The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 268 When the peace talks are in progress

Before coming to Louisian County, Hamrabah Kaling sent people to investigate Hadi.

After roughly knowing why Louisian County was 'sent' to Hardy, he came over.

What the Southerners can do, I, the Northerners, can naturally do too.

If you can give him such a large piece of land in Louisian County, I can naturally give him the Port City.

Anyway, the lord of that territory had died in the battle not long ago, and only a mother and daughter were left, shivering in the small lord's mansion.

Even the mother and daughter were hidden gifts set up by Kaling, considered little easter eggs.

Hardy looked at the map, and he was quite moved by this outlet.

France also has three large outlets to the sea, which is quite prosperous.

But...the three outlets are all inland seas.

If you want to trade with elves, orc empires, desert kingdoms and other areas by sea, you have to go a long way around, so the transportation cost is much higher.

Domestic products have little competitive advantage.

But if there is an outlet to the sea, it will be different.

Hadi has been doing infrastructure construction before, and three main roads have been built. It is not difficult to open a route from here to that seaport city.

It's not far from here. In the future, Louisian County's commercial products can be shipped to other countries by sea to earn higher profits.

Moreover, sea trade from other countries may reach Louisian County faster and cheaper.

In particular, magic materials unique to some areas are also easier to transport.

For example, the Ice Lotus in the North, the Red Stone Mine in the South, etc.!

After thinking for a while, Hardy said with a smile: "Then I will set a time for you, how about you come to my Louisian County to meet?"

As a matchmaker, in order to ensure the safety of both parties, Hardy naturally has to be prepared to prevent one party from violently committing murder.

Hanlabaya Kaling was overjoyed and said, "Sir Hardy, I'll just wait here."

"Then you are welcome to be our guest here."

Hardy shook the golden bell, and soon a maid came in.

"Take your Excellency to the guest building on the west side to check in. Choose one of the best houses."

After greeting Hardy, Kaling followed the maid.

Kaling is not too worried about his own safety now. After all, the Jeanne family is a model of chivalry.

Hardy then wrote a letter and handed it over to Sophie's covert mobile team for processing.

These matters will be handled and completed by them in the future.

In the days that followed, Hardy still lived at his original pace.

Kaling went out of the city lord's mansion from time to time to walk around.

Then the players were startled.

After all, the player's clothing, personality, behavior, etc. are all very different from ordinary professionals.

Kaling spent four days wandering here. He couldn't understand these undead people at all, but he was deeply shocked.

On Hardy's side, Philaire made two more elf-style side dishes for Hardy.

While eating the familiar taste, Hardy said: "File, I want to ask you to do something for me."

"Well, let's talk." Philaire's tone was gentle, like a good wife and mother.

So Hardy told him the information he had received from the big muscle tyrant before.

After listening, Philaire's expression turned cold.

"I understand, what Hardy means is, someone wants to harm you, right?"

Hardy nodded and said, "So I hope you can investigate this matter and go with Sophie."

Philaire's eyes widened slightly: "Why with her? I can solve this problem myself."

"When two people are together, they take care of each other." Hardy said with a smile.

Philaire pursed her lips and thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay."

"Go find Sophie. She should be ready to travel and waiting for you."

Philaire did not leave the room, she put her hands behind her back, a little nervous.

Hardy looked at her strangely.

"Since I have done something for you, can you give me a reward?"

"Gold coins or gems?" Hardy asked.

Philaire raised her eyebrows and stood on her head: "You... wooden!"

Hardy smiled, took the elf's hand, kissed the back of the hand gently, and said with a smile: "That'll be all right."

The elf, who was originally a little angry, immediately became shy, turned around and left without saying anything.

Hardy looked at her disappearing back and sighed slightly.

The next day, the combination of elves and succubi set out.

When Hardy saw them off, Sophie boldly pestered Hardy for a wet kiss.

The elf looked jealous and blushed.

In the following days, Hardy's life was very fulfilling.

Without the interruption of women, he devoted himself to his magic research and made rapid progress.

This time the right elbow and 'head' were successfully separated.

Now he can use the special magic of Steel Armor Flying Fist with both hands at the same time, double the damage and double the happiness.

You can also detach your head and use the floating magic circle to fly into the air and conduct a 'cruise' with a radius of one kilometer, similar to the effect of drone reconnaissance.

Hardy affectionately calls this skill 'Flying Head Brutal'.

The biggest factor limiting Feitouman's flying distance now is his lack of mental strength.

If you want to control your head to fly that far, you must establish a spiritual connection channel with the body, but this is not Hardy's strength, and there is no detailed explanation of this knowledge in E.P.R's magic theory.

Just when Hardy was happily transforming his body, the human envoys sent by New York came to Louisian County.

Hardy had to regretfully interrupt his research and come out of the magic laboratory.

Afterwards, Hardy's Silver Wing Cavalry regiment protected the entire Lord's Mansion.

In the main hall on the first floor, three parties were seated.

As the host, Hardy naturally sat in the main seat.

The southern and northern factions will sit across from each other on both sides of the table.

The expressions of both parties were quite serious.

Hardy had his servants serve plenty of delicacies and wine.

When the table was almost full, Hardy raised his glass and said with a smile: "I'm glad that everyone can sit down. There is a proverb among the elves, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal friendship. Today, we are establishing an eternal friendship. Start."

The other four people also raised their glasses at the same time.

Then drink it all in one gulp.

They were very sensible and gave Hardy enough face.

"I know you all have a lot to say now, but it doesn't matter. Let's eat and drink first before we talk." Hadi picked up a piece of tender lamb chop and said with a smile, "Only when you are full can you have the strength to argue and scold."

The other people's expressions suddenly became stunned. After looking at each other for a few times, they immediately started eating and drinking.

Hardy held the wine glass and looked at the scene with satisfaction.

Many times, the scene cannot open up and the conversation cannot proceed because both parties are under too much pressure.

And eating and drinking is the best way to relieve stress.

He now hopes that both parties can sit down and talk, because this is in the interest of Francie and Hardy's future interests.

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