The Black Knight from the Blue Planet

Chapter 505 You can still invite foreign aid

Regarding Hardy, Jeanne's family has always been 'worried'.

I'm worried that Hadi's relationship with Jeanne's family will gradually fade away, and I'm worried that as time goes by, Hadi will become a familiar stranger.

The so-called feelings need to be maintained.

But... there is no way for the Jeanna family to retain Hardy's feelings.

Things like money and power can be obtained with Hardy's ability without leaving Jeanne's house.

Karina was originally a good marriage partner, and Hardy liked Karina very much.

But Karina followed the hero.

Although it is rumored that Hardy loves Karina very much, no matter how deep the relationship is, without any contact, it will gradually decrease over time.

At least Dora only suspected Hardy and Sissi's unclear relationship, and he had no evidence.

Only occasionally he could see the flash of tenderness when his daughter looked at Hardy.

Of course, he was just guessing, and he didn't dare to think that his feeling was right.

So when he saw his eldest granddaughter yesterday, he had an idea.

Feels like finding a way to continue a long-term relationship with Hardy.

Hardy originally wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he really needed a 'tie' with the Jeanne family to maintain his relationship.

Mainly for the sake of Anjanna's family.

Moreover, this Serena looked at him expectantly, so he smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, Hardy took Selina and left the royal city.

Although Salina is leaving her parents, she is very happy.

Because when she first saw Hardy, she liked him very much.

The kind that falls in love at first sight.

She originally thought that she would have a sweet love next, the kind of love between you and me.

As a result...she first watched the battle between Hardy and Ewene with her mouth open.

Then he was affected, and he was in darkness.

When he finally woke up, he was already in Louisian County.

And in front of him, stood two very beautiful women.

Tiana and Dove.

She stroked her forehead and asked, "Where's Hardy, what day is it?"

"Hardy is handling government affairs in the study." Tiana squinted her emerald eyes with a smile: "It's the twenty-seventh now."

"Twenty-seventh?" Selina was stunned for a while before reacting: "Wait, thirteen days have passed?"

She stroked her forehead violently. During this period of time, her memory was very little.

There is only endless joy, eating, cleansing, sleeping, joy again... and so on.

Very happy, very happy, time seems to be meaningless.

Dove clicked her tongue next to her: "What a poor kid. Hardy is getting stronger and stronger. Ordinary women can no longer satisfy him at all."

That's right, Ewen and Serena are just ordinary girls.

Others are professionals, even Queen Sissi is a professional, a priest.

Even if they can't 'beat' Hardy, they can still reduce Hardy's physical strength.

Ordinary women have almost no power to fight in front of Hardy.

Seeing Dove's sympathetic eyes, Serena was a little confused.

Tiana smiled and said: "We are also Hardi women. He handed you over to us and asked us to train you well."

Serena pursed her lips and asked, "Does he not want me anymore?"

"That's not true." Tiana laughed: "All of us can be of help to Hadi. Even the youngest Gui Wenir is working hard to learn how to deal with government affairs. Naturally, you can't be idle. "

Selina felt that the two women in front of her were so beautiful and kind. Even they were helping Hadi with things, so naturally she couldn't be left behind.

"What can I learn?" she asked.

"Are you literate already?"

Serena nodded.

Although Peter's family was not very wealthy before, it could still afford to provide for several children to become literate.

"Then be like us and become the Silver Moon Witch." Tiana lifted Serena's chin and looked left and right: "No wonder she has been pampered by Hardy for more than ten days, and she really looks like a certain person."

Almost all players who have watched the CG plot know Karina, and naturally know what the meaning of Sarina's appearance here means.

"Even the names are similar. The Jeanna family are really willing to sacrifice their own money to maintain a relationship with Hadi." Dove smiled, and there was a hint of envy in her words: "I really want to be pampered for more than ten days in a row. ah."

Tiana Bai Dove glanced at her, then smiled at Serena: "Do you think Hardy likes you more? If so, become the Silver Moon Witch and we will teach you."

Serena nodded without hesitation.

Although there is no sweet love, this kind of rough and direct fighting method that goes straight to the soul is actually more likely to make women sink.

At this time, Hadi was in the study and said to Petola: "Send a letter to all the territorial city lords and town mayors, telling them that from now on, the Hadi family will be fully prepared for war. Everything will focus on hoarding war supplies. Everything is secondary."

Petola nodded.

Even if Hardy doesn't give this order, she will bring it up in a few days.

"In addition, all territorial nobles are allowed to expand the maximum number of soldiers they can recruit to about twice the limit of their own title, if the economy allows."

Petola wrote it down again.

"Then, continue to improve the treatment of the undead army, and the base salary will be increased by 20%." Hardy said calmly: "Tell them that they will confront their companions in the future. If they don't want to, they can do it now." You can leave the army.”

Most players don't like PK very much.

The reason is simple, the loss is too great.

After players form an army, they will be crushed against NPCs. Occasionally there will be casualties, which is bad luck.

But when fighting against players... it means there is a win or loss for each other.

The more times you fight, the more times you die, the more experience you will lose.

The level will drop dramatically.

This is unacceptable to many players.

Therefore, vaccination is required in advance.

Petola understood.

At this time, a Silver Moon Witch walked in outside, she was also a player and she was very beautiful.

"Sir Hardy, there is information from the north that the demons are taking action against the Three Kingdoms of the Sea of ​​Rhodes."

Hardy's face was startled, and then he raised his eyelids: "Why so fast!"

Petola also looked quite surprised.

The Three Kingdoms of the Sea of ​​Rhodes refer to the three small countries south of Kievan Rus.

There is a strait entrance there, forming an inland sea called the Rhodes Inland Sea.

The three kingdoms were established around the inland sea. Although they were three countries, their humanities were almost the same, so they were generally called the Three Kingdoms of the Sea of ​​Rhodes.

Hardy leaned back on the chair and gently rubbed his forehead: "We have to go faster. Although I don't know why the demons digested the power of Kievan Rus so quickly this time, the Three Kingdoms of Rhodes cannot stop it. How long have the demons been around?"

Petola said sternly: "I will follow up on this matter. In addition... Hardy, if the demons can invite foreign aid, we can actually do it too."

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