The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 43 The Saint before and after

There was a lot of laughter in the camp.

The appearance of bear meat injected a source of happiness into all the soldiers.

Roger was the only one who was worried.

Is it really appropriate for them to take away the spoils of a powerful knight?

However, under Hardy's strong request, Rogge still bit the bullet and ate a piece of bear meat. smells so good!

After eating the bear meat, the soldiers gathered in twos and threes to chat.

Hardy was reading intermediate magic theory books in his tent.

The content is very profound and still difficult to digest, but the more you read, the more interesting it becomes.

The book often throws up some very weird questions.

For example: Does prophecy magic mean that the ending of this world has already been fixed, or is it because of your prophecy that the magic randomly forcibly fixes a certain ending?

Another example: Why must magic missiles target living creatures? Can it be changed to a specified object as the target?

Thinking about these questions will help you understand the nature of magic.

Just when Hardy was reading happily, Roger said outside the tent: "Master, there are distinguished guests looking for you outside the camp."

Hardy thought that it should be the Saint Faction, that is, people from the Jeanne family.

He walked slowly to the entrance of the camp and saw seven people standing at the door.

The leader was an old woman wearing brown leather armor, holding a long gun and looking at him with a smile.

Hardy walked up, saluted, and asked: "Excuse me, why are you looking for me?"

The old woman looked at Hardy and said with a smile: "I am Eleanor, the patriarch of the Jeanne family. Sissi said you are quite capable, so I came over to take a look."

Hardy made a gesture of invitation: "Why don't you come inside and have a chat?"

"No need." The old woman waved her hand: "I'm just here to test your ability..."

After that, she stabbed him with a spear, which was not very fast.

It's just protocol, telling Hardy that she's already attacking.

Hardy took two steps back and dodged, with a magic sword in his hand.

"People who use dark elements are somewhat in conflict with our Jeanna family." The old woman was good at shooting, and she could sweep the puncture points with style: "You don't want to change?"

Hardy shook his head: "I'm just here to protect you, and I don't intend to join the Jeanna family. I won't change!"

The old woman turned around and fired her gun, watching Hardy retreat. She was about to pursue him, but she saw Hardy's body strangely 'ejecting' back, instantly closing the distance to her.

The gun is very good at attacking from a distance, but it is not easy to deal with when being bullied up close.

She hurriedly backed away, but Hardy was faster and stayed in front of her.

After taking a few steps back, the old woman gave up and said, "I lost."

Hardy then backed away.

The old woman stuck the gun on the ground and said, "Young man is very capable. Not many of the younger generation can beat you. It's a pity that I'm old. I should have been able to fight with you when I was young."

Hardy is actually quite familiar with this Ainoline Jeanne.

When he was making gold in the game, he often interacted with this old man.

The Jeanna family had a lot of tasks, but at that time Karina stayed in the Temple of Light all year round, and Hardy had not seen much of the holy girl back then.

Generally speaking, Ainoline is very trustworthy, but she is a bit strong and sinister, and is not easy to talk to.

Hardy felt a little strange when he heard the other party praising him.

You know, during the game, although the old woman did not target herself, she never gave herself a good look.

Why is Hardy being treated so differently now?

But then thinking about it, Hardy understood.

In the game, she is a civilian and a mercenary who is greedy for money. She relies on other people's tasks to make a living. As a master, she naturally does not think too highly of this person, and of course she does not have a good face.

But now Hardy is not only a noble, but also powerful and has an army.

Such conditions are enough for Jean Nagao to take a look.

Hardy smiled and said: "Ms. Eleanor, you haven't even used magic. If you had, I would never be able to defeat you."

"Hahaha, the little guy is very good at talking." Eleanor was very happy: "I heard that you like Karina very much?"

"I don't like it now." Hardy said honestly.

However, Eleanor looked unconvinced and said, "If you don't like her anymore, you won't escort Sissi back to the royal city."

"It's just a business," Hardy explained.

Eleanor nodded repeatedly: "I understand, I understand."

It was obvious from her look that she didn't believe it, and Hardy didn't bother to explain.

He didn't want to discuss this topic anymore, so he asked: "Ms. Eileenor, are you so arrogant that you are not afraid of being assassinated by people from the Lion Faction?"

"It's okay, they don't dare to come out." As soon as Eleanor finished speaking, she was slapped in the face.

Hardy saw another group of people coming outside the camp.

The leaders were two young men, and the rest were professionals holding long swords.

"I have a crow's mouth."

Hardy clicked his tongue and waved, and Rogge immediately returned to the camp. Soon, there were more than forty archers standing on the low wooden wall of the camp.

Professionals are just much stronger than normal people, but they will still get injured and bleed.

Therefore, archers pose a greater threat to them.

Eleanor walked to Hardy and said, "Little Hardy, my safety this time will be left to you."

Hardy shook his head helplessly, stepped forward, and shouted: "This is a personal military area, please don't come forward anymore."

"Your Excellency, we represent the Clovis family and would like to have a chat with you."

The young man who spoke was quite thin and had long flowing brown hair. He looked more like an artist than an aristocrat.

"What can we talk about?" Hardy asked with a smile.

"You have a great future, why bother hanging out with the declining Jeanne family." The long-haired young man continued: "What they give you, our Clovis family can also give you, twice as much."

Eleanor smiled and looked at Hardy's face the whole time.

Hardy's expression did not change at all: "You lion guys are not suitable for me."

"Why?" The long-haired aristocratic young man was very curious.

Hardy smiled and said: "Compared to wild animals, I prefer beautiful women."

This is based on the coat of arms of a noble family.

The coat of arms of the Jeanne family is a praying angel, which is very gorgeous and luxurious.

The coat of arms of the Clovis family is simply a lion.

"It's very easy to get a woman." The long-haired young man said with a smile: "Our Clovis family has several princesses waiting to be married. You might as well consider it?"

Hardy asked: "Seriously?"

"If you are willing to come to Clovis's house as a guest, it will naturally be true."

At this time, the old woman Eleanor spoke: "It's not good for a boy from the Clovis family to rob someone in front of me."

"Talents are all snatched back." The long-haired young man continued: "After all, Ms. Eileenor is the best at this, we are just learning from you."

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