The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 271 Coming at the right time

The spears are like a forest, and the silver armor is like a mountain.

How would you feel when such a heavy cavalry legion appeared under the city wall?

The several garrison guards in Tacoma City were all trembling.

After a while, someone with a little more courage shouted, "Why did you come to Tacoma County?"

"Francie, Mr. Hardy of the Jeanne family, came to take over Tacoma City."

This was Hardy's adjutant shouting at the city wall.

Hardy began to observe his surroundings.

Because the city defenders observed that a large army was coming, they subconsciously closed the city gate.

At this time, there were many pedestrians, travelers, and caravans outside, unable to enter the city and hiding far away.

They looked at Hardy's heavy cavalry army with some horror.

All civilians will be afraid of the army, not to mention that the war between the north and the south has been going on recently. It has only been a few days after the armistice, and the people's fear of the army is still very high and has not decreased.

Hardy roughly estimated the number of people in this group, the size of the caravan, etc., and then came to a conclusion: the situation here does not seem to be good.

There seemed to be fewer people, which was not what a port city should have.

What causes it?

Logically speaking, a port city should be crowded with people and bustling with people.

Is there any ‘hidden secret’ in this city?

Perhaps this is also the reason why the northern faction left this port city to themselves?

Hardy thought of several possibilities in an instant.

At this time, the city gate finally opened.

Several city defenders bent down at the door and smiled flatteringly at the same time.

They seemed to be afraid that Hardy would bully them.

Hardy walked at the front. After entering the door, he paused, turned around and asked, "Which direction is the Lord's Mansion?"

"On the right side of the city, close to the seaside, there is a large manor surrounded by white walls. That's it."


Hardy smiled at the other party, then waved his hand, and the heavy cavalry army rolled away, leaving behind the roaring earthquake.

Several city defenders subconsciously wiped the cold sweat on their foreheads and the dust on their faces.

Someone looked into the distance and said doubtfully, "That young master seems to be quite easy to talk to."

In the Lord's Mansion in Tacoma, a beautiful mother was protecting her ten-year-old daughter and looking coldly at a group of men in front of her.

"Jason, don't go too far."

Opposite this beautiful mother were six men.

Two Arobas, and four Gray Orcs.

In particular, the four gray orcs were shirtless and only wore a piece of cloth around their waists.

The leading man had pigtails and looked good, but there was an air of exaggeration on his face and he didn't look like an honest man.

He looked at the beautiful mother opposite and said with a smile: "Sophia, Tacoma County is no longer yours to decide. His new owner will be here soon. You'd better come with us while you take advantage of this opportunity." Let’s go, do you understand?”

"Go away." Sophia roared angrily: "Even if Tacoma does not belong to our family, it is at least my hometown. Our mother and daughter will not go to Sanforth County with you. Give up."

The woman knew very well that once she and this man went to Sanforth County, she would have no choice but to make her own decisions for the rest of her life.

Moreover, he and his daughter still have an inheritance. If they really go with them, they will definitely have to feed them.

"I'm here to inform you, not to ask for your consent." Little braided Jason waved his hand and said, "Catch them all and take them away."

"How dare you!" Sophia was so angry that she was trembling and shouted to everyone around her: "Come quickly and drive them out."

There were only a few old and weak maids around, and they all lowered their heads and did not dare to make a sound.

Several gray orcs laughed and walked up.

Sophia protected her daughter and backed away until she was in a corner, unable to retreat.

The little girl behind her stared with watery eyes, looking in fear at the approach of these huge monsters with skin as black as coal, her body trembling all the time.

At this moment, the door behind them was pushed open with a bang.

First, bright, golden sunlight slanted in from outside the door.

In the golden light, a handsome young man slowly walked out, his whole body seemed to be surrounded by a warm halo.

Behind him was a group of silver-armored warriors, surrounding him.

This turn of events stunned everyone in the hall.

The young man looked around with interest, and then his eyes fell on this group of people.

He didn't say anything, just smiled and watched quietly.

In the end, Jason spoke first, and he asked nervously: "Excuse me, may I ask your surname?"

"Francie, Hardy!"

Jason swallowed and said, "Sir, I'm very sorry. What is your purpose of coming here?"

"Take over this city, this territory."

At this time, Jason knew who Hardy was. He immediately knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: "Your Excellency, I am very sorry for offending you. We came to your place just to catch our lost slaves. We didn't think about it. Seizing your property.”

"We are not your property, let alone your slave girls." Sophia roared: "This is the property of our Tacoma family, our home, and no one can take it away."

Hardy raised his eyebrows subconsciously.

He kind of understood what was going on.

It's not surprising, it's just a story between a poor man and a wolf-hearted person.

Jason glared at Sophia angrily, and was about to say something, but suddenly thought that Hardy was still here, and immediately lowered his head, not daring to show any unnecessary expressions.

Hardy waved his hand and said: "You can take a few gray orcs with you. It is best to take them out of Tacoma County."

"Then they two..." Jason subconsciously looked at the Tacoma mother and daughter.

Hardy said calmly: "I'm here to take over everything in Tacoma, whether it's objects or people!"

Jason immediately understood what Hardy meant. He looked at the mother and daughter with some envy. In the end, he could only sigh helplessly and left with the gray orc.

When those arrogant gray orcs saw the heavily armed silver-armored warriors, their legs became weak.

These gray orcs came down from the battlefield.

They had seen the heavy cavalry in silver armor trample people, especially when they trampled on gray orcs, they were very neat.

After these men left, Hardy looked at the mother and daughter, feeling a little funny.

No wonder when Hannah Kaling left Louisian County, she smiled and said there would be a special gift waiting for Hardy to receive.

It turned out to be the mother and daughter.

But I have to say that this kind of gift is indeed quite unique.

That little girl is obviously a beauty with a promising future.

As for Sophia, this woman, regardless of height, appearance, or figure, is already vaguely comparable to Queen Sissi.

Hardy looked at them and asked: "Do you want to leave, or do you want to live in this lord's mansion?"

Sophia looked at Hadi: "I want to live here, this is our home... What price do I have to pay?"

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