The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 35 It’s time to get out of the comfort zone

Hardy looked at Sissi and sighed in his heart.

Karina is beautiful, but her face has not yet fully grown, and she is not at her most beautiful yet, but she can already make Hardy's original body willing to become a licking dog until death.

Sissi, on the other hand, is the complete version of Karina. The two look very similar, but the difference is their temperament and age.

Maturity and intellectuality are characteristics that Karina does not have yet.

There will definitely be Karina in the future, but not yet.

"Aunt Sissi, the word "cost" is too much." Hardy said with some confusion: "Generally speaking, only people who feel that they have suffered a loss will say the word 'cost'. We are just trading, And the content of the transaction has not been determined, so where is the price?”

Sissi was stunned for a moment, then she laughed dryly and said: "Hardy, I didn't mean that, it was just a quick comment."

Quick to speak?

Hardy finally understood.

These two people are worthy of being a couple. Whether they are men or women, they all believe in their hearts that they are already convinced.

Women are slightly better, but not much better.

"Aunt Sissi, don't worry." Hardy said with a smile on his face: "Actually, besides me, you can also borrow troops from the lord."

Virginia has a good personality and is easy to talk to. With the status of the Minte family, it is not a big problem to borrow two to three hundred soldiers from her.

But neither Abelen nor Sissi had actually considered this matter.

That can explain a lot of things.

At this time Abelon and Sissi also realized the problem, and they also discovered that Hardy was very different from before.

We can no longer look at it the same way as before.

The couple looked at each other, and Abelon said: "Hadi, I'm very sorry. We seemed to have drank too much just now and were a little drunk, so we didn't express our meaning clearly."

Hardy nodded: "Since everyone is drunk, can we talk about this later?"

The two people on the other side breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's talk about it later." Abelon stood up: "Butler, give Hardy a good ride."

Hardy smiled happily: "I'm sorry to trouble Uncle Abelon."

After Hardy left, the castle door closed.

Abelen and Sissi returned to the bedroom, and the atmosphere was very depressed.

Sissi sat on the edge of the bed, not knowing what she was thinking.

In the end, it was Abelen who spoke first: "That boy Hadi, it's really different. If I had spoken like this before, he would have given all his family's property just to beg me to say a few good words in front of Karina. , As a result... I lost face today."

When he spoke, he looked a little indignant and seemed unhappy.

Sissi smiled bitterly and said: "In the final analysis, we are still too greedy."

"What to do next?" Abelon said helplessly: "Do you really want to borrow troops from the lord? Virginia is very kind to the Hardy family, but it is very picky about our Minter family."

"After all, we are just believers in the religion, not his subjects." Sissi yawned: "It's getting late, so go to bed quickly."

Abelon changed his clothes: "I'm going to the temple tonight. There are some things that need to be dealt with."

"Really?" Sissi hugged her legs and sat on the edge of the bed: "Then go early and come back early."

Abelon nodded: "Don't worry, the matter will be resolved within an hour or two."

Sissi nodded, took off her dress, changed into pajamas, and went to bed first.

As for Hardy, he returned to the manor and was still laughing.

I have to say that Karina's parents are indeed... relatively practical people.

In comparison, Lord Virginia seems more and more generous.

In his study, he opened his plan book and wrote down what happened tonight. Then he looked through the previous contents, and finally he came to a conclusion.

You can lend troops to Karina's parents, but the command must be in your own hands.

Moreover... they have to pay for the food and grass, and they also have to pay for the pension.

The royal family's Saint Faction is at odds with the Lion Faction.

This was information collected by Little Tompson about a month ago, and then Hardy asked it to be handed over to the Minter family.

Now the Minte family wants to borrow troops, mainly to support the situation, but small-scale battles may also break out.

Hardy wanted to go to the royal family and join in the fun, so it was not a problem to wait at home all the time.

Taking advantage of the current opportunity, he went on a trip and practiced military training to see who was targeting him in the royal family.

Half a year ago, Hardy would not have been willing to go to the Royal City.

If you go there, you will die.

However, in the past six months, his strength has greatly increased. Although he cannot go to the Demon Realm, he can go to the Royal City without any problem.

With two hundred soldiers and the strength of the Saintess Faction, both the Lion Faction and the Double Dragon Head Faction would be able to fight.

There is another reason why Hardy is so sure.

Francie is famous for one thing.

Generally speaking, the strength of the royal family is somewhat poor and does not match its status as a powerful country.

But if the person in power is a dwarf, or a woman, the royal family's combat effectiveness will explode.

There is no dwarf in the faction that currently sits on the throne.

The Lion Faction and the Two-Headed Dragon Faction also have no dwarves.

As for women...there is no woman who can take power yet.

Therefore, France's royal family's overall combat strength is actually not high.

Of course, this so-called low level is compared to the royal families of other powerful countries.

For ordinary small forces, the overall strength of the French royal family is still very terrifying.

At least Hardy six months ago would have found it very troublesome.

He scribbled on the plan book and quickly set up a rough plan.

It's very simple to write and not complicated to do.

Because the more detailed the plan, the easier it is to make mistakes.

It would be better to just make a rough route and adapt to changes when the time comes.

After finishing writing, I went to bed.

For the next three days, life was very simple, almost as usual.

The Minte family didn't come to see him again. Hardy knew that the other party was calculating how many soldiers it would be cost-effective to borrow, how much employment fees would be needed, whether the pension would be better, etc.

So he is not in a hurry.

Live a peaceful life that is no different from usual.

Then on the fourth day, someone came to the Minter family, and it was Sissi who came to visit in person.

Aunt Sissi is wearing a gorgeous lady's dress, and the northern hemisphere is obviously squeezed.

When she saw Hadi, she exchanged a few pleasantries and then said straight to the point: "Hadi, we are willing to pay forty gold coins per month to hire your army, return to the royal city with us, and most likely participate in the battle."

Forty gold coins is indeed quite a lot.

Hiring two hundred soldiers is indeed more than enough.

Aunt Sissi is very sincere this time.

Hardy chuckled: "What about the pension?"

"It's also included."

Hardy thought for a while and said: "There is no problem with money, but I still have a request."

Sissi blinked her beautiful eyes twice and asked, "What's the request?"

"The command of the army must still be in my hands."

Sissi frowned: "How can you be in River City and command the army in the Royal City?"

"I'll go with you, okay?"

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