The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 236 Victory in local battles

Unlike the spearmen who only consider life and death, as a commander, Ste-Nimi needs to consider more things.

For example, the enemy's intentions.

It doesn't matter if the opponent bypasses the front line. They are now in a phalanx, just a turtle. No matter where they attack from, it will be the same.

But then Ste-Nimi's expression became more and more surprised, and then turned into inexplicable confusion.

Because he saw that the Black Knight actually led the heavy cavalry legion, bypassed them, and rushed to their logistics defense line.

Because thanks to their contraction, the northern front turned into a huge circle, so there was no defensive force on the left and right sides of the front.

The cavalry can naturally go around to the rear.

But the question is... what are they doing behind the scenes?

Ste-Nimi frowned, feeling more and more something was wrong.

Logically speaking, cavalry raiding the rear line of defense is a common tactic, but the problem is...their logistics line is behind the pass.

It was a pass they built temporarily using the terrain. Although it was not extremely strong, it could still block thousands of people for more than ten days.

If the heavy cavalry wants to capture the logistics pass, it is unlikely.

In this way, they will only face the danger of being flanked from both sides.

It's just...that the black knight of the Jeanne family could be such an idiot?

St-Nimi thought it was impossible. For some reason, he felt more and more nervous and his heart beat faster and faster.

An inexplicable fear arose in his heart.

He took the teleportation stone and shouted: "Scouts, follow the enemy's heavy cavalry regiment and see what they want to do?"

"Commander... we are... bitten by... a team of light cavalry..."

The sound of rapid breathing came from the communication stone.

Ste-Nimi felt something was wrong more and more.

He really wanted his army to return to defend the pass immediately, but he didn't dare.

What if the heavy cavalry is just carrying out pulling tactics?

Ste-Nimi is troubled.

The fear in his heart urged him to make a decision quickly.

This is the advantage of cavalry. With mobility, it has tactical priority.

I'll make the first move, and you can only guess the second move.

Guess what I want to do.

Unless you can cover everything.

But on the battlefield, there is no way to cover everything.

Soon, he didn't even have the chance to let the legion return to defense.

Because in their front and right, several French armies began to approach them.

This means to bite them.

If they dare to turn back to defend, they will be charged by the enemy.

An army in retreat has no combat effectiveness at all.

Ste-Nimi could only stand on a high place and watch the heavy cavalry heading towards his rear pass.

As long as the pass does not fall, their legion outside will not have a big problem.

Time passed little by little, and the two sides on the battlefield fell into a stalemate.

The Northern Army did not attack, and Ste-Nimi did not dare to change its formation casually.

After waiting for most of the day, Ste-Nimi, in an increasingly frightened mood, saw a column of smoke rising from the other side of the pass.

"How is this possible!" He roared in disbelief: "Why can the cavalry regiment capture our pass?"

Of course it's impossible if it's just a cavalry regiment.

But Hardy had already planned a backup plan.

The Atonement, lurking in the rear, was very successful.

They once again replicated the myth they had in the city of Boris, and worked together inside and outside to help open the city gate.

Hardy met almost no resistance and rushed into the pass.

The people here are all logistics troops. You can let them defend the city, but it is impossible to let them fight head-on.

Watching the cavalry filing in, groups of enemy soldiers were kneeling around them, putting their hands behind their heads in a gesture of surrender.

Hardy transformed from the Nightmare Knight back into human form. He looked at Simon with blood on his face and said with a smile: "Good job. You can return to Hukaro City in a few days. Take my letter of appointment and give it to My butler will designate a town and let you be the mayor."

Simon was overjoyed and knelt down on one knee and said: "Dear Lord, thank you for your generosity. I will be your blade and shield, fight for you and protect you."

Hardy nodded.

At this time, Simon hesitated for a while and said: "Sir Hardy, in fact, we were able to open the city gate so smoothly only with the help of other people!"

When Hardy heard this, he subconsciously raised his eyebrows.

"They are some friends of Enoria." Simon smiled awkwardly.

He lurked behind the enemy and unexpectedly got involved with the Enorian army stationed here.

I have to say, Enolia’s noodles are really delicious.

Hardy looked around, and then discovered... that among the prisoners there were actually soldiers from Enoria.

Their military uniforms were somewhat similar to those of the Northern Army, so Hardy didn't notice for a while.

"Your Excellency Hardy, Your Excellency Hardy." A middle-aged man in fine clothes among the prisoners knelt and moved out with his knees: "Long time no see, do you still remember me?"

Hardy looked at the other person and had an impression...but couldn't remember the name.

"My name is Mao Draghi." This man was very good at observing faces. He smiled flatteringly and said, "We were companions not long ago."

"But you are already enemies."

Mao shook his head vigorously: "That's not the case, Mr. Hadi, our army is not against you."


Mao explained: "After we were captured by the Northern Army, we pretended to surrender in order to prevent the soldiers from being killed or injured. Then we used our influence to assign ourselves to the rear and help them manage food and logistics supply lines. None of our people I have been on the battlefield, so there is no question of being your enemy's fault."

No, this Enoria soldier is quite...intelligent.

He actually thought of this way to avoid fighting.

"Then what do you want to do?" Hardy asked.

"I want to surrender and help you work." Mao Draghi said with a smile: "It's like helping them work. As long as we are not allowed to go to the battlefield, you can say anything."

Hardy turned to look at Simon: "How much credit do they have for opening the city gate?"

"They helped a lot." Simon smiled awkwardly.

Tsk, Hardy was speechless after hearing this.

He couldn't even describe these Enolians.

Call them hateful, they didn't participate in the battle.

You could say they are nice people, but they betray their own people from time to time.

Hardy thought for a while and said: "Then you are no longer prisoners. Go and help me lock up all the Northern Army members and let you take care of them."

"Okay, okay." Mao Draghi stood up and shouted: "Brothers, get up, now we are from the Southern Army."

A large group of Enolians stood up and laughed happily.

Hardy looked around and asked, "You seem to have fewer people."

"Oh, they went to the rear to help transport food." Mao patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, sir, the food has been transported back and it's all yours."

Hardy looked at Mao who was asking for credit and didn't know what to say.

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