The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 39 Abducting the Little Leopard

According to rumors, the goddess of light and the goddess of elves had different opinions when they were arguing about who was the most beautiful goddess, so they had a big fight.

I don’t know whether I will win or lose, but the two religious sects will be at odds with each other after that.

As soon as they meet, they call each other's goddess "ugly" and so on.

That's why the light priests were so excited when they saw a leopard that was obviously a druid.

I really want to go over there and beat up this leopard.

Seeing the people around him surrounding him in a circle, and several priests watching him eagerly, Tiao Tiao had no choice but to cancel his transformation and return to his human appearance.

At this time, netizens burst into laughter in the live broadcast room.

‘Who said just now that no one can find you after becoming invisible? ’

‘If stealth is so good, then the thief profession will probably be invincible. ’

‘Everyone was covered and surrounded by a group of big men. ’

‘It’s that noble young master from River City again. Why did he come here? ’

‘Wow, that woman coming out of the tent is so beautiful. ’

‘That should be Tiao Tiao’s mission target, Mrs. Sissi. ’

'When I saw her name on the job list, I knew she was a beauty. ’

‘Tiao Tiao, you lose. From your face to your figure, you have lost everything, but I still love you. Give me your address and I will come to you right away. ’

At this time, Tiao Tiao was too lazy to pay attention to these troll netizens. She looked at the people around her nervously.

Failure in the mission is a small matter, but being killed by these people is a big deal.

The equipment on her body are all magic equipment, which she managed to collect with great difficulty. If she dies, they will all be dropped, and the level will be greatly reduced.

So... in this game, players cannot die easily.

Looking at the soldiers who were about to move, Hardy waved his hand and they took a few steps back.

This made Tiao Tiao breathe a sigh of relief.

Hardy smiled and said: "Ms. Taotao, you came to our camp so late. Do you want to do something bad? Or do you like some young man?"

These slightly teasing words made Tiao Tiao relax a lot.

If the other party is hostile, normally they won't speak like this.

"I said it was Tiao Tiao... Tsk, I don't care about you, you can call me whatever you want." Tiao Tiao raised his hands in the air to show that he was not a threat: "I just accepted a mission in the royal city to investigate Mrs. Sissi. It’s just a situation.”

Everyone's eyes turned to Mrs. Sissi.

She was stunned for a moment and asked, "So you were the one walking around my tent last night and the night before?"

Tiao Tiao smiled awkwardly.

There was nothing she could do, she was a girl, she didn't know anything about intelligence gathering, so she just relied on invisibility to walk around the camp.

Invisibility is not a panacea. She will also emit something when she steps on the ground. Every time she wants to get close to the tent, her sensitive leopard ears can hear the sound of the people inside waking up.

Then it was the first time she did this kind of thing of secretly exploring the situation. She still couldn't let go, so she ran away when she heard some noise.

"Ms. Taotao, let's talk." Hardy smiled happily.

Looking at Hadi's smile, Tiao Tiao felt as if he was being watched.

Soon after, Hardy, Tiao Tiao, Madam Sissi, and Occam were sitting in the tent.

Tiao Tiao's expression was still a little awkward.

"You said you took over the mission from the Royal City and came to investigate Madam Sissi?" Hardy touched his chin and asked with a thoughtful look on his face, "Who is it?"

"I don't know, it's just a mission posted on the bulletin board outside the mercenary guild, and anyone can take it."


In the game, many tasks can be obtained directly outside the mercenary union.

Of course, a task can only be completed once. If everyone takes the task at the same time, it depends on who completes it first.

Back then, Hardy was making gold in the game. In order to complete the task first, he had conflicts with many "peers".

Hardy smiled and said: "Doing the tasks of the mercenary union has no future."

Tiao Tiao looked at Hadi with some confusion.

Hardy explained: "After the employer releases the task, the union will take 30% of the agency fee, and then after you complete it, it will take another 20% of the service fee! In other words, for a mercenary union's task, you have worked hard It’s hard, you can only get half the money.”

"There's nothing we can do about it." Tiao Tiao sighed: "I always have to eat, sleep, and buy equipment."

"Actually, you can come and help us." Hardy took out two gold coins from his clothes: "If you can protect the safety of Mrs. Sissi along the way, these two gold coins will be yours after arriving in the royal city of Boris."


The appearance of gold coins was reflected in Tiao Tiao's two eyes.

Looking at Hardy's expression, Madam Sissi also understood something.

She also took out a gold coin and said: "Ms. Taotao! If you can chat with me along the way, this is the reward."

Hardy discovered that at this time, Mrs. Sissi finally showed the keen sense of interpersonal relationships that an aristocratic woman should have.

"My name is Tao...forget it."

Tiao Tiao was very excited at this time. In her eyes, Hardy and Mrs. Sissi both had ‘golden exclamation marks’ on their heads, which meant that both of them had epic missions.

If you can join together, you can also get three gold coins.

This is pie in the sky.

Since it is very difficult to make money in the game, and the purchasing power of the currency is amazing, among more than a thousand internal testers, the game currency has been hyped to a very high level.

Now it is the price of a gold coin of 150,000 yuan.

Three coins, which means that after completing this task, Tiao Tiao can earn 450,000 yuan.

As mentioned before, Tiao Tiao is considered a big anchor, so it’s not like he has never seen money.

But for just doing two tasks in the game, you can get 450,000 yuan, which is simply outrageous.

Even for a big anchor, Tiao Tiao feels extremely excited at the speed of making money.

"I accepted the mission." Tiao Tiao patted his chest.

As for the previous mission, anyone can take it, and naturally they can give it up at any time.

Occam, who had been silent next to him, suddenly said: "She was an enemy before, but now we immediately make her a companion. Is it appropriate?"

Hardy touched his chin and said: "More than a month ago, I had contact with Ms. Taotao. She is a druid who keeps her promise and regards Xinuo as her life. I personally want to believe her."

Tiao Tiao was quite embarrassed to hear these flattery words.

So she decided to let it go if Hardy made her vomit while watching the mummy.

"I trust Hardy's judgment." Sissi chuckled.

Occam's expression turned cold and he left without saying a word.

At this time, the players in the live broadcast room started to make trouble again.

‘I can earn 450,000 in one fell swoop, why can’t I enter the game! I also want to make money. ’

‘I feel like I lost 4.5 billion. ’

"If you charge about twenty times, 4.5 billion will come back."

‘Wouldn’t that cost an additional 4.5 billion? ’

‘This Madam Sissi is really beautiful and fulfills my fantasy of an aristocratic woman. ’

‘Mrs. Sissi’s background is very big, she needs an army to escort her, and there are people who are causing trouble for her. ’

‘No, haven’t you noticed that Tiao Tiao and this noble young master are very destined? Just forget it together. ’

‘It makes sense. This noble young man seems to be unmarried. Why don’t you try your best to become a noble lady? If you succeed, you won't have to worry about spending money in the game. ’

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