The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 26 In fact, I am a kind person

Tiao Tiao moved into the castle, and under the service of the maid, she took a nice bath, put on the 'pajamas' in the system backpack, and then turned on the 'live broadcast' again.

"Old fellows, take a look, this is the guest room of the noble family." Tiao Tiao walked around the house to let netizens see it more clearly: "Although it doesn't look like much, everything is fine. It needs to be compared. Do you still remember the 'luxury hotel' we stayed in a few days ago? Compared with here, it is really far behind."

Netizens started talking in the live broadcast room.

‘Tiao Tiao’s pajamas are too thick. You should wear something lighter. ’

‘The game setting is like this. Although there is magic, the productivity is lagging behind. This guest room has a complete set of nice-looking furniture and a big bed, which is very good. ’

‘The quilt on this bed looks like velvet. ’

Tiao Tiao also noticed it. She ran to the bed, lay down and rolled around, exclaiming: "It's so soft and comfortable!"

At this time, a maid knocked on the door and came in, bringing Tiao Tiao a glass of wine and two honey buns as a midnight snack.

Tiao Tiao pointed at the white quilt and asked, "Excuse me, do you know how much this quilt costs?"

The maid thought for a moment and said, "I remember Lilian said that it costs about three gold coins. When we clean it, we must be careful not to damage it."

"Three gold coins!"

Tiao Tiao's eyes widened.

As a well-known anchor, she is not very short of money in reality.

No matter how expensive things are, she has bought them.

Like luxury cars or something.

But from this quilt, we can roughly guess how rich the Hardy family's financial resources are.

Even the guest room is of this level, but what about your master bedroom?

After the maid went out, Tiao Tiao frowned and said, "To be so rich must be the result of people's wealth and wealth. No, I have to check him tomorrow."

‘Hahaha, you are so good and bad, you are eating other people’s food and want to overturn other people’s tables. ’

"That's it for players. They accept the mission first, and then kill the original employer when the plot comes. It's not a strange thing." ’

'I think back when I was a Dragonborn, I would first help the lord to work and collect his bounty, and then later on I would help the rebels and kill him, that's normal. ’

‘It’s just a game, act within the rules and act within the rules, there’s nothing wrong with it. ’

"Since everyone supports me so much, I will go out for a walk tomorrow to check the intelligence here."

After saying that, Tiao Tiao lay on the bed and fell asleep.

In fact, it is the behavior of leaving the game characters in the game without exiting and performing AI hang-up.

The character controlled by the player does not need to sleep.

But adequate sleep also has benefits, such as increasing the speed of gaining experience within a few hours, improving the recovery speed of a certain amount of physical strength, etc.

The next day, Tiao Tiao woke up from the bed.

She lay on the window, watching the sun rise slowly outside. The mist in the entire manor dissipated little by little under the sunlight.

That kind of quiet yet dreamy feeling made Tiao Tiao unable to help but sigh.

"What a nice view."

Then she saw someone moving around on the grass of the manor, with a long sword dancing like a gleaming white light.

"Hey, this noble young master is so self-disciplined. He got up so early to practice his sword skills." Tiao Tiao was a little surprised: "Are all the nobles here curled up like this?"

Netizens naturally saw it and started talking about it.

After a while, Hardy stopped practicing his sword skills and returned to the living room, while asking Lillian to ask Tiao Tiao to come down.

After changing his clothes, Tiao Tiao happily accepted Hadi's invitation to have breakfast together.

After the two chatted casually for a while, Hardy said: "In the next two days, Ms. Taotao can move around freely, but please do not leave River City, otherwise it will not be easy for me to find you."

"I understand." Tiaotiao swallowed the bread in his mouth and said, "Besides, I am Tiaotiao, not Taotao."

Hardy smiled: "Sorry, my pronunciation is not accurate."

"Actually, there's nothing left." Tiao Tiao muttered softly.

Now she was a little doubtful, could such a polite and beautiful boy really be a bad guy who took advantage of people's wealth and people's anointing?

But when he thought of the 40% tax, Tiao Tiao felt a thorn in his heart.

After finishing breakfast, Hardy continued practicing swordsmanship.

Tiao Tiao watched for a while, but couldn't see anything.

This is normal. Fire Phoenix Swordsmanship has many requirements for exerting force, and there are also requirements for the operation of magic power. If outsiders practice according to it, without knowing the core, they can only practice it as a showpiece.

Bored Tiao Tiao walked out of the manor and went to the city.

Generally, you need a 'voucher' to enter the city, or you have to pay a poll tax.

But Tiao Tiao only showed off his magic a little, and the guards let him go.

How much do they get paid per month? Why bother with the spell caster?

Hexi City is quite lively, with stalls and vendors everywhere.

But after walking for a while, Tiao Tiao lost interest.

There are not many products, and I saw many people setting up stalls, but in fact they are all repetitive stalls.

Shopping in the modern world is about enjoyment. Forget it in the game world, just appreciate the ‘exotic customs’.

Then Tiao Tiao came to the tavern.

She has been playing this game for more than a month, so she naturally knows that if she wants to get information, she usually just goes to the local tavern.

As long as you spend a little money, you can always find some useful clues.

The drunkards hadn't woken up yet, and the tavern was empty and quiet.

Little Tompson sat behind the counter and looked at Tiao Tiao walking over with a strange expression.

Although the tavern is very good at collecting information, there is always a lag in intelligence. He does not have any information about Tiao Tiao at the moment.

I just think this woman is quite beautiful.

She also has a very weird temperament and looks very proud, but she doesn't have the superficial 'arrogance' of a normal noble lady.

Tiao Tiao sat on the chair in front of the counter with a relaxed expression, pressed a silver coin on the table, and pushed it in front of the man: "The tavern here should be responsible for providing information to customers. I want to inquire about something."

Her French isn't quite ready, foreigner?

Little Tompson had this thought in his mind and said with a smile: "It depends on what you want to inquire about!"

"How much tax does the Hardy family collect from their tenant farmers?" Liao Liao's fingers gently drew circles on the table, and a green magic vision followed her fingers, drawing a line, and then slowly disappeared: "What taxes did the other nobles levy on their tenant farmers?"

Little Tompson looked at the green magic 'line' for a while, then raised his head and said: "There is no need to pay for this problem, because it is well known in our River Creek City."

Tiao Tiao was a little confused and tilted his head.

"Normally, tenant farmers from aristocratic families have to pay 80% of the tax, and those who are unlucky have to pay 90% of the tax." Little Tompson said in a calm tone: "But the Hardy family is different. His family always only charges 40%. And it is 100%. The only manor owner in Hexi Territory who does this. All the poor people want to work as tenant farmers in his family, he is very famous."

Tiao Tiao was stunned.

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