The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 3 Knight, standing on the earth

Hardy sat in the living room, eating bread slowly and drinking warm milk.

Except for the two maids standing beside him, he was the only one sitting on the long dining table.

Coupled with the huge and empty living room, it seems very deserted here.

But Hardy doesn't feel that way. He is quite happy now.

It actually feels good to live a new life. A younger and healthier body is a rare ‘capital’.

He doesn't care even if he becomes a character in the 'game'.

I think, therefore I am, it doesn’t matter whether this world is real or not, and whether I am an NPC or not!

Besides... is this world really just a game?

Hardy slowly enjoyed his lunch. The bread tasted very average, and the milk was a little fishy because there were not enough additives to temper the taste, but compared with the period of 'vomiting what you eat', it seemed so good. .

When he was about to finish eating, the red-haired maid Lillian and an old man walked in from the door.

Lilian saluted Hardy from a distance and stood aside obediently.

The old man walked up to Hadi, bowed and saluted and said, "Little master, I'm back."

"You haven't eaten yet. Jack, come to my study for a chat after you finish your lunch." Hardy turned to look at the head maid not far away: "Lillian, let the kitchen prepare everyone's lunch. From today on, everyone The portion size for each meal should be increased by half.”

All the servants were surprised.

The old butler Jack persuaded: "Little master, we have to save some."

"Don't worry, we'll never have enough to eat." Hardy waved his hand nonchalantly: "We only have more than thirty people in the manor. If we recruit ten times more people, we won't have enough to eat."

Seeing Hardy's firm attitude, Jack gave up persuading him.

Hardy felt that the original person was very stingy. Not to mention the mountain-high pile of gold coins in the secret room, the family's apparent property also had a "deposit" of thousands of gold coins.

Not to mention that in the city, the Hardy family still has many properties, which continue to deliver gold coins to the family.

After Hardy finished eating, he went to the study by himself.

The servants began to clear and wash the dishes, and then began to prepare food for themselves.

Hardy was reading a book in the study. It was a travel diary, which was quite interesting.

After waiting for about half an hour, the old housekeeper knocked on the door and came in.

"Jack, your monthly salary will increase from two silver coins to three." Hardy put down the book in his hand, looked directly into the old man's eyes, and said with a smile: "In addition, the monthly salary of all servants in the manor has also increased. Five copper coins, I will inform Lilian about this later.”

The monthly salary of an ordinary maid is 25 copper coins. If it increases by five coins, it will be 30 copper coins.

It may not sound like much, but one copper coin can buy a pound of flour under normal circumstances.

The vast majority of civilians are unable to have enough food and clothing every day. They often have enough to eat for two or three days and then go hungry for most of the day.

And the servants are provided with food and accommodation in the manor. They have enough to eat every day and can get money. It can be said to be an excellent job.

Jack couldn't help but said: "Little master, you have increased the portion of food and salary, can your family be able to support it?"

Butlers generally do not care about specific money, but are only responsible for managing chores and maintaining the orderly operation of the servants' work.

So Jack doesn't actually know the finances of the estate.

"It's okay, I have my own plan." Hardy smiled nonchalantly, and then asked: "How is the situation at the blacksmith shop?"

When it came to business, Jack's expression immediately darkened, and he said with some resentment: "They are asking us to double our salary before they are willing to continue working."

"How about the order?"

Jack thought for a moment and said, "Three orders will not be delivered on time."

"Is the loss big?"

"It is estimated that at least twenty gold coins will be required as compensation."

Hardy leaned back, thought for a while, and said: "You are preparing a letter of greeting and handing it to the Earl of Virginia, saying that I intend to visit him and ask him when he is free."

Old Jack nodded.

"The orders that the blacksmith shop cannot deliver will be taken care of today. Compensate for those who need to pay, and apologize for those who need to apologize. We will also send each customer three bottles of wine produced by our manor to complete the gesture." Hardy thought for a while and added Said: "The deed of the blacksmith shop and the contracts of all the blacksmiths and apprentices are ready. When I need it, you must take it out immediately."

The old butler nodded repeatedly. These were indeed his responsibilities as a butler.

"Jack, are you homesick?" Hardy suddenly changed the subject.

Jack was stunned for a moment and his voice was hoarse: "I haven't been back for more than ten years. Of course I miss home."

"I heard that your youngest grandson is fourteen years old."

Jack nodded.

"When you are free in a while, I will give you a few days off. You go back to your hometown to pick up your grandson, keep him with you for a few years, and teach him how to become a qualified housekeeper."

Jack was stunned for a moment, then with tears in his eyes, he nodded slightly and said, "Okay, little master."

"Go do something." Hardy lowered his head and continued reading.

Jack left quietly and slowly closed the door.

Like Lillian, the red-haired maid, Jack is related to Hardy.

Also distant relatives.

There are many books in the room, and the original person probably hasn't read even ten of them.

Hardy is very interested. In his opinion, whether it is a travelogue or a biography, he can understand the world from the side and get a glimpse of the basic operating rules of the world.

In the evening, Jack came back from outside.

"The compensation and wine have been given to three customers, and they are very satisfied." After a pause, Jack continued: "In the afternoon, I handed the invitation to the earl's butler, and before leaving, The earl replied that he would like to receive the young master at about ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

Hardy was quite surprised: "So fast?"

"Because the day after tomorrow, he will set off to the royal city to meet the king."

"Then you have to prepare gifts." Hardy said with a smile: "The land deed of the blacksmith shop and the contracts of the employees are all packed in a beautiful box."

Jack immediately guessed Hardy's plan: "Little master, do you really want to do this?"

"Now we have to travel lightly." Hardy looked out the window, and the stars in the night sky were twinkling slightly: "The blacksmith shop is no longer of great significance to us. Since it is already a piece of carrion that attracts flies, let's cut it up first and sell it. Trade it for something we need more.”

Jack was a little confused: "What do we need?"

Hardy smiled and did not answer.

Jack stopped asking.

After having a midnight snack, Hardy left the castle and came to the grass of the manor.

Lillian followed behind, waiting for Hardy's order.

Hardy looked at the full moon in the sky, raised his right hand high, and then shook it hard.

Darkness came, and dark clouds covered the stars and the moon.

The war horse roars!

The tall Nightmare Knight stands on the earth, blending into the darkness.

Two pairs of bright red eyes, one man and one horse, looked at Lilian.

The red-haired maid was so frightened that her legs became weak and she fell to the ground, unable to speak or make a sound.

This is one of the most basic abilities of the Nightmare Knight:

Aura of fear.

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