The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 212 Let him develop ambition again

Naqie followed this group of professionals and spent most of the day to a high ground.

Relying on his own military qualities, Naqie knew that he had arrived near the target point.

But these professionals suddenly became lazy.

They used various methods, manual, magical, etc., to create several large tunnels nearby, and they also cut branches and leaves to disguise these tunnels.

Then they hid in these tunnels and began to rest.

Nache Blanche and his five hundred cavalry also enjoyed themselves and hid in the tunnel.

It's just that they still don't dare to get too close to these professionals, for fear that these people will be detrimental to them.

At this time, Xixi came to Nache Blanche and said, "You should also take a rest first. We will launch a surprise attack at night."

"Thank you for your kindness, we can just bear with it." Nache-Blanche said with a smile.

"It's up to you." Xixi shrugged and left without forcing anything.

Time soon came to evening, and the players all woke up and climbed up from the tunnel one by one.

The moonlight is quite good at this time, and professionals rely on their excellent physical fitness to see much better than ordinary people in the dark.

Xixi took the initiative to find Naqie and said: "We are going to launch an attack next. You follow us and help hold down the formation."

Nache Blanche narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Okay."

Then Naqie saw what it means to be a mad dog out of the cage.

After Xixi shouted "attack".

More than two hundred people shouted wildly and charged towards the target. In that scene, demons danced wildly.

I'm afraid that if I'm too slow, I won't be able to grab the meat.

It directly shocked Naqie and his cavalry troops.

"No, you guys are so noisy, won't you disturb the enemy?"

Xixi now has a very 'leadership' style.

As a big shot, he felt that he no longer needed to compete with ordinary players for this small piece of meat.

His goal is to own a large territory of his own and then build a player-led megacity.

Therefore, he did not charge with other players, but stood at the back and coordinated the overall situation.

He chuckled when he heard Nache Blanche ask.

"It will indeed disturb them, but so what? Can they escape?"

Only then did Blanche realize that it was indeed the case.

There are only more than a hundred enemies, so they are at a numerical disadvantage, and these people are all professionals.

There was no way to fight or escape.

In the mountains and forests, no one can outrun hunters, mountain walkers, and druids.

Then Nache Blanche and more than 500 cavalrymen watched as more than 200 mad dogs defeated all the enemies in less than 20 minutes, and then captured more than 30 people.

The main reason is that these thirty people surrendered too quickly, otherwise the players wouldn't mind turning them into experience points.

Then comes the great search for loot.

A large amount of equipment was peeled off the enemy's corpses, and their belongings were also sorted into categories.

And all the supplies in this stronghold were dug out by the thieves.

A large amount of supplies piled up into a hill.

The distribution of ‘battle merit’ was carried out day by day.

The system records each person's kill data and the 'damage' value caused, and each player gets his or her own share.

Then put it into the system backpack.

Because many of them are items, we can only make rough statistics. Everyone earned at least ten silver coins tonight, which is equivalent to about 13,000 in reality.

It can be said that the benefits are quite high, and there is no risk at all.

Except for one player who was accidentally killed by one of his own arrows!

This 'profit' made Nache Blanche and his cavalry regiment jealous.

After distributing the spoils, Xixi said: "I also know that there is a hidden sentry six kilometers away, but it is a bit late now. Will you join tomorrow night, Mr. Blanche?"

"Okay, I'll go see it with you."

On the second night, the players once again made a surprise attack on a wave of enemy secret posts.

Nache-Blanche had fifty cavalrymen follow the player, but he did not participate himself.

The harvest this time was not bad, but each of the fifty cavalrymen only received four silver coins. ,

Because it was not his own army, Xixi chose to give money directly.

Then three were handed over to Nache-Blanche, leaving only one for each player.

But this also made other cavalry jealous.

One silver coin can buy hundreds of kilograms of coarse grains for an ordinary family.

Then the second time, he sent two hundred cavalry to help.

The proceeds of the spoils went directly to Nace-Blanche, who distributed them.

The total gain is eight gold coins.

Nache Blanche left six gold coins and converted the other two into silver coins and distributed them to his subordinates.

For the third time, Nache Blanche's entire army was deployed, and he and the players surrounded and suppressed an enemy scout team.

This time it really got bigger.

War horses... mainly ordnance and war horses are extremely valuable.

Then, in summary, Nache Blanche got more than 20 gold coins. In addition to the previous spoils, he followed and fought day and night and earned almost 40 gold coins.

The money comes so fast.

They then returned to Kexilan to rest.

They reported their kills and harvests day by day. After hearing this, Hardy seemed a little reluctant, but in the end he reported Nache Branch's credit to New York City.

This made Nache Blanche very proud.

He felt that with these military exploits, he should be able to move up the ranks. He should be able to become an honorary knight and become the lowest baron, and own a town as his territory.

What made him even happier was that Hardy seemed a little reluctant.

On this day, Xixi bought a lot of things with the money she gained from victory, and held a banquet for players like them.

Naché-Blanche was also invited.

Bonfires and barbecues are a carnival for players.

Naqie also ate a lot and drank a lot.

Finally, he took advantage of the quarrel and pulled Xixi aside and said: "Your Excellency Bing Xixi, you are very capable, why do you have to follow Hadi? He is not a generous person. You have to earn your own money." .”

"He promised to grant me territory."

"I can do it too. I can give him what he can give, and even more." The red flames of the bonfire danced in Naqie Blanche's eyes: "Follow me, as long as you help me make two more great contributions." , I will be able to canonize you as the city lord, at least be promoted to marquis, and then... I will canonize you as the mayor of the town."

Xi Xi was thoughtful, and after a while she whispered, "Let me think about it for a few days."

"I believe you will make the right choice." Naqie patted Bian Xixi on the shoulder, walked aside and sat down.

He looked at the carnival players with a pleased smile on his face.

Finally found a way to ‘break the situation’.

Finally found the path to ‘high promotion’.

War... own power.

As long as these visitors from other worlds crawl under his feet, he can become a very important person in the Aijaka Empire.

Then recruit troops and horses to form a city based on the land.

Rapidly expand your power.

Finally...the sword points to the position of the great senator.

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