The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 275: Giving help in times of need can easily increase your favorability

The country of Misr.

Desert country.

The country of orcs.

The original country of Misr was a country dominated by humans. At that time, there were more green areas than deserts. There was a huge river running from east to west, and a splendid civilization developed along its banks.

For example, desert pyramids, for example, mummies.

But since more than a thousand years ago, climate change has continued, rainfall has become less, rivers have been cut off, and deserts have expanded.

increasingly unsuitable for human survival.

So all the humans were gone, leaving only a small part of them living a hard life.

In contrast, many races that have adapted to the desert climate began to rise in Misr.

For example, tauren, gray orcs, green orcs, foxes, cat people, etc.

After fighting for nearly a thousand years, these orc races gradually merged.

But only races with abundant body hair can integrate with each other, while races with less body hair are excluded.

For example, the fox people and cat people.

These two races are too similar to humans, so in the past hundred years, they have become the punching bag of the beast race and have been attacked and ostracized.

Tracing back to the origin, it is actually because the orcs have been harmed and overdone by humans, so they hate fox people and cat people who are very similar to humans.

At this time, Bing Xixi was sitting in a white cloth felt bag.

The desert sun shines directly on the top of the bag, but there are several large openings around the bag, creating convection winds. It is not too hot, but is very cool.

Opposite him, four cat people sat.

Three men and one woman.

At this time, Xixi was very excited.

The cat people are petite and exquisite, both men and women are very cute, and they are completely in the hearts of players.

But he was afraid of leaving a bad impression on these cat people, so he was very calm on the surface.

"Your Excellency, please stop pestering us. We don't believe that there will be a lord who sincerely accepts us, and he is still a human being."

Xixi said helplessly: "Guys, please listen to me. Our lord Hardy is really not an ordinary person. He has no objection to any intelligent race."

"We have heard that the Ajiaka Empire captured the gray orcs as slaves." said the female catman Rourou.

"This is indeed a problem." Bing Xixi scratched her head and explained: "But have you noticed that humans only catch gray orcs, not you very much?"

As soon as these words came out, the cats looked at each other.

Because it's true.

Humans love to capture gray orcs the most, and they don't like to capture fox people and cat people as slaves.

The reason for this is simple: If you don’t know how to farm, you can’t grow melons and kapok, so it’s useless.

As if she felt an unspeakable insult, the female catman jumped up angrily: "We are also very useful. Two years ago, you humans captured one of our tribesmen."

"It only takes two years to catch one." Bing Xixi asked subconsciously.

In his opinion, if it were players, if everyone's morals were lower, they could catch all the cat people in two years.

And it was such an unintentional remark that directly caused the cat people to break their defense.

The catwoman jumped up in anger again, shaking her small fists with her hands, but then sat down slumped.

The three male cat people next to them also looked embarrassed.

Normal humans really have little interest in the fox people and cat people.

In fact, humans wanted to capture tauren for farming, and they tried that, but they later discovered that this kind of cattle didn't seem to know much about farming, and they couldn't teach it.

And there are no Black Buffalo Minotaurs in this world!

The air became more and more silent, and Xixi also realized that she seemed to have said the wrong thing.

At this moment, a cat man rushed in from outside. Judging from the color of his ears, it was a tabby cat.

"Oh no, the cow people are here to steal our food again."

When everyone heard this, they all stood up.

They rushed out of the felt bag and looked into the distance.

Where they were located was a high sand dune. With this dune as the center, there were a large number of white felt bags scattered around, all of which were the houses of the cat people.

On the periphery of the gathering place of the cat people, a yellow smoke column rose, and at the source of the smoke column was a group of running tauren.

Judging from the number, there should be about five hundred. These tauren have long yellow hair all over their bodies. It stands to reason that such long hair would be very hot in the desert.

But the world is magical. The long hair of the Minotaurs prevents them from being sunburned by the strong sunlight in the desert. Moreover, this hair is hollow and has good heat insulation effect.

"Damn, these guys are so annoying." The catwoman said angrily: "When will they let us go?"

"They won't let us go. The things they rob will always taste better than what we have worked for." An obviously old cat man sighed: "As long as we are still in the desert, they will not let us go."

Xixi watched the cattle rushing over from a distance, feeling secretly happy in her heart.

I am worried about not being able to gain favor, so this is my chance!

"Leave this to us."

Xixi said with a smile, and then shouted: "Brothers, come on, show our sincerity to the cat people brothers."

Below the sand dune, a group of dark people shouted loudly at the same time.

"There are only about two hundred of you, and there are about five hundred of them." The female catman looked at Bian Xixi as if she were looking at an idiot: "They are a powerful tribe of beasts, much bigger than you, and you are no match. "


Xixi laughed loudly and shouted: "We won't know until we fight. Brothers, charge forward."

Then he took the lead and rushed out.

More than two hundred players followed closely behind.

The slogans were very confusing at first, everyone shouted his own thing.

But after charging for dozens of meters, their slogans became unified.

"Defeat the tauren, take the cat girl home and sleep."

It must be said that Sese is a strong driving force in combat.

More than two hundred players are top players carefully selected day by day, and their strength is not weak.

Coupled with their love for cat girls, they exploded with powerful fighting power.

After the two sides collided, in less than half an hour, more than 500 tauren collapsed, leaving only more than 200 tauren running away in panic.

However, only about forty players died.

Xixi is the only one with a mount. The Nightmare Knight also has very good adaptability in the desert terrain.

He killed more than fifty tauren by himself.

The whole body was covered in blood.

A large number of cat people stood on high places and watched the battle from beginning to end, almost all of them were frightened.

When the players came back, their eyes were shining as they looked at these fierce men covered in blood.

The old cat people invited Bing Xixi into the felt bag again.

His expression this time was much more formal and serious: "Your Excellency, could you tell us about your lord?"

Xixi was stunned at first, and then overjoyed. Was it enough to increase her 'favorability' in just one battle?

He sat down, coughed slightly, and said, "The lord who is willing to accept you is the genius of the Fransiljeanne family, Your Excellency Hardy."

"Jeanna family?" The old cat man screamed in surprise.

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