The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 250 Games can also train people

Thanks to the deal with Gardes County, Louisian County now has enough food and is busy building infrastructure.

Among the more than 100 players who joined Hardy's command, more than 20 were from the civil engineering department.

One of them, a gray guy named "Life is Short," actually also majored in urban and rural planning. The century-old planning map of Louisian County he made looked very impressive and impressive.

"Just use this plan." Hardy pointed to the stack of pictures and said, "According to the regulations, give the bounty to him."

Xixi nodded, and then asked: "Sir Hardy, we players... these people have good infrastructure capabilities, should we let our team take over this task?"

Hardy certainly knows that players have strong infrastructure capabilities.

He was worried about how to let this matter go, so he pretended to think and said: "Can you ensure that the project progresses as scheduled? After all, you have only a few people."

"We can recruit people, as long as they have the strength, they can come and do it. Moreover, the gray orcs are also very strong. As long as they are trained properly, they are also good at removing dust." Xixi said with a smile: "We have a lot of infrastructure projects. Management talents, extremely good at scheduling and operating large projects, this is not a problem.”

After Hardy pretended to think for a while, he said: "Originally, I should leave this matter to the domestic masons, but you have always performed very well. Since you took the initiative to apply, then this matter I'll leave it to you to manage it. According to what was said on the drawing just now, the first phase of the project requires 300 gold coins. I will give you 320 gold coins. Make sure you get things done."

Xixi was overjoyed and said, "Don't worry, this matter is taken care of by me."

This translates into an infrastructure project worth over RMB 40 million, which may not sound like much, but this is only the first phase of the project.

According to the "life is short" plan, there are at least three phases of construction.

In reality, it is a project worth hundreds of millions.

Part of these gold coins came from the support of the French royal family, and the other part was war commissions.

In addition, Hardy himself also added an additional two hundred gold coins.

The purpose is to build up Louisian County. After all, from now on, Louisian County can also be regarded as France's border territory, and necessary defense lines must be erected.

Hardy handed over this big project to Bing Xixi, which also caused a huge sensation on the Internet.

Nowadays, players are accustomed to linking game gold coins with real gold coins.

This is how the gold miner was born.

As an unusual player and a big anchor, Bing Xixi's total assets are just over 10 million, her education is not high, and she has no management experience at all.

Now he can be responsible for large-scale projects worth tens of millions, and if nothing unexpected happens, he will be responsible for infrastructure projects worth hundreds of millions in the future, and he will have a lot of talents at his disposal.

This kind of opportunity, even in the game, even if it is not consistent with reality, is what countless people dream of.

Too many people working in the field, or those who want to learn management, are looking forward to such a 'practical' opportunity.

So when Bing Xixi posted this incident online, she just wanted to show off, but it ended up attracting countless calls to her mobile phone.

Familiar ones, unfamiliar ones, bribed connections come to your door!

Make Bing Xixi one head, two big.

They didn't mean to directly take away the projects in Bing Xixi's hands, but asked Bing Xixi to assign some small projects, or let the teams they formed to undertake some road sections or construction projects.

Because apart from the magic and relatively backward technology, this game is actually similar to the real world in other aspects.

Being able to "experience" management and construction in the game feels very training.

Moreover, using simple tools and rough human resources to find a way to build a qualified or even high-quality building is also a kind of fun and challenge in itself.

Anyone with a little bit of ambition would want to seize such an opportunity.

In fact, if only a few people come and the project is divided into several parts, it is given.

But the problem is, there are too many people coming and too many people calling.

He had never thought that there would be so many bad guys in this game, so many people studying human resources management or management.

Everyone wants to seize this opportunity and learn a lot.

Curly as hell.

Of course, this is Xixi's troubles, not Hardy's.

Hardy is actually quite idle. He doesn't have to deal with many things every day.

Just stick to the general direction and let your subordinates handle the details.

He studied magic knowledge and alchemy notes every day, and then took out half an hour to practice swordsmanship.

Then in the blink of an eye, two months passed.

Although Xixi was in pain for a few days, she finally allowed him to balance the 'human feelings' issue.

Road construction has already begun.

In the rule map of 'Life is short', the first thing to practice are the four main roads.

Three lead to the three counties and provinces of the Aijaka Empire, and one leads to the French interior.

Priority will be given to the construction of main roads leading to the country.

They specifically chose this route to be straight and difficult to build, just to challenge an impossible situation.

In two months, although the road was built quickly, accidents occurred frequently and many gray orcs died.

If in reality, this matter would have to go to heaven.

But in the game, if the gray orcs die, just die, it doesn't matter, just let them come up and bring them up again and again.

As long as you feed them enough, they won't have any objections.

There was even a graduate student who wrote several papers explaining how to ensure the safety and diet of construction workers in a difficult environment without the help of high technology.

And how to boost their morale and ensure construction progress.

His tutor commented: "The writing is very good, as if it were true. Where did you learn the experience? It's so inhumane!"

Then the incident was posted online and became a joke.

It has to be said that the abilities of the students taught by the infrastructure madman are indeed extraordinary.

It took them three months to repair the main road from Louisian County to the neighboring county, and then quickly moved to the main road in Gardes.

At this time, the situation in Louisian County was very good, and while everyone was busy, Hardy felt a little uncomfortable.

Recently, he always felt that his soul seemed to become very heavy.

The kind of person who thinks too concentratedly, often doing one thing, will become very attentive and over-attentive.

For example, when reading, he would think word for word. He could read a page for half a day and think about it for half a day, until his head hurt a little.

For example, when practicing swordsmanship, he would practice very hard for several hours without any other distracting thoughts. He would not break out of that state until his body was about to collapse.

Several times, he almost lost the energy to go back to the main hall to eat.

This state of affairs is very wrong.

His first reaction was that he was cursed, so he used his spiritual power to sense it, and found that it didn't seem like it.

It was also under this circumstance that a beautiful succubus lady arrived in Louisian County.

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