The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 226 Two goddesses suddenly appeared

Mrs. Anna, who is in the elemental body, is desperately suppressing her feelings.

She just rubbed shoulders with Hardy, said some love words, then turned into a black shadow and left.

And Hardy returned to his tent, picked up the map and looked at it for a while.

I found that the 'point' on the map was just east of the Senate House in New York City, just two streets away.

"It seems that I have to help the Rommel family become the royal family before I have a chance to get this treasure."

Hardy shook his head helplessly.

He put the map away and was about to rest.

But suddenly I felt a warm current flowing through my soul quickly.

Because he had seen this situation too many times, he knew that the goddess of light was coming.

"Aya, you..."

Hardy didn't say anything when he suddenly felt the warmth begin to flow out of his soul and bless his body at an extremely fast speed.

Rich divine power of light flowed out of his body, creating an obvious 'drip' effect.

Hardy could even feel that the behavior of Aya, the goddess of light, was full of tension and urgency.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Hardy finally asked.

Now he has become a 'man of light'.

"Wait a minute, I'll help you make your soul stronger."

There was a hint of anxiety in Aiya’s words!

"What's wrong?" Hardy instinctively felt that something seemed wrong.

"Don't be afraid later."

The goddess of light became more and more anxious.

"When you say that, I get even more scared."

Although Hardy has good magical abilities, he really doesn't do much research on the soul level.

"I'm helping you, and someone will be here in a moment...she."

As soon as the goddess of light finished speaking, a powerful pressure descended from the air and entered Hardy's soul through a strange passage.

Then Hardy felt another powerful and hot force in his soul.

Compared to the goddess of light, this power is overbearing and fierce.

It stands to reason that with such a powerful force, Hardy's soul would be directly exploded.

But thanks to the "emergency reinforcement" of the goddess of light, Hardy's soul structure is still very strong and can withstand it steadily.

It was Hardy who felt a severe headache.

Then, an angry female voice sounded in his mind.

"Aren't you annoying? You tear apart my fate line every day, every day! It's fun, isn't it?"

Hardy felt his soul vibrating. He could understand what the female voice was saying, but he was unable to answer or think seriously.

Then the angry female voice continued:

"Do you know how hard it is for me to reconnect my destiny? Do you know?"

"I have arranged so many fate lines for this world. Why do you come to make trouble every day?"

As she shouted, powerful forces rushed around in Hadi's soul, but they were all blocked by the power barrier built with the help of the goddess of light.

"Aya, you are still helping him. Don't you even look at how much trouble he has caused us. We have been friends for many years. If you don't help me, why don't you help him?"

"Calm down and don't be impulsive. He didn't mean it. You should have known he was this kind of person." The goddess of light advised softly.

"You're still helping him... woo hoo!"

While cursing, the female voice suddenly started crying.

At this time, the violent force gradually calmed down.

At this time, Hardy calmed down from the state of being gradually shocked by the power.

It took almost a minute.

There is no way, compared to the gods, his power is still too weak.

During this period, the goddess of light has been comforting the new woman.

Hadi breathed a sigh of relief and asked: "Aya, who is...?"

"Fina, the goddess of fate."

Hmm... Hardy remembered that Aya, the goddess of light, often said before that she had to help the goddess of fate weave the thread of fate. She was so annoyed that she didn't want to do it anymore.

And many things are related to yourself.

He thought the other party was joking, but he didn't expect it to be true.

Moreover, the goddess of fate seemed to have broken through her defenses and came to cause trouble for herself.

Hardy couldn't imagine that without the goddess of light covering him, the other party would be able to burst his soul consciousness with just a divine descent.


Goddess of Destiny snorted coldly, did not speak to Hardy, and then became silent.

A powerful force left his soul.

Hardy sat on the ground and patted his head gently. Although the goddess of light helped, his soul was still affected and he felt very uncomfortable now.

"Fortunately, I arrived in time. Although your soul was slightly damaged, the problem is not serious. It just needs more time to repair."

Hardy sighed softly: "Sorry to trouble you."

"You're welcome, we are friends."

As Aya's voice spoke, Hardy felt a heat flowing in his spirit, and then the drama in his soul quickly eased.

Hardy was silent for a while and asked: "Aya, the goddess of fate, is she really angry and crying?"

"Yes, this is my first time meeting her too. She is obviously a strong woman, why?"


How does Hardy know!

"But don't take it too seriously. Fina is a very nice person. When she gets over her anger, she won't make things difficult for you anymore. As long as it's what you've done recently, it will cause too much damage to the web of destiny she has woven long ago. Big.”

Hardy couldn't help but asked curiously: "How big is it?"

"It's like a spider's web being bumped into by an owl."

Uh... This is no longer a question of whether there is a network, but the entire network is useless.

Hardy thought for a while and then asked: "How much time did she spend weaving that web of fate?"

"It started when she became a god. It's been tinkering for thousands of years. I don't remember."


Hardy understood that he had registered his name with Fina.

"How do I have such great ability? I can make the Destiny Web look like this."

The goddess of light suddenly smiled and let out a porridge sound, which was so cute.

But she quickly pretended to be serious again: "It's not that you are great, it's that you are not on her chessboard. She didn't put you on her chessboard, do you understand?"


Hardy was in a daze.

"You don't need to understand. Anyway, you just know that she has no ill intentions towards you. She was just venting her anger." The goddess of light explained: "Even if I don't help you, she will only destroy your soul." It's rotten, it won't kill you, you can only be stupid for two or three years at most, and then your soul will repair itself."

"She's not really angry?"

"A god really wants to kill you, but I can't keep your confidence, cute little boy." The goddess of light smiled again, and then said: "Okay, I should also comfort Fina, after all, she is jealous ”

After saying that, the warmth in his soul gradually disappeared.

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