The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 266 Elf Treasure, Wind and Moon

Da Jiba was sitting at the entrance of the underground prison, holding a bowl of batter and drinking heavily.

Although the body in this game does not feel pain obviously, its hunger will be reported truthfully.

When he was in prison before, he would always go online for five minutes and then log off immediately, so he did not feel the pain caused by hunger.

But when he was truly free and kept using his body in the game, he felt a strong sense of hunger that he hadn't seen in a long time.

Hardy stood aside, watching the big muscle tyrant gobbling up the food, with no expression on his face.

After a while, Big Muscle Master finished the paste, wiped his mouth and said, "Everything is delicious when I'm hungry. Mr. Hardy, thank you for taking care of me."

"Go to the Temple of Light and sign the contract yourself, and then bring it to me." Hardy said with a smile: "Of course, you can try to escape and see if I can catch you again."

After Da Musha was silent for a while, he said helplessly: "Don't worry, Mr. Hardy, I won't just mess around."

Hardy nodded and left.

The big muscle tyrant watched Hardy walk away, and then opened the live broadcast room.

After all, he is a big anchor, and tens of thousands of netizens soon poured in.

The big muscle bully didn't wait for netizens to speak, and immediately started the ban on all the netizens.

Then he sat and said a little lonely: "Due to some decision-making reasons, I caused a lot of losses to the brothers. I will first pay off my debts in the game, and then help the other twenty-one brothers." Pay off the debt. If those brothers are still willing to trust me, come to Louisian County to find me! That’s it, let’s go first.”

After that, the big muscle tyrant went off the air.

At this time Hardy came to Philaire's room.

After gently knocking on the door, there was no sound, and Hardy knew that the other party had not come back yet.

He came to Feilaier not because of male and female reasons, but because he wanted to ask Feileer to go to Miser to help check the information that Big Muscle Ba said.

After all, Hardy was going to help Philaire catch the unicorn, so it was normal to ask for help first.

As a result, the other party was not there.

forget about it.

Leave this matter to Sophie and her Silver Moon Witches.

After all, they are relatively good at tracking down situations.

In the elf forest at this time, Philaire was sitting under the huge purple canopy, sighing softly.

Sunlight cannot penetrate the huge crown of the World Tree, so under the crown, the light is very dim.

But the elves have their own way.

A device called the 'Mori Firefly Lamp' came into being.

This kind of lamp is actually a bug nest made by the elves.

Weave a golden lantern out of woven straw and put soft velvet inside it. If you hang it outside for a few days, some fireflies will come to nest here.

The Mori Firefly is a nocturnal luminous creature that is very abundant in the Elf Forest.

At night, they gather together and emit different colors of light depending on their size and age, eventually forming a beautiful circular circle of iridescent colors.

Therefore, this 'senior firelight' is also called neon light.

The surrounding soft colorful light spots flowed around Philaire's body, reflecting her fair skin, making this elf even more fairy-like.

She listened to the rustle of the forest wind through the world's tree canopy, and sighed again.

"What's wrong, our Princess Morning Star is sighing here."

A slightly teasing voice came from the side.

Philaire didn't turn her head, she knew who it was just by listening to the voice, and she responded in a low voice.

"Teacher, why are you free today?"

The visitor sat down next to Philaire. She was wearing a lavender silk robe, and her long hair was not tied up, but fell naturally down to her waist.

"We just agreed to get married." After the haired female elf sat down, she held her curled legs at the knees with her hands and rocked her body back and forth slightly: "You also know how difficult this is, so take a vacation and reward yourself."

Philaire turned to look at the haired elf, her expression blank. After a while, she asked: "Teacher, you are married, can you tell me what love is?"

"Who knows what love is." The haired elf clicked his tongue in disgust: "Me and Arsenal are in a political marriage."

Philaire didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "But I see you are very affectionate."

"We are so affectionate." The female elf with long hair said helplessly: "We are brothers. He hasn't touched me for fifty years. He spends all his time playing with wood carvings or fishing."

Philaire's face turned a little red: "Well, does love have to do that kind of thing?"

"It's not necessarily love that does that kind of thing." The haired female elf yawned: "But if there is love, you will definitely want to do that thing."

These words were too straightforward, making it difficult for Philaire to accept.

"Is there no spiritual love?"

"Spiritual care and protection for each other?" The haired female elf laughed and said, "That's what Arsenal and I are like. Although we haven't done that for decades, we love and care for each other. Concern, do you think this is love? This is brothers and sisters, family affection!"

Hearing this, Philaire's face suddenly fell.

She felt that the teacher had shattered her beautiful fantasy, which was too cruel.

The haired female elf turned her head and stared at Philaire's face for a while, then asked teasingly: "Are you in love? Are you a human?"

Philaire's face turned even redder: "How do you know!"

"You have only been to the human world recently. Is it difficult to guess?"

Philaire blushed at first, but then said with a grimace: "But that person is a playboy."

"Human men are like this, unlike us elven men, who are not interested in women." The haired female elf sighed: "I hope that Asen will be more carefree and find more women, so that I can also share the benefits. Some of his efforts turned out to be that he was not interested in women at all, which was very difficult to deal with."

"Do you think it's a good thing that he's bothering you?"

The haired female elf looked at Philaire and said, "At least it's better than being a widow, do you understand?"

The elves have specialized special education courses, so although Philaire is still a virgin, she is not completely ignorant of these things.

"Is that kind of thing really good? I heard it's very painful." Her face became redder and redder, and she was very curious.

"Pain is also a kind of happiness, silly boy." The haired elf stroked the girl's head: "The lifespan of our elves is too long, and the lifespan of humans is too short. If you really like it, you must be brave to pursue it. Don’t waste time, otherwise in just a few decades, humans will disappear, do you understand?”

Philaire blinked: "But he really has a lot of women."

"Go to the royal library and find a book called "Wind and Moon". After learning the above knowledge, you will know how to steal men. Even succubi are no match for you. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, Philaire's eyes suddenly lit up: "Can you really defeat the succubus?"

"Of course!" The haired female elf snorted: "That is the essence of our elven clan's tens of thousands of years of experience."

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