The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 254 Something big happened

Hardy asked Sophie to rest first, and then he called Xi Xi.

"What do you personally think about the war between your undead people on the Falling Star Plains?"

And Xixi smiled coquettishly, what could he think?

I'm proud but also a little embarrassed.

He is proud that his "people" are really fierce, they fight like ants, and they are not afraid of death in large numbers.

So powerful.

The embarrassing thing is...the two sides fought like this without actually having much technical content.

Commanders on both sides find ways to control their armies and micro-manage the battlefield.

As a result, players are easily fooled.

When they were in formation, they had to fight back if they were attacked. There was no such thing as patience.

Then they would rush forward to counterattack, disrupting the formation of the entire team and turning them into a mess.

The temporarily appointed squad leaders accused the players of acting erratically and disobeying instructions.

People will reply: "I'm here to PK, not to be a soldier. You are not my boss, and you don't give me money, so why should I listen to you?"

In short... no matter how well the team and formation are arranged in the early stage, there will still be chaos after the fight begins.

Hardy saw Xixi without saying a word, and continued: "In my name, I issue an order to you undead people to set up a temporary Civilian Protection Guard, which requires about 3,000 people to protect several towns near the battlefield. stand up."

"Are you afraid that they will become more aggressive and attack the civilians?"

Hardy nodded.

Bing Xixi did not agree with this view. He said: "Don't worry, Mr. Hardy. Although the upper limit of morality for us people is not too high, the lower limit is still very high. Even if there are people who do many evil things, they are only a minority. We should There won’t be any big problem.”

Hardy said calmly: "But according to my personal observation, all of you have a mentality of playing with the world. The way you look at us doesn't have much respect."

Xixi said seriously: "There is no such thing, Mr. Hardy! At least I respect you very much."

"Thank you." Hardy nodded, and then asked: "Then people who come to this world with a game or play mentality, will they really regard the intelligent creatures in this world as equals?"

Hardy stared quietly into Bing Xixi's eyes.

Bing Xixi originally wanted to defend herself, but looking at Hadi's piercing eyes, what she wanted to say was immediately swallowed back in her stomach.

He actually understood in his heart that not many players would take NPCs seriously.

No matter how 'like' they are as humans, they are essentially just a bunch of data, just strong artificial intelligence.

These are not lives.

What about respect.

"I understand, Your Excellency Hardy." He was a little shocked by Hardy's 'intelligence'. He really felt more and more that Hardy was a living person: "I will issue the task immediately and send the mission as soon as possible. Protect those towns.”

"Go ahead." Hardy nodded.

Looking at the disappearing figure, Hardy sighed.

In the previous life, players had their first large-scale battle, which ultimately caused the levels of tens of thousands of players to drop drastically, almost turning them back into a blank slate.

In addition, it also caused changes in terrain and climate.

There is a mountain range that is a strategic location and was robbed by players. Under the bombardment of various magics, it was forcibly transformed into a small hill, with a huge gap opening in the middle.

Then...the cold air from the north invades, directly causing small-scale climate changes.

Forget it, because the player's war was too intense, the battlefield expanded three times in the end, involving nearby towns. Hundreds of NPC civilians died from stray arrows or distorted magic.

This is the disaster and impact caused by the battle between more than 50,000 players in the previous life.

Now a large battlefield with more than 100,000 people should cause even greater damage.

Fortunately, we were fighting on a plain, otherwise it would not be a matter of simply opening a big gap in the mountains.

Hardy began to deal with official duties again, but at this moment, he heard messy and rapid footsteps, and Xixi suddenly pushed the door open, making a loud noise.

Hardy frowned and looked up.

But he saw Xian Xixi's face turned pale: "Sir Hardy, something big has happened."

"Say." Hardy had a bad feeling in his heart.

"They fought like crazy, and then..." Ling Xixi gritted her teeth and said, "They started massacring the city!"


Hardy stood up in shock.

His eyes were filled with coldness: "Which place was massacred?"

"Lonval County, on the west side of the Falling Star Plain, has a town called Ysou Town on its border, with a population of twenty to thirty thousand people." Bing Xixi's face was very ugly: "Then more than a hundred people from the Jialan Guild went there. They kill everyone they see, and it is estimated that thousands of people have been killed or injured.”

These people live broadcasted the killing of civilians, including men, women and children, and even saw beautiful women doing inappropriate things. After being blocked from the live broadcast room, they switched to posting text battle reports on the forum to continue 'live broadcasting'.

It can be said that once humanity is abandoned, it is unimaginable what people can do.

Hardy was so angry that his head hurt: "Are those scumbags crazy? How dare they!"

Xixi didn't dare to answer the call. He didn't know what was going on and why the people in the Jialan Guild were so crazy.

In fact, Jialan Guild said in the live broadcast room that their senior members were killed by Hardy and returned to level zero, and then the levels of ordinary members also dropped to extremely low levels in large-scale battles.

So in order to restore their level and restore the strength of the entire guild, they came up with such a crooked method.

Players can gain experience by killing NPCs. Although civilians have little experience, they are easy to kill and there are many of them!

Hardy took a deep breath and said: "You continue to follow my previous orders, issue tasks, protect the remaining towns, and at the same time increase the reward by 50%."

Xixi nodded and went out.

Hardy, with a gloomy face, went to the bedroom to find Sophie who was still sleeping, and woke her up.

Then he briefly talked about the matter.

After hearing this, Sophie showed a surprised expression: "These undead people are not even as good as us demons. Although we demons are on the same level as humans, we will not kill ordinary civilians at will."

Hardy said: "I am going to go to Ys Town. Although it is not my territory, nor is it France's territory, some people really deserve to die."

Sophie said, "I'll go too."

"No, I'll go alone." Hardy said seriously: "You are all too slow."

Sophie fell silent.

She knew Hardy had a point.

Although the light cavalry ran fast and far, they did not have much physical strength to fight when they reached the town of Ys.

The heavy cavalry is even more impossible. They are only suitable for short sprints.

None of them could keep up with Hardy's when they were running long distances.

Only the Nightmare Knight, or the Headless Horseman, can still retain strong combat effectiveness after an ultra-long-distance attack.

"You help me keep an eye on this city. I think when I go out, there will be some people with evil intentions who will cause trouble. You help me do it."

good! Sophie responded, her eyes getting cold.

Hardy turned around and left. A few minutes later, a huge black knight rushed out of Louisian County, wrapped in dark mist.

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