The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 289 Obtaining the magic sword of Bai Epilepsy

Charles Pell is now interested in money.

Gardes County has a lot of agricultural products and sufficient food, but it lacks channels for cashing in.

Because the surrounding counties and provinces are all in similar situations.

Everyone uses the gray orcs to produce.

It is also concentrated on those types of crops.

Therefore, Hardy previously purchased grain at a price higher than 10% of the market price and in large quantities, which really helped Charles a lot.

In fact, some lords from surrounding counties and provinces have come over and want to ask the Pell family to help sell some grain to Louisian County.

But they were all declined politely by Charles.

He is not stupid. If Lewisian County takes other people’s food, won’t it take much less from its own family?

So he was very happy to see Hadi as a guest.

This is a big customer and his savior. Under the double kindness, warm hospitality is the way to go.

Charles was sitting on the main seat, not knowing that his wife was giving signals to others with her feet. He asked with great interest: "What's the stone business?"

Hardy did not look at Deville. He smiled and said: "Louisian County is undergoing large-scale development recently. Those workers were digging stones to use as building materials. They accidentally dug too much. There are several kinds."

Because there is a mountain range on the east side of Louisian County, blocking communication with the mainland of Aijaka.

In the infrastructure plan of "Life is short", there is a main road that needs to penetrate the mountains and lead to the border city of Aijaka.

Then a large amount of building stone happened to be excavated there.

It feels like there are too many to use up.

Stone cannot be transported by sea, and it cannot be transported too far, otherwise it would be a waste of manpower and material resources.

It also takes up space.

The best way is to sell to surrounding counties and provinces.

"What's the price?" Charles asked.

Hardy thought for a while and said: "The same stone is sold to others for 80% of the price, but it is sold to you for only 60% of the price."

Charles roughly estimated the cost, his eyes shining: "Seriously!"

Hardy nodded.

"Thank you, Mr. Hardy." Charles raised his wine glass and said excitedly: "I want to toast you."

Afterwards, the atmosphere became obviously better.

Knowing that he was going to make a lot of money again, Charles was in a great mood and drank even harder.

After joking for a while, he became drunk.

Still the same as more than half a year ago, I am not very good at drinking, but I love drinking very much.

Deville asked the servant to take her to the master bedroom on the second floor to rest. Then she sat opposite Hardy, playing with the wine glass in her hand and smiling: "Is it because of me that the stone is so cheap?"

Hardy shook his head.

Deville looked at the man angrily: "Damn you, you're so stubborn! You go and rest first, I'll be here later."

The two of them spoke in very low voices, and the servant was far away, so it was impossible to hear them.

Hardy was indeed a little sleepy, so he went up to the second floor.

After washing up, Hardy went to bed.

Around midnight, someone quietly opened the door and slipped into the room.

The two of them were doing business and chatting at the same time.

Because we are already very familiar with each other, we cooperate with each other very well.

Deville's body was swaying, and she asked: "Have you heard? We in the South are going to change the country's name."

Hardy shook his head.

De Vere gasped and said: "The Rommel royal family felt that it was not good to call it the Aijaka Empire, so they planned to change it to the Paleo Empire."

"This is a good thing!"

As for Hardy, it is indeed a good thing for France.

A divided Ajiaka Empire, with two weak countries, would significantly reduce the threat.

Deville does not have such high political intelligence, and now she is enjoying a special massage, and her thinking ability has declined significantly.

"It doesn't matter if it's a good thing or not, but on the day the country changes its name, there will definitely be a ceremony. Will you come over then?"

Hardy thought for a moment and smiled: "I should go."

Because no one in France is more suitable than him to participate in the Southern Party's national renaming ceremony.

Firstly, he has a personal relationship with the Rommel royal family, and secondly, Louisian County is to the west of the Southern Pai and borders it.

Both emotionally and rationally, he was the most suitable person to be sent as an envoy to attend the ceremony.

"I should also go by then." Deville blinked: "Charles will stay in the local area and take charge of security. So at that time, please protect me."

Hardy smiled and said, "No problem."

Seeing that Hardy agreed, Deville happily hugged him tightly.

By the next day, Charles couldn't wake up because he was drunk.

It was Deville who sent Hardy away from Gardes County with a very reluctant expression.

Hardy then returned to Louisiana County.

He took over the housekeeping from Tiana, checked it for a while, and nodded with satisfaction.

I have to say that Tiana's abilities are really good, and Dove does things very well.

While he was working on the case, he took a breath of air-conditioning from time to time.

About an hour later, Tiana emerged from under the table, twisted her waist and walked away.

Hardy felt refreshed and his work efficiency greatly improved.

At this time, a lovely girlish voice came from his mind.

"No, why do you have so many women?"

There are only two people who can speak in Hardy's mind.

One is Aya, the goddess of light.

The other one is the magic sword Bophire.

"Can you see it?"

"Of course we can. Our spirit is shared. Our sight is also shared."


Hardy was a little unhappy.

Although the goddess of light often comes to watch plays in his soul sea, she usually pays attention to his privacy and leaves when she needs to without delay.

The magic sword Bofil always resides in her mind, so wouldn't it mean that many secrets would be known to her?

Just give it away.

Porfil could sense Hardy's thoughts, and she became anxious at this time: "No, no, no, I'm bound to your soul wave now, and it's still the hand of the goddess of light. If you change someone casually, I will die. .”

"Then I can't avoid you no matter what I do."

"It doesn't matter. We both suffer and prosper." Porfil said nervously: "I was just talking, there was no harm in it."

Hardy felt a little strange: "I remember that according to rumors, the Demon Sword Bofil has a violent personality, but you seem to be quite easy to talk to now."

"After all, I am now a holy sword with light attributes, and no longer a magic sword with dark attributes." Porfil's voice was a little proud.

Speaking of swords... Hardy got up and walked to the corner, picking up the magic sword Porfil.

At this time, her body already had a scabbard. When she pulled it out, she found that white spots began to appear on the black sword.

It feels like vitiligo in humans.

"Are you transforming?" Hardy asked.

"Yes, this is the change given by the goddess of light. You should be grateful. Don't let her down."

Hardy was too lazy to pay attention to the girl's nonsense. He asked: "In other words, after a while, you will have the ability of the Holy Sword?"

"Yes, look forward to it."

Hardy is really looking forward to what kind of changes there will be when the magic sword becomes a holy sword.

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