The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 256 NPCs can also open dungeons

The fault of the gods?

Hardy didn't ask any more questions. He didn't bother to pay attention to the so-called layout of these big shots.

And many times, the so-called layout is a joke. Whether it is humans or gods, they just take one step, look two steps, or look three steps.

They just have more strength and more detailed intelligence.

It doesn't mean they won't make mistakes.

Otherwise, where did so many divine battles and the fall of gods come from in the legend?

It’s not because you can’t be omniscient and omnipotent!

That kind of ‘god’ is just a name for a more advanced creature.

"Aya, why are you so concerned about these things?" Hadi asked: "You don't care much about tens of thousands of people dying in the war."

"War is not under my control. It is the domain of the God of War, but I care about the life and death of civilians." Her voice became slightly warmer as if to answer Hadi: "And many of them are my followers. , I can’t ignore this matter.”

I see!

The Black Knight continued to run in the wilderness. In Hardy's sight, there was a white dot in front of him, guiding his direction.

"Aya, according to your guess, how long will it take to catch up with them?"

"At least two more hours."

The black knight's originally red eyes were now so bright that they felt like two dazzling light bulbs.

"I'm almost to Ys Town. In other words, they are escaping?" Hardy asked.


"Can't you gods punish sinners at will?"

"It will have a big impact, just like if you throw a piece of sugar into an ant nest, although it may benefit the ants, it will also attract some sugar-loving creatures that also eat ants."

Hardy understood what Aya meant.

The power of the gods is too powerful, and it is difficult for them to judge whether their influence on the human world is good or bad.

So try to rely on agents to express their intentions and instructions.

Instead of using your own power at will.

But Hardy felt that there should be a deeper reason.

Even if a god of order like Aya abides by the rules, it doesn't mean that those evil gods won't mess around.

But even the evil god is a believer and a representative.

If you look into it carefully, this is very interesting.

There must be some reason why they cannot interfere directly in the human world.

"I'll go back to heaven to talk to Fina about something first. The beacon will guide you until you find the enemy." Aya's voice was a little tired: "When you chase them, I will naturally appear."

"Okay." Hardy responded.

After that, Hardy maintained the highest running speed, followed the guidance of the bright beacon, and kept rushing forward.

There were only occasional slight turns during this period, and it was obvious that the murderer was also on the move.

When people's attention is unprecedentedly concentrated, time will pass very quickly.

Hardy didn't think about other redundant things. He just kept staring at the beacon. Before he knew it, more than two hours had passed.

At this time, the sun was setting over the west mountain, and the sky and the earth were dark.

The Nightmare Knight's dark vision still gave Hardy a very wide visual range.

He could even see a little rabbit one kilometer away in low light.

And it was in this dark environment that Hardy found the group of players.

Hundreds of people gathered together and were entering a forest.

"Find them!" The goddess of light appeared in Hardy's mind at the right time: "What are you going to do, Hardy?"

"Kill them all back to level zero!" Hardy said calmly, "Then you, goddess, will mark their souls. Don't let them resurrect again."


The Nightmare Knight was dressed in black, and it happened to be under the cover of night... Although he was huge, no enemy noticed his arrival as he slowly approached the woods.

"Aya, they might run away separately. It would be a bit troublesome to chase them down. Is there any way you can trap them in one place?"

"Open your hands."

Hadi followed the instructions and opened his huge steel palm.

The gentle light ball flashed in his hand, and soon condensed into a square bright white crystal.

"Copy...Boundary Stone?"

"Yes. We can also do some of the things that the God of Space can do, but it's not as easy as him. After all, we have the power bonus." Aya explained softly: "Wait until you get close to them When it's fifty meters away, just crush this thing."


Hardy placed the white crystal in his left hand and clenched it, then charged out with all his strength.

The giant object weighing more than 6 tons ran at a speed of more than 60 per hour, making a lot of noise.

Soon, Jialan Guild, who had just entered the woods for a short time, felt the ground shaking slightly.

Then the vibration became obvious and violent at an extremely fast speed.

Many of them are too familiar with vibrations at this frequency.

Many people were stunned for a while.

Someone quickly reacted and shouted: "It's Black Knight Hardy!"

Especially Bei Youyu, the vice-president of Jialan, his face turned ugly: "Damn Black Knight, why did he come here! They didn't kill Francie, so why!"

They didn't even think about using it, the Black Knight was definitely coming for them.

"Everyone, spread out and run away. Every one who can escape is one!"

At this time, Beiyouyu and others did not have the confidence to confront Hardy head-on.

Previously, all of their members were above LV5, and a few elite members were even LV6. There were 60 people in total, and all of them had the best equipment at the time. Even if they were prepared, they couldn't beat Hardy.

Not to mention that now they just grabbed a lot of funds, just upgraded their level, their equipment is just ordinary, and their real strength is far less than when they opened the dungeon.

How could he go head-to-head with the Black Knight?

So escape... you can only escape.

Just as Beiyouyu shouted the order, he heard the sound of a big tree falling to the ground behind him, and then he saw the huge black knight, breaking through many big trees and rushing in directly.

It was less than fifty meters away from them.

Why so fast!

Before Beiyouyu could react, he saw the black knight raising his left hand.

Dazzling white shot out from between his fingers, forming a series of light gratings!

Then, a huge square barrier appeared around them, blocking them inside.

"Damn it, it's a dungeon!" A player from the Jialan Guild yelled, "Why can the NPC expand the dungeon?"

"And it's still white! Isn't the enchantment layer of the copy gray?"

The members of Jialan Guild thought that they could escape at least half of them.

But the unfolding of the barrier stopped them from thinking about it.

Beiyouyu shouted anxiously: "Everyone is wandering around, trying to contain the Black Knight, and using dog-walking tactics. Everyone should try to delay him for a little longer before dying. The dungeon enchantment has a time limit."

In fact, Beiyouyu has no confidence in this strategy at all.

Can two legs outrun four?

But you can’t just do nothing.

Even if you can only escape five people alive in the end, it's still a good thing.

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