The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 296 The wonder has attracted the attention of the boss even before it was built

Louisian County has been busy the past two days.

A large number of poor people were selected and invited to the central square.

Then, under the gaze of countless people, Hadi gave them bread, grain and oil. At the same time, he also distributed several pairs of semi-automatic farm tools to them according to the number of people in each household and the size of the farmland they owned.

This greatly inspired the enthusiasm of civilians throughout the city and gathered people's hearts.

Of course, this matter also caused a lot of discussion among players.

Many players wonder how Hardy, a feudal aristocrat from the 'old era', could use this method to win over people's hearts!

After checking, I found that there were many player 'officials' around Hardy.

Then it dawned on me.

It turns out it was a player's suggestion, so it's okay.

Because normally, this kind of stylish method should not be used by a feudal lord.

This is why Hardy recruits players as officials and staff.

If these measures were taken by oneself, there is no guarantee that players will not become suspicious.

Because it doesn't fit the background of the era.

But it would be reasonable if players participated, and it would even give players a sense of involvement in changing the world.

On this day, Hardy made a routine inspection of the construction of the Magic Academy, and beside him was the black cat Erica.

At this time, the construction progress of the Magic Academy is already over halfway, and it can already be seen how grand this building will be in the future.

Cat girl Erica's eyes lit up as she ran around here, her nature seemed to be stimulated.

Cat people like complex environments.

It’s a natural hunting curiosity.

Hardy let her run around and didn't bother to care.

He stood high and looked at the busy construction site, feeling quite accomplished.

After this magic academy is built, it should also be considered a 'wonder'.

At this time, Life Is Short came over and said with a smile: "Your Excellency, you have quite some free time today."

Hardy laughed: "I'm actually quite free all the time."

"Then..." Life is short and he stopped talking.

Seeing him like this, Hardy smiled and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

"It's time for you to go to Tacoma. Guiwenier must miss you very much."

Hardy was quite surprised. He turned to look at the player.

Since the player cannot change his appearance, judging from the appearance of Life is Short, he should be at least 25 years old.

And Gui Weinil is only thirteen years old, and he looks like he actually likes little girls?

Thinking of this, Hardy looked at the other person up and down.

Life is short and embarrassing.

"Normally, you shouldn't like me approaching her."

Hardy's words sounded meaningless, but both people present understood what they meant.

It contains a lot of information.

Life is short and I feel very lonely, but there is also a kind of relief in it.

"She should be happy every day, but I don't have that ability."

Hardy had no expression on his face and said in a calm tone: "Everyone has their own approach. I will go see her, don't worry."

Life is short and I still want to say something, but at this time, the cat girl Erica is back.

Her expression was strange, and her temperament had also changed. She was no longer as gentle and shy as before. She was now calm and generous, with a slight silver light shining in her eyes.

Hardy's face became serious.

And life is short take a deep breath.

The player owns the system. In his eyes, Erica's name turns into neutral golden color at this time, and the level becomes '? ? ? ’ This look.

"Sir Hardy, something is wrong."

Life is short. For some reason, I don’t like Hardy very much, but his bottom line as a human being and even his conscience is still very high.

Although he and Hardy are love rivals, they are not life-or-death enemies.

At first glance, there was something wrong with the cat girl in front of me.

Hardy said: "You go and do your work first, I will handle the things here."

Life is short and he wanted to say something else, but then he nodded and said, "Well, obey your orders."

After that, he left quickly.

Hardy kept his eyes on Erica, sizing her up.

In addition to having a completely different temperament, the other person seems to have become very attractive.

It's hard to take your eyes away.

"Excuse me, is the God of Hell coming?" Hardy asked.

Black cats are servants of the gods. As a bridge between hell and the human world, they are often responsible for delivering the oracles of the god of hell.

The changes in the black cat's body now indicate that it was obviously possessed by something.

Moreover, Hardy also vaguely felt the power and temperament similar to the goddess of light.

So the answer is obvious.


The black cat twisted her waist and came forward slowly. When she got closer, she smiled and said: "I feel the change in the fate of the world, so I came down to see what is changing the course of the world."

Hardy subconsciously raised his eyebrows.

"So what do you think it is?"

Erica spun around in a circle, her skirt flying, and she stretched out her arms to embrace the entire Magic Academy: "Here."

Hardy was quite surprised in his heart. Then he suppressed the throbbing in his heart and asked calmly on the surface: "The God of Hell also understands fate?"

"I don't understand fate. That belongs to the realm of the goddess of fate." Erica turned around, with her body behind her back, her right foot gently stood up, and her left leg was placed behind her right foot, making a ballet-like stance. Her movements, her whole body upright and proud, reveal her slender body: "I can only feel the changes in the world."

"What changes will there be?" Hardy asked.

Erica looked at Hardy with soft eyes: "I don't know, I don't have the ability to predict, only intuition."

Hardy got it.

The other party only feels the change, but does not know where the change is.

"A drastic change?"

Erica nodded: "It was very violent, so I came up to take a look."

Hardy felt confident at this time. It seemed that the establishment of the Magic Academy would definitely be a success.

Because his original intention was to build this place into the largest center of magical knowledge in the entire world.

"Hardy, let's make a deal."

"It's a great honor." Hardy smiled.

"Allow my followers to set up a temple here. It doesn't need to be big. It can accommodate a hundred people to pray."

Hardy nodded: "No problem, it's a small matter."

"Erica and the cat people will take care of this matter." Erica walked up and stretched out her right hand: "As a deal, I give this to you."

It was a black crystal, full of dark magic.

Very pure, without any negative qualities.

Hardy took the crystal and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Erica smiled, then closed her eyes and fell to the ground softly.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Hardy put his arms around Catwoman's waist and held her in his arms to prevent her from falling.

Catwoman woke up soon. She looked at Hardy's face, then blushed, covered her face with her hands, and huddled up.

Quite cute.

Hardy looked at Catwoman, and then moved his eyes to the heart of his right hand, where the black crystal was lying quietly.

At this time, Life is Short brought a large number of players over.

He was relieved to see that Hardy was okay.

Lucky Hardy is okay!

In this way, Gui Wenir will not be sad.

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