The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 279 I don’t love you anymore

Hardy found that his structure had never been big enough.

It took someone else to mention something like building a magic academy before I even thought about it.

But this is also related to his origin.

Although I was born in the information age, my vision and knowledge are actually enough.

But because he has never been a person in a true sense of the word, he lacks experience in development and planning.

Although it has been two years since he was reincarnated into this world, he can be regarded as reaching a high-level position in a country.

Ability has been improving, but the time is still too short.

Many things, many things, cannot be taken into account.

He stood up excitedly, lifted Sophia to the table, and gave her a loving whipping as a token of his gratitude.

Then, after Sophia, who was weak, cleared the table, he asked the guards to invite Life is Short.

Not long after, life was short, and he looked a little disappointed because he didn't see Gui Wenir in the atrium.

He felt that as long as he saw her, he would be satisfied today.

"I want to build a magic academy in this place."

Hardy looked into the eyes of the short life and asked: "Can you still find time to deal with this matter?"

"How big will it be built?"

"It covers an area of ​​20,000 to 30,000 acres."

Life is too short and I couldn't help but take a breath of air-conditioning. The temperature in the study seemed to have risen a bit.

"So huge?"

"If you want to do it, be the best in the world." Hardy laughed: "Anyway, I have a lot of money."

Hardy does have a lot of money, and the three territories are making money for him.

In the secret room of his hometown in Hexi City, there is also a ‘golden mountain’ that has been preserved by more than ten generations of ancestors.

The money added up is not a small sum.

And he doesn't like luxurious things.

Other nobles should wear fine clothes, eat well and dress well, and go out to show their support.

These are also very expensive.

But Hardy doesn't need to.

He was wearing cheap black cloth, and no one dared to say that he was dressed rubbishly.

Whether the clothes are good or not sometimes does not depend on the brand, but on who wears them.

Life is short and he was very moved, but then he shook his head helplessly and said: "I have done enough things now, and I can't be separated."

There is no way, he has to be responsible for the infrastructure construction in Louisian County, and there is also a port project here, and he will not be able to 'get out' for at least two or three years.

"Then introduce someone to me."

"Okay, he is a classmate of mine. He is also very capable." Life is short and he said with a smile, "It just takes some time for him to get here."

"Can it be done within ten days?"

"no problem."

This is how the project for the Magic University began.

Hardy then began writing to Lady Patience in Polis.

In the letter, he first asked about the health of the other party and asked about the other party's current situation. Then he stated his thoughts and invited Patience to teach at his university and hire a special teacher for life.

At the same time, treatment was given.

A fixed salary of three gold coins per month. If there is a 'patent', it will be evaluated based on the patent's use and another amount of money will be given.

A small manor with ten acres of land is given as a place to stay, and a certain amount of magic materials are provided every month, which can also be converted into equivalent gold coins.

Finally, I wrote: The Magic Academy is under preparation, and the lady can consider it for a long time.

There is no way, Hardy only knows her as an orthodox magician now, and apart from that, he has no magic connections.

So he could only pull Patience over first.

In his mind, although he was somewhat ambiguous with this lady, it was very unkind to ask her to teach at the Magic Academy.

After all, her husband and children are in Boris.

It's a thousand miles away from here.

But in fact, he was completely wrong.

When Patience received the letter, she was extremely excited.

Can't sleep at night.

She read the letter over and over again in the secret base, but she still couldn't suppress the smile on her lips.

What is the concept of a monthly salary of three gold coins?

It's simply outrageous, okay?

This is not charity, this is not a transaction between men and women, but an upright job.

There is nothing more important than making money independently.

And then there is a small manor of his own.

Unlike the manor in Boris, which was nominally owned by him, his husband's name was written on the title deed.

It doesn't really belong to you.

She couldn't help but read the letter again, and finally began to 'seal' the secret base.

Her teacher Master Yi once said that a smart magician must have at least three secret bases of his own, otherwise he is unqualified.

This place may never be opened again in her lifetime, but if something happens, it can be a place where she can lick her wounds.

Then she happily returned to the manor and began to pack her things.

And a maid saw her like this and quietly left the manor.

It didn't take long for Patience's luggage to be packed.

At this time, her husband, Varus Clovis, suddenly appeared outside the manor.

Along with her two sons, Peter and Leonard followed.

Patience used her magic hands to carry the heavy luggage and walked out, and then she saw three of her relatives standing outside.

Varus's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot that had been burning firewood for fifty years.

The expressions of the two sons were also very strange and indescribable.

Seeing them, Pei Guangsi was not nervous at all, but said hello happily.

"Where are you going?" Varus asked in a deep voice.

"Go to Louisian County." Patience brushed the long hair around her ears and chuckled: "Pursue my magic, pursue my own path."

Varus' suppressed anger finally broke out, and he shouted loudly: "So you are going to abandon your husband and your son? You are a cold-blooded woman without feelings."

Facing Varus's command, Patience was not nervous at all. She even showed a sarcastic smile: "Who on earth has no feelings, Varus. I loved you very much. In order to give birth to Peter, I gave birth to Peter. You gave birth to Leonard. But what did you do to me?"

"I'll give you the manor, and I'll do whatever you want. What else do you want?"

Patience took a deep breath: "I used to have one gold coin every month, but now I only have ten silver coins. You are deliberately suppressing my pursuit of magic."

"My family has no money! You have to be considerate!"

"Yes, the family has no money!" A sad look appeared on Patience's face: "You are still trying to lie to me. That little bitch Zeta will have an extra piece of jewelry on her every month, at least five gold coins. , who sent it?"

Varus was stunned for a moment, and after a while he said: "How do you know?"

Apart from magic, Patience was not interested in anything else, and she was never seen to inquire about any information.

"I am a magician, and I have many ways to find the answer." Patience's eyes were a little red: "You underestimate me, Varus."

She continued: "Forget it if you don't give me money, I will earn it myself. But my alchemy caravan either suffered inexplicable losses or lost people. Who did it? Do you think I don't know?"

"I just don't want to..."

"You are afraid that I will become stronger and stronger, and you are afraid that you will not be able to control me." Patience sniffed and swallowed her tears: "So I no longer love you, Varus Clovis."

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