The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 231 Genius’ idea, you don’t understand

The desire for magical knowledge is rooted in the hearts of all spellcasters.

Unlike the physics department, where growth can be achieved by continuous exercise, there are simply incredible bottlenecks for spellcasters.

As long as there is a slight problem with the logic, or if the knowledge points are not comprehensive enough, a little magic can even block you for years, or even decades.

Therefore, except for the true super genius, it is extremely undesirable to work behind closed doors.

This is also the reason why Hardy is willing to spend big money to invest in Patience from time to time.

Her three teachers are really amazing.

I want to have some relationship with her three teachers through Patience, or get her teacher's knowledge from her.

After all, Hardy just read a basic theory of magic, which gave him some essential understanding of magic.

There is a big difference between knowing what is happening and knowing why it is happening.

After all the man-eating plants entered hibernation, Hardy took a leisurely stroll and slowly admired the scenery of the manor.

Man-eating grass is... very powerful. When an animal runs onto your grass, it will emit a unique fragrance. If you smell it for a long time, you will fall into coma, sleep on the grass, and then be killed by the man-eating grass. The vines are tightly entangled, secreting a special solution to decompose them, turning them into fertilizers, and becoming nutrients for a large 'grassland'.

This thing is not difficult to deal with, as long as the temperature drops below a certain level, they will hibernate.

And this stuff is actually a very delicious vegetable.

NPCs in the game don't dare to eat it, but in the original world line, players eat it, fry it, boil it, and use it as hot pot ingredients.

I almost ran out of food.

Only a few remain in the Elf Forest.

Hardy subconsciously picked up a few to carry. He also missed the taste of this stuff, because he didn't eat less in the original world line.

But then he thought for a while and threw the grass back into the grass.

He came now to find the secret passage, not to find food.

Hardy took out the map from his arms, looked at it for a while, and then came to the backyard.

According to the map, the secret passage should be nearby.

But Hardy looked around and couldn't seem to find the entrance to the secret passage.

But this is normal. After all, it is a secret passage, and of course it must be built so that it is not easily discovered.

But the backyard is quite big, and it is not easy to dig up every inch of soil.

So there must be a trick here.

Patience didn't say what the trick was on the map, but the more it looked like this, the more it showed that this secret passage should have something to do with magic.

Hardy recalled what he had learned in the basic theory of magic, which included a method of using mental power to find objects.

This technique is a specialty of the E.P.R academic department, and Patience uses it very well.

Those from other schools don't know much about using it, they only know how to use it to find living creatures, because living creatures have spiritual force fields and are easy to distinguish.

Dead objects have no spiritual power, so it is easy to distinguish them from living objects, but it is difficult to distinguish the types of items between dead objects.

Hardy understands the principles of this ability and can use it, but his skills are not as good as Patience's.

It's just used to find the secret passage, it shouldn't be too difficult.

Hardy closed his eyes and his mental power spread out in the backyard.

The world is divided into countless light spots and blocks.

Some are lively, some are still.

Hardy quickly distinguished these things, which ones were living things and which ones were dead.

Then, he soon discovered something extraordinary.

There is a 'light spot' that is very dazzling.

He immediately realized that this place should be the entrance to the secret passage.

Then he paused his special perception and came to the 'light spot'.

In the perceptual world, this is a beautiful translucent spot of dark green light, but from a real perspective, it is just a backyard wall.

Hardy reached out and touched it, and found that the stone looked normal, but he could faintly feel the magic flowing in it.

He recalled that in the world of perception, this light spot was green and should be arcane energy.

Arcane energy happens to be the research direction of E.P.R.

In the basic theory of magic, it is said how to transform.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to convert the magic power into arcane energy and inject it into it.

After the stone slab was injected with magic power, it first turned transparent, and then disappeared, revealing a dark staircase.

Hardy lit two blazing ball magics for himself to illuminate, and then walked away.

The magic stone slab behind him reappeared, closing the staircase.

Because no one had come in for a long time, the stairs exuded a rocky earthy smell.

Hardy walked down the stairs for more than two minutes and came to a wide basement.

There are many wooden shelves here, with many items of different colors placed on them, some of which even reflect light spots.

At first glance, it looks like a very expensive magic material.

But Hardy didn't care too much about these things. Instead, he searched nearby for a while and soon found a bookshelf in the corner.

There were a few books scattered on it, and Hardy was a little disappointed.

There are too few books. It seems that they have been ‘cleaned’. The valuable books may have been taken away long ago.

But he still took one of the books and read the title, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Advanced Theory of Magic".

nice one.

Read the next one.

"On the interaction between time magic and space magic"

"Research on Unequal Jumps of Magic Molecules"

"The Effect of Time Magic on Matter"

"The Control Relationship between Mental Power and Magical Molecules"

Waiting for a series of book titles, it seems that they are high-end.

But it's not something Hardy can learn, after all, his foundation hasn't been laid yet.

Then Hardy also saw a very interesting book.

"Dismantling and Upgrading of Magical Structures"

When he saw this book, Hardy was stunned for a moment.

Because essentially, the transformed Nightmare Knight is a magical construct.

The knight's huge body was all temporarily formed by magic power.

And this thing can be disassembled and upgraded?

Hardy couldn't help but read on.

At this sight... I was fascinated.

Reading it word by word, he discovered that this book was simply a 'magic work'.

It not only details their research on various magical structures, but also focuses on the Nightmare Knight.

It is even said that the 'upgrade' potential of the Nightmare Knight should be the strongest among all professions.

And this is also one of their research directions.

After slowly reading this book, Hardy finally understood why Ms. Patience 'admired' the Nightmare Knight so much.

I have to make a fuss about research all the time.

It turns out that there is a teacher-instructor relationship.

At the back of the book, some basic upgrade methods are described.

For example, when the magic power is formed, it is modularized and accessory-based.

It can also be combined with magic circles to form different equipment styles.

In E.P.R's vision, the Nightmare Knight can transform into a flying unit, as long as a flying 'module' is embedded in the body.

Anyway, the Nightmare Knight is just an iron lump formed by magic power.

"Hey! I have an idea."

Hardy closed the book, feeling that his mind had been opened by the book.

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