew out the candle, and the two of them ran to the window at the same time, pressed against the wall, and looked out through the gap in the curtains. Then, they looked shocked at the same time, rolled quickly to both sides, and roared at the same time.


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the wall was suddenly penetrated by a huge black spear, and then the entire wall seemed to be hit by a huge force, bursting open, and countless bricks and stones spewed into the room.

What rushed in along with the masonry was a huge and metallic body.

A heavy cavalryman wearing black armor.

After he crashed through the wall, his speed did not slow down at all and he continued to rush forward.

The huge lance directly skewered the two mercenaries who had no time to escape, and then the other two were hit head-on by the war horse, flew upside down, and hit the wall in front of the room. Before they could slide down, the huge black cavalry went The momentum continued unabated, directly smashing the walls together with the people, breaking through the entire house.

The remaining five people immediately escaped from the collapsing house.

After they came out, they discovered that the house had been cut off in the middle.

On the other side of the house, the Black Cavalry had stabilized its castration and was turning a corner.

In the smoke and fog, he was so tall and terrifying.

Under the moonlight, the eyes of both the man and the horse were shining with a strange red light, and the god of death was coming.

As if feeling the sight of the five people, the black cavalry held his lance high, and the two brothers hanging on it seemed to be still struggling.

Then with a flick of the lance, the two men were thrown high into the air and landed in front of them.

Looking at the big holes in the chests and abdomens of the two brothers... Such serious injuries could not be saved even if a priest was present.

At this time, a heavy pressure radiated from the body of the black-armored knight, and everyone present felt a sense of fear in their hearts.

He seemed to have activated some mental skill.

"what is that!"

Some brothers couldn't help it anymore and screamed. They had never seen such a cavalry, so tall and powerful.

He turned and ran.

"Don't run, don't turn your back to him." A mature-looking mercenary shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, the black knight moved.

As if he didn't need to start to speed up, the war horse reached the top speed directly, and like black lightning, it crashed directly into the escaping mercenary.

It's too fast.

In the blink of an eye, the war horse caught up with the runaway, without even using the lance, and directly smashed the whole person into pieces of meat.

The Black Knight's momentum remained unabated, and he rushed directly into the distant woods like the wind.

It seemed like he couldn't stop for the time being.

"What the hell kind of mission is this? Run quickly."

Seeing that the other party was far away from themselves, taking advantage of this opportunity, the other three mercenaries immediately turned around and ran away.

In their view, this was an excellent opportunity to escape.

At this point they no longer intend to fight, only fools would fight against such a terrifying thing.

"I told you not to turn your back to him!" the experienced mercenary shouted in despair: "This is the Nightmare Knight! He loves to hunt down cowards."

The black cavalry rushed out of the woods, and the ground shook. Like lightning, he smashed a mercenary, then turned at extremely fast speeds, crashed into another mercenary, and then another.

When the third mercenary was smashed into pieces by the black knight, the body parts of the first mercenary killed fell from the air.

One can imagine how fast this black knight is.

Now there is only one last mercenary left.

The dark clouds have cleared!

The black knight slowly walked in front of the veteran mercenary.

Looking up at this terrifying monster, the veteran mercenary's forehead was covered with beads of sweat. His pupils were shaking, his face was distorting, his lips were trembling rapidly, and his whole body was covered with despair.

"Spare me..."

The long lance showed no mercy and penetrated directly through the body of the old mercenary, raising the latter high and pointing at the moon.

This is the signature move of the Nightmare Knight, showing off his victory to the Demon Moon.

Then, the lance swung forward, throwing the enemy away, and then slowly turned around. The nightmare horse took small steps and disappeared into the woods gracefully and steadily.

Hardy released the form of the Nightmare Knight and returned to the manor. His face was full of joy and he could not hide his excitement.

The Nightmare Knight profession was too powerful, much stronger than he expected.

The 'Magic Swordsman' that I worked for in the game back then was rubbish.

It can be used for both long-range and melee combat!

But to put it bluntly, he is actually not good at anything.

In this comparison, the Nightmare Knight is terrible.

Just the impact of the lance charge is enough to make people's blood boil.

As for the special ability to hunt down runaways, it is a derivative effect brought by the 'Knight Duel' skill.

Knight duel: Force the enemy in front to engage in an honorable knight duel with you. If the enemy escapes and loses the knight's honor, then execute him.

When entering the execution effect, the maximum speed of the Nightmare War Horse will be increased by about half.

The running cavalry is the scariest thing, the faster it is, the scarier it is!

And as the knight becomes stronger and the magic power supplied increases, the speed of the nightmare horse can be further increased.

In other words, you cannot escape when fighting the Nightmare Knight.

In this battle, Hardy found that he had not exerted even half of his strength, and many of his abilities were not even used.

After entering the manor, Hardy returned to his room and lay on the bed.

At this time, the hot blood in his body was still surging and had not dissipated.

A warm body wrapped around him.

When Hardy woke up the next day, he found that Lillian was no longer there.

He got up as usual, went to the first floor and sat at the dining table.

Lilian came over with breakfast.

"Why don't you sleep longer."

"I'm not tired." Lilian was radiant, with happiness written all over her face: "Master, you should sleep a little longer. After all, you worked hard last night."

Hardy could only roll his eyes helplessly.

After breakfast, when Hardy was about to continue practicing his sword, Jack came back. His face was bruised and swollen.

Hardy was surprised and asked, "What happened?"

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