The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 498 You are younger than her

The carriage was lurching forward.

This was a modified traveling carriage, with the seats removed and a very light and soft animal skin carpet laid inside.

You can sit or lie down naturally.

Egwene was flushed and covered with a blanket, but she slept soundly.

The road from Louisian County to King Boris City has been specially repaired by Hardy.

The road was hardened, four lanes wide, and the horse-drawn carriage drove on it with almost no shaking.

Hardy was sitting aside, holding a magical illusion in his hand.

It's a black steel version of the evil eye. It doesn't have so many skin wrinkles on the outside, but it doesn't have those extra little evil eyes either.

Full metal casing, showing domineering.

The evil eye is called the evil eye because it has a huge eyeball on the front.

But in Hardy's design, the eyeball disappeared and turned into a huge round hole filled with layers of magic circles.

Hardy input some magic power into it, and the black hole in the middle of the illusion shot out a purple charged beam, which was extremely huge.

This is the ‘Evil Eye’ outer body designed by Hardy.

An evil eye that better suits your needs.

It's not so much an evil eye as it is a floating magic machine.

This is the first version of the look that Hardy designed in the past two days.

After all, it was transferred from the Nightmare Knight form, and many of the Nightmare Knight's characteristics could not be removed immediately.

For example, the body has become like a steamed bun, very bloated, but the 'head' has not disappeared and is embedded in the front and top.

Then the four legs of the nightmare did not disappear and turned into the shape of landing gear, but they looked a bit short.

So it looked like a 'steamed bun' with four short legs and a small head.

Looks silly and naive.

But that's just how small images feel when they appear.

If this thing were enlarged to a height of seven or eight meters and a body width of about ten meters, anyone who saw this thing would only be afraid.

Instead of thinking it's silly.

On the contrary, I feel that being silly is its characteristic.

In the past few days, besides chatting and making out with Ewen, Hardy has been studying the new form of the Nightmare Knight.

The ability of magic illusion was also learned by him and Aina.

The Evil Eye clan is very good at illusions.

Not only can it cast negative illusions on the enemy, but it can also create positive and useful illusions for itself.

The magic of this palm-held scene is an extended application of illusion.

The magic machine in the palm fell apart after ejecting a beam of light.

Hardy shook his head and closed his left hand.

This was already the fourteenth time his experiment had failed.

I don't know what went wrong, but the steel body I designed would always be scrapped after one attack.

I have never been able to find the reason.

As a result, he was unusually agitated.

"After all, I still suffered the loss of not having a magical culture." Hardy sighed softly.

Although his basic theory is now quite solid, the application of higher-level magic theory is still not good.

The biggest manifestation of the application of magic theory is that you can change the magic according to your needs to make it more suitable for you.

Although Patience's combat ability is average, she can improve magic for her own use.

Her main research subjects are alchemical potions and the study of nightmare knights.

When she was still a princess, although she didn't have much money, she was able to mutate many plants by improving magic, creating many conditions for her alchemy and solving many difficulties.

As for the research on the Nightmare Knight, she now knows more about it than anyone else.

After all, she has all the data on every part of Hardy's body.

Hardy felt the irritability in his heart, so he closed his eyes and began to meditate.

Meditation is a mandatory ability for the caster.

It can speed up the magic power and quickly clear away distracting thoughts, allowing you to reshape your current concentration.

The carriage drove for a while, and Hardy, who was still meditating, faintly heard the roar of people ahead.

The destination is almost here.

Hardy opened his eyes and pushed Ewen next to him.

Ewen blinked and opened her eyes drowsily. When she saw Hardy, she turned over and hugged him.

"Are we going to start again?" Yiwen was not awake yet, she said coquettishly: "I'm very tired, how about next time."

She is just an ordinary woman, not a succubus, so of course she cannot be Hardy's opponent.

Along the way, she barely had much waking time.

Either he is distracted or he is sleeping.

To her, these ten days seemed to pass in the blink of an eye.

"We're almost at our destination, you have to get up and dress up."

Hearing this, Egwene woke up suddenly.

She sat up immediately and the room was filled with joy.

Then she opened the small box next to her, took out a clean dress, and changed it in front of Hardy.

Then he opened the window of the carriage, looked out for a while, then pulled back and breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, I haven't entered the city yet, and I haven't been hit by anyone else."

Hardy laughed when he saw her like this.

Egwene immediately leaned into Hardy's arms: "After the offensive and defensive alliance contract is completed, I will move my property to Louisian County... You have to be responsible for helping me find a better place to live. "

"No problem." Hardy smiled.

Louisian County is very large, and there are several vacant properties under his name that are currently unoccupied.

There is absolutely no problem in giving one place to Yiwen.

"By the way, Queen Sissi is beautiful, isn't she?" Yiwen suddenly became nervous: "What should I pay attention to when meeting her? I'm a little nervous."

Hardy thought for a moment and said, "Just stay normal."

Yi Wen rolled her eyes at him and said: "To put it simply. Queen Sissi is one of the prides of all us women. When she was in danger, she promoted you and saved the entire Jeanne family. After that, the government became harmonious, and in just two years This has completely stabilized France's political environment. She is very talented. You don't know how much I admire her."

Uh... Hardy was quite speechless in his heart.

Sure enough, distance produces beauty.

Only Hadi knew that Queen Sissi actually didn’t know much about political matters.

The main reason why she can securely sit on the throne now is that the Jeanna family has a strong foundation.

The second is Hardy’s great help.

He has been exchanging letters with her, teaching her how to manage political affairs and describing the benefits and drawbacks of the current political environment.

Teach her to make choices.

Otherwise, with Queen Sissi's ability, Francie would have been in chaos long ago.

Of course... to a certain extent, her ability to catch Hardy is also a rare skill.

Seeing that Hardy still had a plain look on her face, Ewen shrugged helplessly: "Well, you are her retainer, so it is normal that you are not afraid of her. I heard that she is very beautiful, is that true?"

Hardy nodded.

"Am I beautiful, or is she beautiful?" Yiwen suddenly asked.

"You are young." Hardy smiled.

Ewen nodded with satisfaction.

But when I think about it casually, this doesn't sound right.

Am I just young?

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