The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 45 Flexible Social Awesomeness

Hardy didn't know that he had become someone else's child.

He continued his usual rhythm, practicing sword skills and learning magic theory.

A real man must be self-disciplined and self-reliant.

Perseverance and clarity, self-denial and purity!

Then at night, he dreamed of Sophie.

In the blurry space of another world, as if the surrounding air was distorting, the succubus Sophie was extremely clear, and rushed over to hug him as soon as she appeared.

While kissing his cheek hard, he said: "I'm sorry, Hardy! I really miss you. Something happened in the devil world, but don't worry, I will find a way to get back to you."

Hardy was stunned. This dream was too real.

He could feel the other person's body temperature and smell the other person's fragrance.

"I'm sorry, my strength has been severely weakened. I need to use your energy to restore my strength."

After saying that, Hardy was pushed to the ground.

Hardy looked at her in surprise: "What did you say?"

Sophie was also stunned, looking at Hardy below her, and then laughed, with tears in her eyes: "That's great, your soul strength has grown faster than I imagined! It's already there in the dream. I have a clear consciousness. This is the space I set up. I will come to you if I have anything to do in the future, and I will also come to you when I am tired. It’s not that I don’t want to come back from the devil world, but I’m really stuck on something.”

Looking at Sophie who was in tears, Hadi stood up, hugged her softly and comforted her: "It's okay. Come back soon after the matter is dealt with. I'm not bad now. If you really encounter trouble that can't be solved, tell me. I'll go Looking for you."

Sophie smiled and nodded.

When he woke up the next day, Hardy felt weak all over, as if he was seriously ill.

That feeling of pain in my waist is really uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the bear meat was not finished yet, so Rogge came in to check Hardy's face, and then brought him bear bile and bear whip.

Hardy ate the bear bile. It was bitter, but it was really useful.

Especially since this is a monster bear, its effect is more powerful than ordinary bear bile.

As for the bear whip, Hardy didn't want it and asked Rogge to give it to the soldiers.

So Rogge took the opportunity to hold a hand-to-hand fighting competition in the camp.

The prize is this monster bear whip.

Many people attended, and Hardy sat on a high platform to watch the game.

The winner in the end turned out to be a little fat guy.

In fact, the fat man's tonnage is there, and it inherently has certain advantages.

Especially in unarmed combat, heavy tonnage is the way to go.

After the little fat man won the championship, with two hundred people watching, he swallowed the huge meat worm about 25 centimeters long in just a few mouthfuls.

Then he laughed, his face full of pride.

Hardy was smiling and applauding.

But in my heart, I was like, ‘Hey! So disgusting’ expression.

On the second day of the hand-to-hand combat competition, someone from the Jeanne family came and brought legal documents.

But the person who came was no longer Ainoline, but an old man who looked like a lion's head.

"Enolin said you are very powerful." The old man circled Hardy two or three times. He put his hands behind his back and looked very majestic: "But I can't see that besides being more handsome than ordinary people, He doesn’t seem to have much ability.”

Hardy smiled: "For me, this is already a very good compliment. Old gentleman, I wouldn't mind if you named me the most handsome man in France."

The soldiers at the back of the camp burst out laughing.

This is not ridicule, but approval.

Hardy's reputation in the army is very high. First of all, the Hardy family is known to be a good family.

Secondly, he was very disciplined in his work. Before recruiting troops, he would tell him how many grains he would get, and he would get that amount and never make any deductions.

The food in the army is also good. Although they don't have slices of meat for every meal, the hard bread is enough.

The soldiers didn't ask for much. They just wanted money to be given on time and enough food to fill their stomachs.

Moreover, Hardy himself is handsome. When he is in a high position, his outstanding appearance will amplify his charm.

Modern sociology has proven this point of view.

Therefore, Hardy's leadership is actually very strong.

The old man frowned: "Although he is a bit glib, confidence is also an advantage. When you enter the city after three o'clock in the afternoon, Victor will take you into our castle and take over the guard work of some areas."

"No problem." Hardy nodded and continued the matter: "Then the logistics supply will be left to the Jeanne family."

The old man snorted: "Don't worry, you won't be hungry."

After that, he left in a carriage.

A middle-aged man and several guards were left behind.

"Hello, I'm Victor." The middle-aged man also has a 'lion-headed' appearance: "I'll take you into the royal city in a while. There are a few things you need to pay attention to first..."

After he explained some of the regulations and contents of entering the city, he said with a smile: "Please send my sister back to the royal city. According to what she said, if you hadn't escorted her all the way, she might not have been able to come back."


The Lion Faction has already sent people to block Mrs. Sissi.

Although it is said that surrendering nobles will not be killed casually on the frontal battlefield due to unspoken rules, private assassinations still occur from time to time.

"It turns out to be Uncle Victor. You are handsome and handsome." Since the other party showed goodwill, Hardy followed the stick. As for social interaction, when necessary, he can show off his awesome side: "This is What I should do is that Aunt Sissi took good care of our Hardy family when we were in Hexi County. Moreover, Karina and I are also close friends, and her mother is half of my mother."

Hardy was actually a little 'afraid' of Karina, the top-quality green tea.

She did things so unexpectedly that even now, Hardy still feels deeply traumatized by her green tea kiss.

Damn it, a girl was tied up and forcefully kissed. Is this justified?

Victor smiled and said: "No wonder Sissi trusts you so much. Mother also appreciates you very much, and even specially designated an area in the manor for you to station."

Generally speaking, if mercenaries from outside come, the nobles will place them near their own troops for surveillance.

But Elinor directly allowed Hardy to enter the manor, which showed that she already had enough trust in them.

It seems that the previous goodwill was not wasted.

Hardy was extremely satisfied. After entering the royal city, the favorability of all members of the Jeanna family would have to be refreshed.

Try to make it as convenient as possible.

Moreover, Madame Sissi's favorability needs to be improved. She should be the next de facto leader of the Jeanne family.

Of course, it should be Bishop Abelon.

As long as you have a good relationship with the Saint Sect, you can do a lot of things in the royal city. It shouldn't be difficult to find out who is targeting the Hardy family.

Hardy's smile is very cheerful and bright.

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